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Approved Species Viatori

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A typical older Viatori - made by SaturnoArg.

Name: Viatori

Biological classification
Designation: Sentient
Classification: Mammal (simian) - Near-Human
Races: Races determined by skin colour, similar to humans.

Physical characteristics
Average height of adults: 1.9 metres.
Skin colour: Pale to brown, blue.
Hair color: Blonde, brown, black, red, white, green.
Average Lifespan: ~300 standard years.
Breathes: Type I

A typical Viatori - made by miyumon.

Sociocultural Characteristics
Homeworld: Via.
Language: Fabula.

Descriptive Information
  • Higher Chronological Lifespan - a trait which makes them different from typical humans is the longer lifespan. While humans are known for living for about 120 years or more for Force-Sensitives, Viatori may live up to 300 years and Force-Sensitive ones even longer.
  • Natural Psychometric Abilities - as many Near-Humans are known for their natural extra abilities, Viatori have a natural psychometric ability. As a weakness, though, they start with the potential of having it and to actually use it, they have to learn it the way Force-Sensitives do.
  • Human Strengths
  • Find Beauty - Viatori see the world differently and thus, a simple thing like a little stone or sunshine can be extremely beautiful in the eyes of them. They are able to turn such simple things into artistic masterpieces.
  • Accepting, Peaceful - Viatori have a completely discrimination-free society and it also makes them a lot more peaceful as there is no need to fight.
  • Tough Skin - the skin of Viatori is more dense and thus, tougher than a normal human skin. Any kind of blade would have to be extremely sharp to cut through the skin.
  • Faster Aging - while Viatori can live up to 300 years, they age faster than humans and thus, a 100 who would be, logically thinking, biologically 40 years old, is actually like a 60 year old person. However, when a human would die when being too old, Viatori can live on, no matter how bad their condition is, until they are about 300 years old. This does, though, make them very weak during their last 50 years of living.
  • Lower FU to NFU rate - Viatori are known as having a far lower chance of being Force-Sensitive than typical humans.
  • Human Weaknesses
  • Shy - these few ones who have met Viatori can say, that they were really shy, almost never making any contact with others unless they knew who they were. This, however leads to another paradox of not getting to know anyone because of not knowing others. This is why this species has decided to live a nomadic life. (this weakness can be circumvented as only the majority of Viatori are shy)
  • Blind - Viatori are all born as blind. Force-Sensitives, however, can learn to see through the Force and some rare members of this species are known for starting to see when they reach a certain point in life. This, though, happens nearly never.
  • Anti-Alcohol - Viatori can't consume alcohol at all as it is extremely poisonous for them. Even 100 millilitres of an alcoholic drink could end up with the death of a member of this species.

Akhund the Great, one of the first leaders of the unified people of Viatori - made by Zeronis.

Distinctions: Viatori are nearly like humans, but they have some differences. For instance, they have natural psychometric abilities which have to be practised to become a master in it, they live longer than humans, their skin is more dense, biologically, they age faster, they are blind, and can't consume any alcohol. Otherwise, they are just like normal humans. What makes their appearance different from humans is, that their eyes are most of the time completely white without an iris or a pupil. That has caused them to be blind and only the few rare ones who are born with the 'typical' eyes have the chance to see in the future. Also, it should be noted, that Viatori tend to have longer than average hair for both sexes. The fact, that their hair grows about 2 times faster as an average human's couldn't be considered as neither a strength nor a weakness, but it sets them aside from other near-human species.

Every Viatori also has an unique tattoo. They start as a little dot when the member of this species is but a bare baby. The tattoo could start from anywhere. As they grow older, the tattoo grows, but only until the person reaches adult age. It typically gets about 10 cm wide or a bit longer in some cases and it could be everywhere, like already mentioned: it could be under their hair, it could be on a stomach, on a chest, on arms, on legs, even in the sensitive parts... The tattoo is black in colour and its shape is believed to show the future of the person, at least according to the beliefs of Viatori. Its growth could be described by but one thing - the Force. It is similar to the Mark of Darkness which the Sith use, but doesn't require to be applied as it is already a natural part of Viatori.

Diet: Mostly same as humans, but it has been acknowledged, that they can't consume alcohol. Viatori from a location from the southern hemisphere can't consume any kind of milk, either.
Communication: Verbal, written, holocommunication.

For and outsider, Via may seem like a strange planet due to the nomadic, yet governmental society of Viatori. The government which controls the natives is not strictly staying the same for eternity, but it is constantly changing, like the planet as a whole. The singular state of Via - the Quasque Nation - may be a complete anarchy one day, yet for example, after five years, it may be ruled by a strict hand of a powerful dictator. Most of the times, the previous government gives the power to a completely new government and thus, most of the times the whole system of government changes, but the overall theocracy remains. In much rarer cases, the change of government is hostile, including minor fighting. As the type of the government changes often, its members do the same. The way it works is relatively crazy and is frowned upon by the rest of the galaxy, but it has been that way for centuries, if not even for millenniums.

The nomads of Via are often seen as cold-hearted; as people who don't care. It is not true, though, and this way of thinking may come but because of the nomadic lifestyle and carefree life of Viatori. In fact, they are very empathic and accepting as the planet has never seen a single major war yet. These 'wars' are not actually wars in the galactic standard sense, but they are more like a considerable amount of people just arguing with each other. This accepting manner has made them achieve one thing: discrimination-free society. One could do basically anything and others accept it. But nothing is perfect. This acceptance has caused too much freedom and thus, sometimes people who are too anarchic may do stupid things like thievery or murdering somebody.

Viatori, interesting because of their always changing lives and discrimination-free society, can be even weirder. As typically, a person either believes in one faith which involves god(s) of some kind, or in the Force, Viatori are interesting due to the fact, that they have faith in both religions. In their opinion, there is one god who is made by the Force which is an unifying power and a powerful tool of the god. The powerful 'being' is known by the name of Auctor the Supreme and is often protrayed as a long-bearded man who rides on a white horse, holds the Scyphum Autem Spei, the national artifact of Viatori, and shows the way towards paradise. This is is actually just one way to portray him and not a single rule states, that it has to be portrayed like this.

But how is the Force training done, then? Well, young Force-Sensitives, when found, are brought to the Temple of Silence where they start studying the ways of the Force. Interestingly, Viatori do not use lightsabers, but swords made of Tabula, and are trained to use their own sword as a part of themselves, yet at the same time, as a friend who has to be protected. Viatori are not limited to one side of the Force. Just like other people, they can turn to the Dark Side or to the Light Side or stay neutral. In the Temple, they only study the Force and never tell the students which way they have to choose.

A huge part of the culture of Viatori is made up by collecting. As most of the natives of Via are nomads, they tend to take souvenirs with them and many older nomads already have a tent full of relics and artifacts they have found. But Viatori do not only collect goods from places they have been to, but they also order artifacts from other planets. One of these ordered artifacts is Scyphum Autem Spei, which was ordered from the finest artisans of Coruscant to represent the greatness of the dual god system (the artifact resembles the Force).

Technology Level: Viatori are actually very modern and most of their technology is on par with the rest of the galaxy. Only the Antiquus City is kept to resemble the old ages (medieval in our sense) for cultural reasons.

Remia the Unifier, the young ruler who connected the two people of Viatori once again - made by Greg-Opalinski.

General Behaviour:
Viatori, the only sentient inhabitants of Via, are not at all as social as they may seem. Even though they have governments and massive societies, they are mostly shy and tend to mentally and emotionally isolate themselves from other people, even if they live in a huge city like Antiquus City is. When meeting a stranger, a Viatori is silent, mostly afraid to talk to the stranger, and only make contact with them when they start talking to him. It has been acknowledged, that it takes at least a month of daily meetings and doing activities together for a member of the species to consider a stranger as an acquaintance and even longer to get any kind of closer relationship.

Viatori, like often mentioned, are accepting and kind. Whenever they meet a 'different' person who is not always socially accepted in the galaxy, they don't ignore them or treat them in a strange manner, but they see them just as they are: people who are only a bit different.

Most of these species are nomads. Many people take on long journeys to see all kinds of places and to be alone for some time. Not a single person has been written into a certain house or into a certain location, but they are free to move whenever they want to. This always changing society is not always accepted by other people as it has been noted, that during these recent times when the planet of this species was discovered, most of the "tourists" leave the planet with a negative expression as it is "too quickly changing" and "the least organized thing ever seen".

In fact, Viatori are organized. They are natural collectors who collect relics and antiquities and keep them very organized. Also, during the times when a government reigns, everything is kept track of. Every single change which is big enough in the society is written down in the national supreme "epic" which resides in the Memoria Museum.

Viatori also care a lot about culture and history. They have their own holidays, though not as grand as in other places in the galaxy, but they are extremely sensitive when it comes to arts. Their own cultural capital is full of beautiful museums, music halls, academies, etc. which serve one purpose: to give the planet's inhabitants more and more culture.

Like already mentioned in various places (though not directly), Viatori are typically pacifists. Only but a very low percentage (<1%) of the overall population of the species has publicly announced, that they don't find beauty in complete peace. They use the Force not to make war or get rid of war, but they use it as a part of making culture or as a tool. Either way, almost none of them want to make anybody else feel bad or hurt them.

The sentient life (cultural life) on Via is estimated to have started at about 1,500 BBY, which means, that the planet and the species of Via are relatively young when compared to the rest of the galaxy. Before the cultural beginning of Viatori, they had existed for thousands of years and the date when life on the planet begun is still unknown to natives. The first cultural life began on a place now known as Antiquus City where people who had lived in caves there started building real homes and developing real culture. The rest of the planet quickly followed the way of them and quickly, the whole world was highly cultural. The technology of the planet, however, was still very primitive.

Antiquus City was quickly followed up by Domus, which was the second city to be made and now the fourth most important place on the planet. The creation of it was started in 1,459 BBY, at least according to the documents which the library of Domus hosts. The central government was still not former and most of the planet was primitive.

As time passed and culture developed, technological advancement became noticeable. Quickly, the planet became about as advanced as the rest of the galaxy, as one of the first starships found on the planet was made by a native nomad in 24 ABY. This fast advancement is not found to be logical and some suggest, that it had been either caused by Celestials or there was another power which guided these primitive souls. They themselves believe it was the will of their sole god, but there is no actual way to prove anybody right as there is no documentation of that period of circa 500 years when the technology of Via powerfully enhanced.

The Gulag Plague didn't hit the planet due to isolation, yet they have had their own ups and downs. One of these downs took place in 537 ABY when an unknown virus destroyed nearly half of the planet's population. The times of depression it caused lasted even until the beginning of 702 ABY.

A central government had been made a long time ago, supposedly during the times when this phenomenon of technological advancement took place. The ways of changing the government very often had started taking place from the very beginning and every over years, the percentage of people who have been a member of the government rose.

One of the most powerful 'wars' took place in 753 ABY when some people realized, that there is no way the Force could exist. As culture was really important to Viatori, the two sides (one which supported the god and the other one which supported the Force) decided to break the bonds between the two and turn into two nations. And so it happened, that in 754, there were to countries on the planet. They were constantly arguing with each other for nearly five years, but then a young ruler of the god-believing country suggested, that maybe they could find a compromise. And so both of the sides agreed with each other, that there is the god who was made by the Force and that today, the god uses the Force as a tool.

Without any other major events, the planet has reached the current time and is ready to take on the chaos of this galaxy.

Notable Player-Characters: None yet.
Intent: To give the forum a new species to play with and also some new hopefully interesting story ideas.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Looking it over right now, one question comes to mind. The tattoos grow themselves, but how does that exactly work? The Force? or something entirely different?

[member="Maria Zambrano"]
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