Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vengence ain't joyfull.

Adam Sergo chuckled as he sat at his desk, watching the security cameras. He laughed as he watched the monitor, witnessing a dead prisoner being carried off to the infirmary. "I love this job! Nothing like seeing your own work on video!" He mumbled to himself, before noticing a prisoner in the mess hall. "All guards in the mess-hall, that Wookiee prisoner in the corner, bring 'em out into the hallway and kill him. It'll be easy just electrocute 'em with your stun sticks and tell the prisoners that he was attacked by a rival gang in the prison. That wookiee insulted me last week, ya know", He radioed in. He then watched joyfully as four guards in the mess-hall got the message and headed over to the wookiee prisoner who had insulted Adam. They grabbed the prisoner, dragging him out into the hall and slamming the door shut. Adam burst out in laughter, as he watched the guards knock the wookiee to it's knees and continue to electrocute him until he fell to the ground, lifeless.

[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"Adam has gone insane Lion." Jaycob said his friend who was a lieutenant.

The Warden has been corrupted by greed.

"Yes I know, he told some of the guards last week to execute a prisoner just for asking how long his sentence was." Lion said.

Jaycob was annoyewith the Warden.

Just then their comms went off.

"All guards in the mess-hall, that Wookiee prisoner in the corner, bring 'em out into the hallway and kill him. It'll be easy just electrocute 'em with your stun sticks and tell the prisoners that he was attacked by a rival gang in the prison. That wookiee insulted me last week, ya know" adam said.

"Bloody hell, you see what I mean Lion?" Jaycob said.

"Oh well, lets go walk to corridors. " lion said.

Walking the corridors, a few had seen Lion's Red paint on his armour, they saluted him while the two of them walked on.

"Block A, any prisoners eating." Lion asked they replied no.

The two continued to walk around.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
"Eh, ya see that Hammerhead in Cellblock C? Take 'em and do the same thing you did to the wookiee. Make 'em beg though, make his death slow!" He said, joy taking over his voice. "[member="Jaycob Lynx"], you see that Correlian right beside ya? Take him and do the same thing I told the others to do! Make him suffer real bad, alright?" He asked, watching as the other guards easily murdered the old Ithorian in Cellblock C. He let out a maniacal laugh as he removed a cigarette and lit it. "Jaycob, kill that prisoner!" He shouted, inhaling the smoke.

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"He's out of control Jay!" Lion said to Jaycob

Jaycob clenched his fists.

"I know." Jaycob said to Lion

"AAdam I am coming to you, I cant stand for corruption by the hands of you." He said into his comm.

"Lion, lets go see the Warden." Jaycob said.

"You got it captain." Lion said.

They went through the corridors then stopped they were almost to the Wardens office, hopefully nothing bad happens.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
"JAYCOB, KILL THAT FETHING PRISONER! DO YOU FETHING HEAR ME?" He shouted into his comm, angrily. "LOCK DOWN THE FETHING PRISON, EVERYONE!" He shouted into his comm, extinguishing his cigarette in his ash-tray. "HEY, LISTEN TO ME! [member="Jaycob Lynx"] IS DISOBEYING ORDERS AND IS ATTEMPTING TO ATTACK ME, ALL PERSONAL ARE ORDERED TO FIRE UPON LIEUTENANT LYNX AND LIEUTENANT LION!" He shouted in the comm, broadcasting it through out the prison.

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"We'd better hurry Jay." Lion said, they went down the hall before they were stopped.

There were five gguards blocking there way.

They turned and three more were behind them.

"We're in deep trouble Lion." Jaycob said. The guards moved forward.

"Brother's, are you really going to listen to that tyrant?" Jaycob said.

"It's our job Lieutenant. Take em downd to the cell block." The captain of the small group said.

They grabbed Jaycob and Lion then dragged them to a empty cell and threw them in without weapons.

"Bloody fantastic lion, how we going to get out now?" Jaycob said.

"Lets wait for our fantastic Warden," he said sarcastically.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
"Yes, yes, yes! No, even better...kill them! Use the stun sticks on 'em! Do it, now!" He said into the comm, laughing. "Kill 'em! Do it, now!" He shouted into the comm, leaning back into his chair. "Maybe you'll learn you should respect your superiors, yeah?" He asked, chuckling rather loudly. "[member="Jaycob Lynx"], I should've never even considered putting you in 'ere! You and your friend don't respect me! You didn't think I'd notice...insultin' me behind my fething back!" He said, his madness taking over.

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
Jaycob got up "Adam if your smart you'd face me, but I guess your too ignorant to do it." He said into his comm.

"Good job draw him out." Lion said.

The guards came in with the shock sticks, when they tried to attack Lion and Jaycob pushed them to the side of the wall, they dropped the shock sticks. Jaycob and Lion took them then closed the cell door.

"Cmon Adam, you want me dead come and get me." Jaycob said before running to another hall that was empty. They looked at the camrea and said.

"Come on!"

[member="Adam Sergo"]
He stared at the camera in disbelief, feeling a bit of fear run up his spine. At the moment, Adam was unarmed and was quite defenseless. He stood there, staring into the camera, slowly removing his helmet. "All guards...I require assistance. Lieutenant Lynx and Lieutenant Lion have attacked a squad...I need-" He was interrupted as his communications were suddenly set off. "NO!" He shouted, slamming his fist into the wall. "NO, NO, NO, FETHING NO!" He shouted, jumping out of his seat. He slowly removed his armory keys, letting out a sigh. He quickly ran over to his office door, unlocking it and running outside. As he made his way through the prison, he accidently made a wrong turn, stopping right in front of [member="Jaycob Lynx"]. "N-no!" He stuttered, slowly stepping backwards.

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
They walked a bit forward then Adam appeared.

He stepped back, he looked a bit scared.

"What's a matter Adam, scared of two clones?" Lion said with a laugh.
Jaycob took off his helmet, his short crew cut hair and his scar across his eye showed.

"Cmon Adam attack me." He said before latching his shock stick to his belt.

Lion llaughed.

"I'll go get Captain Parrish from the mess, maybe we'll have a little bet."

He said before running off.

A few minutes later he came back with a man who had no helmet and blue striped armour.

"I bet 250 credits Adam cries for mommy." Parrish said.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
Adam was actually quite terrified, he never really fought before. He was simply a bootlick, relying on people above his rank to assist him. "N-no! No please!" He said, accidently tripping and falling to the ground. "NO! OBEY YOUR ORDERS, JAYCOB! STAND DOWN, DO YOU HEAR ME? I SAID FETHING STAND DOWN!" He shouted, terror in his voice. "STAND DOWN!" He shouted once again, too frightened to climb to his feet.

[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"I don't take orders from tyrants." Jaycob said.

"Now stand up and fight me!" Jaycob said.

H was tired of the Warden.

Lion and Parrish walked off to the side.

"Come on Adam."

[member="Adam Sergo"]
He slowly pulled himself to his feet, turning around to sprint. However, due to him calling a lockdown, the emergency gate had been placed down, preventing exit. He was now backed up against the gate, hands out in front of him. "JAYCOB! STAND DOWN!" He shouted, quickly reaching through the emergency gate. "OPEN THE FETHING GATE!" He shouted to the prisoners in the mess-hall, who just stood there, bursting into laughter. He turned back around, absolute fear on his face. "PLEASE, LYNX! STOP, WHERE YOU ARE! STOP, STOP, STOP! OBEY YOU ORDERS, LYNX!".

[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"To obey a coward like you would be unwise. " jaycob said after following him.

By that time Lion and Parrish caught up.

"Fight me Adam." Jaycob said.

"Alright thats enough Jaycob stand down." Captain Parrish said.

"But but sir" Jaycob said.


Lion looked at Jaycob.

"UUgh yes sir." Jaycob said before stepping back.

"You don't see Captain, this man is corrupt. "

"I don't care Lieutenant, orders are orders." Parrish said.

They stood there staring at the warden.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
He started chuckling as he watched [member="Jaycob Lynx"] back up. "Feth you, Carden. Captain Parrish, arrest these men. Bring them to the execution hold, and make them beg. When they started begging for mercy, you may send them back up to be put in a cell", He said, spitting in Jaycob's face. "Pathetic scum!"

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"Parrish, if you were smart, you wouldn't follow the warden.

Parrish gave a chuckle then out of nowhere hit Lion with the stun stick.

"LION" was the only word jaycob could say before being hit.

They were dragged tto the execution area.

Kneeled down before adam with ccuffs bound to their hands.

"Your bloody corrupt." Lion said.

"Adam, just bring us to the cells, don't kill us." Lion said.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
"STUN STICK!" Adam shouted, gratefully accepting the weapon from Captain Parrish. "Beg...beg for your fething life!" He shouted, hitting the hand-cuffed [member="Jaycob Lynx"] in the chest with the stun stick. He increased the level of electricity, grinning. "BEG!" He shouted, grabbing Lieutenant Lion by the throat. He released his grip on Lion, jamming the stick against Lion's stomach. Lion screamed in agony as Adam repeated this technique....thirteen times. "BEG!" He shouted, sending his boot shooting into Lion's jaw.

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"Enough, don't hurt Lion over me." Jaycob said.

"Sir forgive me, I beg you, I am sorry for what did." He said.

Lion laid on the floor unconscious.

"Now bring us to the cells warden, there is no doubt that the grand Republic is going to hear about this." Jaycob said.

[member="Adam Sergo"]
"No, they wont...not if the witnesses are in a grave!" He shouted, heading back over to Lion. He continued to bash the stun stick off of Lion's jaw, laughing like a maniac. "BEG! I WANNA HEAR YOU SCREAM, JAYCOB!" He continued to beat Lion with the weapon. The stun stick was never meant to be held to someone's skin for more than a few seconds, but Adam was keeping it pinned up against Lion's jaw for a minute and a half. "BEG JAYCOB, SCREEEAM!" He shouted, increasing his speed on each attack. Continuing to bash the weapon off of Lion's jaw, screaming angrily. "YOU DIDN'T THINK I NOTICED THAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME BEHIND MY FETHING BACK? "OH, THE WARDENS A FETHING BOOTLICK" YOU'D FETHING SAY. OR YOU'D SAY "THE WARDEN SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" BUT I WANNA HEAR YOU FETHING SCREAM, JAYCOB!" He shouted, continuing the attack on Lion. After about three minutes of brutal beatings, Adam slowly came to a halt. Lion's face was severely scarred, covered with a black streak. Adam started laughing, heading over to [member="Jaycob Lynx"].

Jaycob Lynx

Coolest Kid On The Block OOC Account
"YOUR A MANIAC, PLEASE STOP SIR, ENOUGH, ILL DO ANYTHING, JUST LEAVE LION ALONE." He yelled almost in tears, Lion was his best friend.

He looked at Lion.

"Lion are you ok." Jaycob asked but he was still speechless.

"Please Adam, take us to the cells." Jaycob almos bursting into tears.

[member="Adam Sergo"]

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