Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ven Tortuga

Ven Tortuga

"What I have Done, Is what you lack the Courage to do...."
FULL NAME: Ven Kin'Mantsu Tortuga
. Dead-Slate
. Slate
. Wrath
. Military Veteran
HOMEWORLD: Courscant
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Crashed Ship, Dathomir
RANK(s): N/A
. Bounty-Hunter
. Sword-Smith
SPECIES: Epicanthix/Vahla Half-breed
AGE: 27
. Silver - Left-Eye
. Silver - Right-Eye
. Onyx Black
. Caucasian​
\~Scars and Cybernetics~/
Age - 22|Diagonal Scar Above Right Eye|Military Recon Incident, Knife wound above Right eye
Age - 26|Three Gunshot Wounds Across Upper Torso|Bounty Hunter Incident Gone wrong
Age - 23|Vibro-Sword Scar going 2 Inches across lower right of abdomen|After being captured, Ven was tortured by the sith
Age - 22|Sniper Gunshot Wound on Left Shoulder|Ven took the shot on accident to save one of his friends
Age - 21|Burn Scars running down right shoulder-blade to his lower back|Military Operation, Ven was struck by a frag-grenade explosion
Age - 24|Three Cybernetic Fingers on Right Hand|Ven fought his old friend, Azrael. Who severed three of his fingers in a sword fight
Age - 24|Burns running across right side of chest and lower right of neck|Explosion while fighting Azrael​
Age - 24|Sword Scar on lower abdomen|Ven fought his old friend, Azrael.
Age - 24|Diagonal Scar running down left forearm of neck|Ven fought his old friend, Azrael.
Age - 19|Two gunshot wound's on the right shoulder|Rank, who was a traitor shot Ven twice
Age - 19|Sword Wound|Ven fought Rar'Zarn and took a fatal hit in the process
Age - 21|Dragon Tattoo on lower back|Ven got this to honor seven of his friends that died
Age - 24|505 Tattooed on right side of Chest|To Honor Ven's Platoon​
Age - 24|26 Tattooed on left forearm|To honor Ven's dead Friends​

VOICE: Manu Bennett

STRENGTH: 7.9/10
WISDOM: 8.3/10
CHARISMA: 6.5/10

Ven is a determined person who does enjoy his share of fun. Despite this, he is self disciplined..never taking any chances. A show of emotion in battle is a sign of weakness. Despite what Ven thinks, he does show signs of aggression and rage during battle and small skirmishes which is what earned him the nickname of 'Wrath.' Determination is one of Ven's most 'noble' features, the one he shows most often and is always seen with. He is not willing to give up in situations no matter the matter the cost of life. With his great Determination, this causes him to always keep his promises...most notably to his enemies or those who have ever wronged him.

Ven is what someone would call, a embodiment of of the seven deadly sins. Ven can lose his determined and disciplined attitude if someone angers him, by either hurting his loved ones or somehow provoking him. Those people often avoid him, if they make it back out afterwards. Ven is willing to help those in need, that is if he see's value in helping them. Sure, he does make exceptions but that is only very rarely..say if he and someone else are trapped somewhere and they need to escape. Even without any of his wrath or other traits, he is fearless. He looks fear in the face and spits in it's eye...sure he does get afraid but he uses his fear to his advantage.​
Ven stands in at 6'5 weighing within a total of 200.8 Pounds of pure muscle with little fat remaining since his very first day in the military, training. Ven's eyes are a piercing silver with small flecks of black in them showing the appearance of a daunting man that had every ally, every friend...betray him. His hair is that of a thick Onyx Black with small flecks of silver in it which were traits he inherited from his biological father while the black was inherited from his biological mother. His hair stopped short of the area behind his ears and took the appearance of that of spikes. Ven's skin is heavily tanned with some small hints of pale white showing from his genetics but almost all of that has been removed by a overbearing sun over the years of war.​
Beneath the armor and clothing Ven wear, lies a story that hasn't reached the light of day and told solely through the eyes of Ven other eyes show such intimidation, determination and that of being haunted, by the demons of past theme self. Ven's chest, arms, legs and even back are splintered with scars of ranging size and diversity. From the knife scar above Ven's right eye to the missing three fingers on his right hand now replaced by, cold and metallic fingers with no feeling. Some patches of scar tissue are turned white due to the sever scaring and even skin grafts that were needed so that Ven could keep on fighting for a cause, his cause.​
Pre-Roleplay History:

\~Childhood Years~/

Ven was always alone, every since he was young. Though, he wasn't always alone once he got older. His parents were killed in an alley shooting with Ven when he was only at the age of seven, this is one such event that grew him....grew him into the killer he is today. He ran from the scene, crying and his face in his hands...running to unknown places. He later heard the police looking for him but he stayed hidden, he didn't trust anybody now...he would never trust anybody for a long while since that one tragic moment in his life. His own parents, gunned down right in front of him. From that day forth, Ven had to fight for food, starve, steal, and much, much more..this one tragic event had changed him, changed his soul; forever.​

Ven began to steal from local street vendors and ran from the police once they chased him. This led him to realize, he had to hide his appearance so that no one could recognize him. So, he stole clothes and cloth from a beggar and wrapped his face in them save for his eyes, as to regulate his temperature and hide his face from those who were looking for a lost boy and a thief boy. He also had used the clothes as new pieces of clothing as he found them more comfortable then his current clothing. He was stealing once more, for his own sake..for his survival. He had to take chances now, the boy who had gone to the wing was no more, in his place was a boy who stole.​

Over the course of multiple months and years, Ven began to establish a home within a abandoned apartment building..this was where he lived, for now on until his teenage years, which were coming up quickly. His stealing spree had evolved exponentially, he was now stealing weapons and credits instead of that poor little boy all of those years ago. Weapon racks and piles of credits lined walls of his new 'home' along with various books and even some gold bars but those were rare. Though, at the center of his home their was a statue, a statue of pure gold. It was that of a grown man holding up a globe of Courscant. His home had other dealings but none were as noticeable as the statue. Multiple holes through the apartment had lead to a natural skylight shining upon the statue, like an idol. Like the witness of a god, a true deity to all. Though the statue was lacking one thing, size. It sat atop a pedestal and was a mere six inches tall..yet still crafted with detail.​

Ven tried one last mission as a now legendary thief within the City. It was, to steal a master-work sword from a sword-smith. This proved to be a fatal mistake as he was caught and taken into custody. A Blood test was all it took, to reveal his true identity. He was the son of Millionaire Quebic Tortuga..but that legacy was gone. It was his father's legacy, now was time for his father's legacy to finally die out and for Ven's legacy to began. For, the night he was taken into custody...his legacy had just truly began.​
\~Teenage Years~/

Ven was taken into a orphanage soon after his criminal record was removed completely from the database. It had been removed due to psychopathic thoughts which authorities thought what was making Ven steal from others and for his own personal pleasure, they were wrong. In fact, Ven had tricked the authorities into thinking he had psychopathic thoughts and a psychopathic mind, though this caused Ven to see a tutor regularly which made it hard for him to keep up his act. Soon afterwards, Ven was adopted into a family of four, now five including him. The family consisted of, a mother, father, one son, one daughter, and now an adopted son, Ven himself.​

Ven went to public school for the first time, where actually school for the first time since he was seven. Though, that's not to say he didn't have a education. During Ven's spare time when he wasn't stealing, he read various books he found and stole. This gave him a wealth of knowledge and he also practiced the educational arts as to educate himself to become a thief of much, much, more renown. Though, his plan didn't work out as exactly expected.​
On his very first day on school, Ven picked a fight with the excuse of a school bully. His name was Azrael. A tall and muscular teenager at the age of seventeen. Ven laughed, right in the bully's face and demanded a fight. The bully, accepted without hesitation. After school that day, Ven fought the bully. It was quick fight and Ven easily broke the Bully's nose and was about to break the Bully's hand until the Bully yielded and thus run off into the streets, possibly to his parents to tell them what had exactly happened. Oh, the joy Ven had experienced from that moment. He actually laughed, himself. That shocked him. It had been so long since he laughed his forgot the pleasure, the sweet tastes laughing left in one's mouth. Oh, it was memorable. Ven then proceeded home with his new 'brother.' His brother was in absolute shock that his new brother actually defeated the school bully, within the course of five minutes. Ven had indeed made a friend on his first day, his brother.​

At the end of high-school, Ven finished with a engineering scholarship but he always found joy in the affairs of the military. Due to this, Ven went to college for Three years with his major being Engineering before leaving college and joining the military. In the end, this proved a horrible decision for he would rather forget then ever remember.​
\~Military Years~/

Ven joined the Republic Military forces soon after his first three years of College. He used some of his hard-earned college funds and booked a shuttle to the military academy upon Onderon. First on the Agenda was a military fashioned buzz cut so that Ven's ear-length hair wouldn't get within his face during training or combat. Surprisingly, Ven actually did enjoy the buzz allowed him to hear things easier as his hair wasn't in his way and he felt more alert in general. Then came the military training, which was quite difficult. In simple terms, Ven experienced quite a few different things during his military training days..which did include the occasional fight that he would win.​

During Training, Ven met a man..who later became his best-friend within the military, Azrael. Though, all sign of bad blood seemed to have disappeared over the years since High-School. They trained, laughed, and drank together happily. Ven first met Azrael during Sword-Training Classes which is how they also became rivals, but more of friendly rivals as their sword skills rivaled each others. Soon afterwards, Ven met some of Azrael's friends and Azrael did likewise to Ven's friends. They had a whole group of friends and rivals going now, numbering at the number twenty-six...which is the number of ghosts Ven had...along with demons.​

Within the following months, Ven and the twenty-six would pass training and become promoted to the rank of private and the formed the 505th platoon with a number of other individuals. It was only by chance that all twenty-six of his friends including Azrael were promoted and joined the very same platoon. The platoon was sent to take out rebel encampments and bases within the outer and unknown regions of space.

The first battle was a glorious yet harrowing victory against unbelievable odds. Ven was only 19 when it happened and the platoon was with a number of other platoons including a legion. Now this, this was Ven's first real taste of warfare..and he loved it, the feeling of adrenaline pumping through your blood...driving your forward through thick and tough turns that others were shy away from. Ven thought this very battle would be quite fun and enjoyable, he was wrong..wrong about it all, but he did smile afterwards. Despite it all, he smiled.​
Ven fought valiantly within the battle, allies and enemies alike dying upon the sidelines like flies. It was horrible, all of the blood and gore and flames..everywhere. Then Ven saw him, a figure standing above others who looked intimidating, the leader of the Sith Raid, Rar'Zarn. Ven fired upon the large Zabrak but it was to no avail..the Zabrak didn't feel the bullets and charges towards Ven with a sword in hand. In panic, Ven fumbled with his rifle, dropping it to the ground. He then quickly grabbed his durasteel katana and brought it up into a defensive form.​
The next moments came in a blur of motion and blood, Ven's blood. A wave of cold washed over Ven's body as his life flashed before his eyes. The sword had ruptured through the upper right part of his chest, breaking multiple ribs in the process. All Ven saw was a flash of blood over his eyes, his face was painted with flecks of his own blood and he slumped to his knees. Was this the end, was this how Ven DIED?? No, No, NO! Ven refused to die and he plunged his katana into the un-armored foot of the Zabrak which caused the Zabrak to screech out in pain. Ven then slumped upwards and pulled out his Blaster Pistol and fired round, after round, after round into the chest and head of the Zabrak. The Zabrak then slumped onto the ground, dead due to two of the gunshots hitting the Zabrak's head. Ven pulled out the katana and stabbed in more and more into the back of the Zabrak but then he stopped when he saw the bloody mess before him. He smiled, then he grinned and a sick and twisted way. He was so close to death yet, so relieved that he had finally killed that son of a Gun. Ven walked away from the body with a limp and picked up his fallen rifle and picked off the running soldiers.​
Ven smiled to himself and then turned and felt two bullets sink into his body and he fell flat onto his face. He couldn't tell who had shot for one thing, it was Rank. Rank was a republic soldier that Ven had recently met and they became friends shortly before that battle. Turns out, Rank was in fact a traitor to the Republic. A dirty traitor that had just shot him. Just as his vision began to fade to black, he saw Azrael snap the right leg of Rank before throwing Rank to the side and carrying Ven over his shoulder..then his vision had faded.​
Ven woke with a snap in gurney, a medical gurney. His eyes glanced off to his right and he saw a man on both knees being shot in the head, execution style. He looked to his left and saw Azrael and was just about to say something but his words came out in a mumble and Azrael shushed him as he opened up a set of double doors into a makeshift field hospital. Ven's vision then faded to black as he was injected with something.​
Ven woke with a snap for the second time that day. Wait, was it the same day? How long had he been asleep. It would become apparent later that he had been on unconscious for two weeks and he was still healing when he awoke but Ven didn't care, he needed to get back in action. Though, his captain said otherwise. Speaking of captain, Ven and Azrael were promoted to Corporal along with a number of others from the 505th Platoon. Now this was like pleasure to Ven's ears, he was promoted!! Excellent, he had to write home to his adopted family and tell them what happened. So he did so. His family was overjoyed at the news and wished him luck and sent him a "Get Well" card and a letter.​
Now it was a full three year later and Ven had grown up quite a lot along with Azrael. Ven was now at the age of 22. Yes, the 505th Platoon still existed but something had changed during the three year span, members of the Platoon had died. Now was no time to grieve for all of the losses over the year, Ven had to focus on the objective. Which, as of right now...was to attack a sith controlled moon. Though, in many ways, this was bigger then Ven himself. This was when it became apparent Azrael was a traitor but Ven didn't doubt his friend, he trusted his death.​
The assault was quick and fast, the sith didn't know what was least that's how it began. Ven was running through corridor after corridor, killing any sith who got in his way. They were falling like flies, probably recruits by the way they held the rifles. Then Ven saw it, a red flickering blade. He had to tussle with death once more, great. Ven fired upon the sith but the sith merely deflected bolt after bolt as if it wasn't a problem, Ven used the whole energy level of the rifle before throwing it to the side and grabbing both pistols and firing upon the sith but it was to no avail, he ran out of ammo, again!!​
In a panic, Ven grabbed a two grenades and threw them towards the Sith. The result was a explosion of pure fire and shrapnel. Some of it struck Ven but it wasn't deep enough to cause much bleeding or any scarring. The sky was clear now in front of him. So, that was it, this was a exterior corridor with a weak wall, interesting. Then he saw it...the red blade flickering back online. The sith stood atop the rubble and began to swing the lightsaber in hand while approaching Ven. Ven stumbled back and his hand opened up slightly, sending out a stream of burning hot flames.​
The sith didn't suspect it, but neither did Ven. The fire ravaged the sith and turned the sith into a pile of ash, pathetic!! Ven looked at his hand and the clothing was torn away to reveal his hand, strange. A later test would reveal that he was force sensitive. Ven walked towards the pile of ash right before a sniper round ripped it'self through Ven's shoulder. The air was knocked out of his lungs and he slumped to one knee then a gunshot went off behind him but it wasn't aimed at him, it was at the sniper. A hand reached out and Ven took it after he caught his breath. It was Azrael, which was surprising. Now it occurred to Ven, Azrael was the target but Ven took the shot on accident. Ven chuckled to himself despite the pain, now he and Azrael were finally even...good!!​
A fateful two years later, at the age of 24, everything had changed. Azrael had happened...everything Ven knew was torn away from him. His homeworld was attacked and taken by the Sith and Azrael was with the sith.​
\~The Horrendous Invasion~/
The raid of Courscant was quite something, something horrible. All Ven had known his entire life, his friends and family were being butchered but he had to do his duty...defend the citizens until they got off world. Some seven of the original twenty-six were all that remained, and Ven held himself responsible for the deaths of those very people, the same people he vowed to fight alongside and die with...though they died alone! Ven was atop a pile of crates, sniping down the One Sith grunts at will, it was easy to say the least they were like cannon fodder, nothing challenging but same could be said with the republic recruits he was fighting alongside. He was one of the few Veterans that were fighting with the recruits and that came with it's ranks such as lieutenant.​
Bodies lay strewn across the street, republic and sith alike, like disease ridden rats, Disgusting!! Blood covered the street below the bodies like a hidden wave of red, gore ridden red with bone and such. Ven had never seen anything like it and he had to do something as the sith were breaking the front-lines. Ven jumped down from the crates and clipped his sniper to his back before drawing a sword and cutting up soldier after soldier. The grunts of the sith were weak, yet great in number. Ven then threw a grenade into the crowd of sith grunts and it blew up a large portion of the troops but it did little to weaken the amassing horde.​
Ven fought off the soldiers, rifle in one hand while his sword was in the other but he had a disadvantage so he bolted. He clipped his weapons back to his back and climbed up a steep building that was in ruins and fire. Suddenly he turned just as he was going to shoot off a sniper bullet and saw Azrael, with a red mask and sword in hand. This wasn't right. Azrael fired upon Ven twice, the bullets did make him struggle but they didn't get past his ballistic vest. It was clear now, Azrael wasn't a friend​
~The Eternal Duel~
Ven fired upon Azrael but he just kept on charging him. Ven threw Azrael over himself as he charged him and threw him to the ground of the roof. Azrael then stood up and charged again but was met by the sword of Ven. They clashed blades, like ever fighting demons...eternal enemies. The fight seemed to drag on for hours while it had only been minutes, slowly ticking away. Then Ven acted, he elbowed Azrael where his mouth should be located through the mask and then sliced his sword down the length of Azrael's left arm. Once the sword collided with the arm, it let off a click of metal against metal and then Ven stood their shocked, open up to attack. Since when did Azrael have a metal arm. Then he remembered, Azrael was on a medical gurney after the citadel assault with his arm missing. How could he have been so BLIND?!​
Azrael used Ven's shock to his advantage and stabbed his tactical sword right through Ven's ballistic vest and through the soft skin and armorweave underneath. Ven felt the cold blade skim through his skin as it sent out a burst of dark blood, severing a vein or something due to the blood leakage which was a result. Ven stumbled backwards, out of the blade and put a hand to the wound while swinging once more at Azrael. Now wasn't a time for weakness, plus Ven had felt much more exquisite pain before, like the first battle, his first duel....his first SCAR!​
Ven shrugged off the pain and swung the Blade towards the mask of Azrael but he was slow to react as the blade cut deep into the mask but Azrael merely tore the blade out with his cybernetic arm and they dueled once more but this time, on a more fearsome was life or death after all! Ven then disarmed Azrael in one swift motion and walked over to Azrael, his eyes full of anger, disgust and most of all...PRIDE!! Pride at beating Azrael! Ven brought the sword towards the neck of Azrael but then Ven felt a sharp pain in his right hand and looked over in shock, three of his fingers were replaced by Azrael's blade. It had been a trap! Ven's blade clambered to the ground in a heap of blood and Azrael kicked Ven to the ground and was now standing over Ven.​
Ven pushed through the pain and rolled to the right, nearly missing. Ven then jumped upwards and began to continuously punch Azrael before plunging his own knife from his belt through the mask, blinding Azrael in his right eye. Azrael howled out in pain and fell to his knees before ripping the mask off and tearing the knife out.​
Azrael then flipped the knife in hand before proceeding to fight an unarmed Ven with the knife despite being half-blind. The fight continued on for a few more minutes before Ven caught the knife in his left forearm and kicking Azrael's right knee. Ven tore the knife out of his arm and was just about to stab Azrael until a explosion sounded from nearby, scorching Ven and throwing him off of the building...missing what happened to Azrael.​
\~Awake Once More~/
Ven awoke with a start, his chest and right hand covered in bandages along with his left forearm. Where was he? Ven looked around the room an then saw a scarred man standing at the door. He would later find out the man's name was [member="Zoltan Rarsk"]. Ven was puzzled by the strange man but assumed that the man was a mere ghost, created by his mind.​
It was eight weeks later until he saw the scarred man again. The man, Zoltan Rarsk, as Ven now knew him, wanted Ven to do something but Ven declined stating that he resigned from the military ever since he recovered from the Courscant Invasion. Sure, he recovered physically...but never mentally or emotionally, it will leave it's scar on the day of his death. The man assured Ven that he nearly needed him for one thing, and that was to hunt down Azrael. Ven gladly accepted.​
He would kill Azrael one way...or another. Zoltan provided Ven with some credits as to buy weapons and armor and then set off and disappeared. Before going, the man gave Ven his number and then vanished.​
<>Forgotten Years<>
..:\::\::\The Hunt For Azrael/::/::/:..
Ven was fully armored up in survival and combat gear along with new weaponry. Courtesy of Zoltan Rarsk. He also had a YT-1300 Light Freighter as for transportation. Though, Ven didn't see this as good luck, merely a step in the 'right' direction. He still doubted everything he once knew and fought for but that was behind him, now he had to kill Azrael. Speaking of that, Ven had tracked down Azrael to a stronghold upon Hoth, hidden from sight due to the snow. Which was a smart plan, in the most part that is.​
Ven traveled to the stronghold and easily dispatched the guards and proceeded inwards where he was met by defense systems. A few did hit him, but they didn't cause enough damage for scaring or severe damage so he continued onward's. The, Ven made it into a throne room. This was strange, why did Azrael need a throne. Then he saw it, a note attached to the throne by the same knife that took Azrael's right eye.​
Ven walked over to it and began to read it. Then he came to the part about a 'bomb.' That was when Ven heard it, the soft clicking of a bomb right under the the throne room and possibly the whole stronghold. He was dead, but their was always a way out. Ven activated his droid upon his ship and ran out through the stronghold as bombs began to go off, collapsing the structure inwards. Ven made it to the edge of the platform extending outwards and then jumped off.​
He landed upon his very light transport that he contacted his droid with. Now it was clear, that hunting Azrael wouldn't be easy..not a single bit. For the following months, Ven would hunt down every lead he had upon Azrael getting no luck while also hunting down people on the bounty roster seeing as he was a full time bounty hunter now.​
Then the day came when he found the pattern. He connected all of the locations in which Azrael's location was known and it formed a grid, with a single planet at it's center, where it all had started...Courscant. Now it was clear to Ven, Azrael was leading him right to Courscant as it was a trap, and Ven knew it but he went anyways. Though, this proved to be another trick once more and a even more deadlier trap but then their was only one more target Ven hadn't searched yet, Dathomir After all, some one had to do it. Though, today it had to be Ven, Ven Tortuga.​
Ven had to become something more than a man that day he took Azrael's life, Ven had to become something new. As we all know, something new is dangerous...this is what Ven became, something new yet completely unpredictable..he had ghosts from that day forth of hid dead friends and family, those who he let down. They would haunt Ven to his very death and could even cause his death unintentionally, but that is yet to be decided.​
Ven took a military transport craft with his ship inside to the fabled world of Dathomir. Of all places Azrael could hide, it was upon Dathomir...a pitiful existence yet one that Ven admired, in a sick and twisted way.​
Though, along the way, the military transport took damage from a solar flare and crashed upon the world of Dathomir. All communications to the outside systems ceased once the crash happened..Ven was alone, though he preferred it that way...he couldn't hurt other people that way. Then the ghosts and demons began to come to Ven first during his dreams and then during his awake hours, haunting him and telling him that he had failed..they began to influence his decisions but for the most part, Ven resisted their horrible intentions as it was a trick played upon him by his wasn't real. It couldn't BE!! Right, right it couldn't be real? Though, their was one good thing, his collected bounties didn't haunt or stalk him which was one thing.​
Over the course of two months, Ven began to map out the surrounding territory as all of the maps had been destroyed within the crash. Then Ven found it, what he had been searching for. It was a large camp where Azrael himself and his personal guard lived, they were located in a ravine which was the perfect place for Ven to do one thing. Butcher them, butcher them all!!!​
Ven stole a sniper-rifle from the surroundings Zabraks and began to scout out the surrounding territory of the ravine until he found a nice rocky hill close to the camp. A perfect area for a headshot. Though, a headshot wouldn't bring Ven satisfaction or Pleasure. No, Azrael didn't deserve a quick death...he deserved a slow and painful death and then Ven would destroy Azrael, first his feelings then to his mental state and finally, his physical state. The perfect way to kill someone who had wronged Ven so much, so horribly that it would forever change Ven...for the rest of his days.​
Over the coming weeks, Ven would steal supplies from the Zabraks and use them for various things within the crashed ship, one such was a training dummy and a weapon rack. Upon a table in the crashed ship, was a very detailed hand drawn map that Ven had drawn himself of the surrounding territory though he never got far. due to a major problem. The land he was on wasn't connected to any major landmasses, he was stranded upon Dathomir upon a island that few people have ever heard about or seen before. So, he was alone....for good.​
Then, Ven acted. He attacked the camp head-on with explosive charges and then walked right into the camp and his eyes sat upon Azrael. The only one who wasn't fleeing the scene as fires raged all around both him and Ven. Ven saw the eyepatch where Azrael's eye was and grinned, he had left his mark on Azrael for sure..cleaving a eye, the eye upon the right side from Azrael. Oh, did it bring satisfaction to Ven.​
Then, the battle commenced. Swords clashed and shots ran out as both Ven and Azrael fought violently. Neither one wasting a second until Ven stabbed a sword into where the eyepatch was, causing Azrael to stumble back and take the knife out. The pain, was the same Azrael felt once he lost his eye...a memory Azrael would treasure with him until his death. The Ven grabbed Azrael by the neck and held him up in the air. All was over for Azrael as he felt the air being squashed out of him slowly.​
Then a gunshot rang out, two in fact. They hit Ven squarely within the ballistic vest causing him to drop Azrael and stumble back a few steps. It was only then that Ven noticed the pistol that Azrael was holding in hand. Ven then charges Azrael and that escalated to a fist fight. One which Ven won quickly.​
Now, Azrael was upon his knees, begging for his life. Ven chuckled at this, in a sick and twisted way he did chuckle. Like that of a man possessed by multiple demons. Save for one thing, Ven wasn't a man anymore, he was a demon. His mind was half gone to the months, and months of seclusion.​
Ven pointed the gun at Azrael's head and then fired. Satisfied. Satisfied is what Ven was. This two year campaign of hunting down Azrael was completed. Ven's soul was at peace, for the most part. His two year old Vendetta had finally been extinguished but then the thought came to Ven. Their were others, their would always be others! Now it came through to Ven's mind clearly, their were other's that had betrayed Ven, one of which was his very brother, Salazar, Salazar Golden-Lock!!​

. Pyrokinesis - Beginner​

. Swordsman
. Parkour Skills
. Athletic
. Silver-Tongue
. Marksman
. Tracking
. Hand-to-Hand Combat


(+)Martial Artist - Ven was originally skilled in close-quarters when he was a thief, this was greatly increased during his military training. He became quite a skilled combatant that even rivaled a few of his own officers and one of his enemies during battle, who he later killed.​
(+)Physical Peak - Ven is at the physical peak of a man of his age.
(+)Swords-Man - This was one of the very things Ven trained in during his military years despite it being frowned upon, he proved to be quite formidable in this art. He still is extremely skilled to this very day.​
(+)Military Training - Ven was in the Republic Military for six whole years fighting the sith. due to this, Ven knows quite a lot about military tactics and fighting techniques and other skills.
(-)Rage - Ever since some of those fateful days in the military, it had given Ven extreme rage and it makes him hard to control that single rage. This means he will hurt those around him if something happens to those he cares about or if something happens that just angers him.
(-)Heavy Heart - In times of desperate measures and loneliness, Ven will succumb to the thoughts of loved ones, especially his adopted brother and his ex-girlfriend, Jane, before she died. This gives Ven a sign of weakness despite it not being that noticeable.
(-)PTSD - We all have our demons, some of us just have one's that haunt us, forever. Over the years in the military and as an
bounty hunter, the one's that Ven either killed or were his friends come back as his Demons. He will sometimes see hallucinations of these, they often talk to him about what he should have done, not what he thought was right. Sometimes, Ven even regrets what he has done in life...if it was the right thing.
(-)Stubborn - Ven isn't stubborn enough to give up unless it's absolutely necessary. But, he is stubborn enough in the sense that he would die before giving up..unless he absolutely has to for a better cause.

. 2x Katana Vibro-Blades
. Single Vibro-Knife
. 2x WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol
. 1x E-11 Blaster Rifle
. Thermal-Hood
. Thermal-Undershirt
. Military-Grade Black Cargo Pants
. Black Ballistic Mask
. Black Ballistic Vest
. Black Military-Grade Climbing Gloves
. Black Leather Hiking Boots​







Zoltan Rarsk

Tactical Espionage Operations
[member="Ven Tortuga"]

Holy chit that bio was awesome! Seriously, good job on that!

If you ever want to RP man, shoot me a PM, because this bio was karkin' great!

Also, all the play-bys are pretty good too.
[member="Zoltan Rarsk"]
As for play-bys, I mostly chose them due to recently watching 'Arrow.'
Also, for the rp thing...that would be cool, but it had to be on Dathomir because we don't have magic carpets yet...or do we?

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