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Vatari Syndal, The Solar Heretic


"The Sun will always shine brighter than the Moon."



Slave Trade Records - Dossier Code: 330675112VSG|KLL


Given Name: Sistry
Given Titles: Slave of Thyrsus
Given Alias | Nickname Chain Wearer | "Woman of the Sun."

Name: Vatari Syndal
Origin of Name: Unknown
Titles Held: The Gifted | "The Chosen Dawnbringer." | The Solar Heretic
Species: Near-Human
Race: Thyrsian - Descent of Echani
Gender: Female
Blood Type: Unknown.

Age: Thirty-Three
Birthday: The Passing of the Twin Suns on the Fifth day of Dawn's Bringing.
Height: 175cm | (5'9")
Weight: 68kg | (150 lbs)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Build: Long Legs, Toned Body
Posture: Calm | Confident
Skin Tone: Light Brown
Hair Color: Brownish-Black
Hair Styles: Frizzled | Straight | Braided
Eye Color: Jade (Green)

Preferred Hand: Ambidextrous

Birthmark | Scars: On the base of each wrist and the inner side of her forearms lay scars. Attained only through the rigorous life as a slave. They are a constant reminder of where Vatari came from. More notably, a canvas of lacerations are painted across her back. Some created from whips or other ruthless tools used by the Echani Masters. Other than the deep wounds from her past; she has a birthmark that resides on the outside of her left thigh.

Distinguishing Features: A Golden Sun rests on Vatari's arm. Which was gifted to her from the Goddess of the Sun. So the story goes...


Occupation: Contracted Bounty Hunter, Servant of the Sun, Mage Practitioner
Allegiance(s): Thyrsus, The Golden Company, Goddess of the Sun
Contractual Allegiance(s): Varied

Alive | Deceased: Alive

Homeworld: Thyrsus
Known Residence: Unknown
Religion: Unknown, Worships the Twin Suns of Thyrsus
Wealth Status: Lower Class
Marriage Status: Unmarried, Single
Spouse: None
Parent(s): Deceased, Killed after birth
Sibling(s): Unsure, No record Data
Children: None
Force Sensitive: Yes | Denies the force due to her faith.

Languages Known: Galactic Basic, Aurebesh, High Galactic, Mando'a
Languages Spoken: Galactic Basic, Aurebesh, High Galactic, Mando'a

Tradition(s): Worship the Goddess of the Sun during any Sunset, Celebration of Light - Once a year
Superstition(s): Full Moon(s), Solar Eclipse(s)

Priorities: Goddess of the Sun, Credits, Magical Studies, Affair of Honor

Most Valuable Possession(s): N/A
Prized Possession(s): N/A

Reputation: While valued in the field of combat, Vatari is considered a black sheep to those within the Golden Company. This is mainly due to her belief in an ancient being; long since had been forgotten to the Thyrsian people. Outside of her allegiance to such an organization, others have a mixed interpretation of her.


Dossier Continued - 330675112VSG|KLL

"The sun can be your greatest gloom, or your greatest comforter, depending on how you view its shine."



Known Combat and Magic Skills:
  • Pyrokinesis (Force Enhanced, Unknown to Vatari.)
  • Exceptional Swordmaster
  • Adept at Mediumship (Vatari can only see one Force Ghost.)
  • Intermediate Gunslinger (Vatari uses pistols and light high rate of firearms.)
  • Close Quarter Prowess
Other Known Skills:
  • Sword Smith (Adept), Stealthy Tactics, Pickpocket and Herbalism
  • Hunting and Tracking
  • Storyteller - Capable of telling stories so accurately, even if fictitious; others will believe it.
  • Healing - Capable of treating wounds with ancient medicinal practices and magic
  • Cooking (Amateur), Toxicology (Amateur), Pilot (Amateur), Sleight of Hand (Amateur)
  • Magically Gifted
  • Agile
  • Crazy (Fearless & Dangerous)
  • Thyrsian Strategic Combatant
  • Courageous and Brave (Does things that some might consider polar opposite)
  • Crazy (Fearless & Dangerous to Self)
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Small Frame, physical contact could harm Vatari severely
  • Lonely
  • Merinthophobia (Specifically being bound by chains or any other device)
  • Greed and Materialism (Growing up with nothing can be a crutch)


New Record Found - Psychological Assessment - Dr. Gerrod Log - 111333222708543 - VSG

After a life of slavery, Vatari tends to show signs of aggression. While many defense mechanisms for most species explode; Vatari's sits within. It waits to slowly implode, before lashing out at anything and everyone around her. She has a tendency to speak to herself, which again, as documented from our previous meetings she attests to a Goddess of the Sun. Along with these underlined brewing issues when it comes to anger, she comes in very somber and calm forms as well. Thus leading me to this evaluation...

After spending sometime with Vatari, I have credited her anger and malicious outbursts to a form of venting, to a degree. Although this may seem harmless, in essence; this behavior is similar to those of psychotic breakdowns. Vatari's mentality seems stable on the surface, but the more you dig deeper, her past life continues to show and illicit probable cause for her dangerous choices. Without plausible reason, she has shown extremely violent behavior when forced to be subdued.

Following the bad, there are some good qualities to add. She evokes a kindness to others in hopes to find a real inner circle that accepts her. Her loneliness doesn't hang on her facial expressions, rather inside begging to find others that accept her. This constant search for acceptance bears fruit to the aspects of a normal personality trait, after all don't we all want to fit in?

Furthermore, these particular traits have been apparent in other patients. Vatari shows little care for what lies in front of her. In a way, she's almost fearless, but dangerously close to tipping the scales outside of her favor. The imbalance between her haunted soul and normality rebuke back and forth, each a crashing torrent of different personalities. (Not to be confused with Split Personality Disorder) She is capable of being exactly that, both normal and to a degree, unstable at times. I myself can say for sure that she will need far more help than what we can offer. Plus, there is still this lingering issue of her imagination. The patient thinks a Goddess of the Sun exists, to which we all know, does not.

In conclusion, while her intelligence is surprisingly advanced, she still chooses rash and aggressive outlets. Her actions are a constant telltale sign of her motives and despite how audacious she can be; she solves things in a strategical manner. Once she finds a way to win, she utilizes it to her advantage at all costs. The patient consistently believes in a faith that does not exist. Even so, her OCD tendencies force her to pray or worship to this supposed, Goddess of the Sun. During such activities, Vatari finds release from her burdens. (This is a good sign.) Regardless, I still think for now, she needs to be transferred to the black ward. Their methods would find purpose here...

Provided Vatari remains within our care.

Till next time...

Psychological Assessment Done - Dr. Gerrod
Last edited:


The Gifted Child:
- Even after the birth of a baby girl, other miracles can happen -

Chain Wearer Sistry:
- The beginning of Vatari's life as Sistry the slave -

The Whispers of the Sun:
- During Vatari's tedious chores as a slave... She begins to hear a voice -

The Echani Master, Sistry and the Stranger:
- Vatari deals with her master's harsh rules and regulations on a long trip. An unknown encounter gives her hope -

The Twin Suns and the Moon:
- Vatari learns about her people as Thyrsians and their inequitable past from other slaves -

The Sun that Burns Within:
- Vatari begins to experience a strange phenomenon -

The Point of No Return:
- As the days of her youth begin to fade darkness infiltrates Vatari's soul and nothing can stop it -

The Goddess of the Sun:
- The mysterious voice becomes reality when Vatari is visited by what she thinks is the long dead Goddess of the Thyrsians -

The Breaker of Chains:
- Vatari finds strength and courage to cause an uprising and begins to free her people at a dire cost -

The Flames of the Broken:
- After a failed attempt to free everyone... Vatari watches from a distance as he people are put to death for rebelling -

Tears of a Free Woman:
- Vatari is distraught over the outcome and continues south. After traveling for days she finds refuge in a strange inn. She takes on a Job -

Free, Angry and Crazy:
- After months at the inn, Vatari meets a doctor who tells her he can help the "Pain" go away -

A New Life:
- Years after the incidents from Vatari's escape from Thyrsus... She finds the Golden Company and their Lightsworn -

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