Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Armor

Out of Armor

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Full Name: Unknown
Pronunciation: N/A
Alias: VI-2709, 'Vi'.
Marital Status: Bachelorette
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Faction: First Order
Rank: Private

Species: Human
Culture Affiliation: First Order
Religious Views: Atheist.
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"/1.6 meters
Weight: 129 lbs/58 kilograms
Eye: Pale blue
Skin: Caucasian
Hair: Pink (Dyed)
Scars: Vi's body is covered in scars from her brutal training.
Tattoos: Insignia of the First Order on her shoulders, the insignia of the White Wolves on her back, and the letters VI on her left cheek.
Force Sensitive: Nope.
Voice Sample:
Theme Song:

Birth Date: 825 ABY
Current Age: 19 standard years.
Homeplanet: Tattooine
Death Date: N/A
Age At Death: N/A
Death Place: N/A
Resting Place: N/A
Manner of Death: N/A
Final Words: N/A

Mother- Unknown
Father- Unknown



Background and Biography
Early Years

The story of stormtrooper VI-2709 begins in Mos Eisley, on the desolate and dismal planet of Tattooine. Born to unknown residents, VI-2709 spent her first few days of life in the loving embrace of her biological parents.
Until the First Order came.
On the hunt for new recruits, they stole the infant from the arms of her parents, spiriting her away to Dosuun with several of other children, where they would be raised to be remorseless killers for the First Order.
She spent those first couple years in a nursery, with no matronly love or attention apart from a medical robot that ensured she didn't die.
As a toddler, VI-2709 and the other children were constantly exposed to First Order propaganda and brainwashing material, instilling a deep loyalty to the First Order within them. VI-2709 reacted much like the other children, feeling great pride to be included in such a good cause.

That loyalty was tested as the physical training began.
Blasters, hand-to-hand, tactics, environmental conditioning, she was forced to go through it all. Though she was apprehensive at first, VI-2709 soon proved herself to be more than capable. She blew through the exercises with ease, leaving her fellow trainees in the dust. Her overseers and peers were impressed, though they expressed concerns that 2709 showed enhanced signs of individuality than the others. As a result, VI spent much more time in the education centers than her peers.

Teenage Years
Though extremely capable, in her teenage years, VI-2709, or 'Vi' as she was known to her fellow stormtroopers, came to have a reputation as a troublemaker. She was frequently seen having 'inappropriate relations' with her fellow stormtroopers, dyed her hair bright pink (No one knows where she got the dye to this day), and picked fights. Constantly.
It was these violations of conduct that kept the stormtrooper from promotion or leadership positions, and at the bottom as a grunt. It was during this time that Vi got several tattoos showing pride for the First Order, so they were allowed. Continuing her training, Vi continued to show exceptional ability and desire to excel in the art of combat, especially close quarters combat. The sheer bloodlust in Vi's eyes when she got close to her enemy disturbed her overseers, and her file was forever stamped 'exceptional, but unstable'.

Finally, when she reached adulthood, VI-2709 was assigned to a combat unit: the 501st White Wolves.
Excited to spill blood in the name of the First Order, Vi eagerly awaited her first battle, her insatiable bloodlust begging to finally be quenched.

Personality and Traits
Though she was brainwashed repeatedly as a child, VI-2709 has managed to hold onto her personality.
It's main features are a desire to spill as much blood as possible, and indulge almost every desire her body experiences.
Vi's desire for violence leads to her killing every possible enemy, showing absolutely no mercy; her superiors often have to call her off the enemy to prevent total slaughter.
Vi especially enjoys close quarters combat, expressing a desire to look her enemy in the eye as they die. Outside of combat or sex, Vi has little interest in others, preferring to keep to herself.

-First Order training since birth has left VI-2709 with impeccable instincts on the battlefield.
-Vi's body is in peak physical condition, and she maintains this with constant exercises.
-Vi is talented and enthusiastic for close quarters combat.

-Vi has little experience with the Force, and if confronted with it's users, is at a disadvantage.
-Her focus on close quarters has left Vi with lacking skills in combat at extreme ranges.

Sibar Laval

[member="Ricochet"] [member="VI-2709"]

White Wolves count-Somewhere in the ten's

11th incinerator squadron count- One (Me)


[member="Sibar Laval"]
You'll get there!~ Keep up your exposure and it'll happen promise!~

Love your out of armor playby!~ Welcome to the First Order!~ AND WELCOME TO THE 501ST WHITE WOLVES SOLDIER!~

I shall add you to the Stormtrooper Master List and feel free to hop into our latest thread and first dominion thread HERE

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