Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vhysis Labs


Corporation Name: Vhysis Labs

Headquarters: Agamar

Locations: Agamar

Operations: Pharmaceuticals

Rationale: Zef Halo's long career of smuggling and pillaging as a Mandalorian earlier had him accumulate a lot of wealth. Enough wealth to start a small pharmaceutical company with currently only one product for sale. The product after which the company is named - Chill Pill. The factory for the product he won over on a game of sabacc.

Tier: Tier II

Vhysis Labs began as Chill Pill Industries, headed by Joza Perl’s father (Zef Halo who) won the rights to the company in a game of sabacc. Chill Pill Industries produced and sold one product en masse—the Chill Pill, a drug designed to ease pain and reduce feelings of anger and stress. With the success of the Chill Pill, the company was able to break even and enjoy financial stability. As time went on, Zef passed the ownership of Chill Pill Industries to Joza, who renamed it to Vhysis Labs. Despite the name change and new leadership, Vhysis Labs intends to continue manufacturing pharmaceuticals and expand beyond the Chill Pill. Safe and legal drugs are this company’s main priority, including stimulants and combat enhancers. Questionable substances (poisons, experimental drugs) are produced in a very limited in quantity, and are not publically advertised.

Owner: Joza Perl

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Modification Made: Passing the company's ownership to Joza Perl, Zef's daughter.
Rationale: OOCly, I've been doing nothing with it for...ever. ICly, Zef's helping out his daughter by giving her a job that does not involve swinging lightsabers and can generate good income to support raising her child.
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Star Wars Canon:<br />
Pending initial review<br />
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Starwars Chaos:<br />
Pending initial review<br />
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Pending initial review<br />
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Pending Initial review<br />
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Pending Inital review</p>

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