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Character Varos Ignacious Korvan

Theme SongObi-Wan Kenobi Theme - Violin Cover
Name/AliasVaros Ignacious Korvan
Class(es)Imperial Knight
Knight Templar
Knight Inquisitor
Personality TraitsHonorable
Education TraitsPromising Imperial Knight
Inquisitorial Training
Tactical/Political Protege'
Lifestyle TraitsEligible Bachelor
Exceptional Duelist
Amateur Scholar/Theorist
Commander TraitsTactician
Martial SkillsMakashi
Djem So
Rank(s)Imperial Knight Templar
Faction(s)The Empire
Order of Imperial Knights
Inquisitor Chapter
Serennan Culture
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Cheunh, Bocce, High Galactic
Force SensitiveExtremely Force Sensitive
Character AlignmentLawful Good

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    To understand Varos Ignacious Korvan, one must have an understanding of his father - Ignacious Korvan. In brief, his father was the firstborn son of a prominent Sith Lord of the Sith Empire that was. Due to his father lacking the same force sensitivity the rest of his family possessed, he was viewed with a level of contempt and scorn that would have broken lesser men. Yet, Ignacious rose above such scorn, graduating from the Imperial Naval Academy on Dromund Kaas with honors despite the lack of support from his lord father.

    Years would pass, harkening the rise of the movement that would eventually overthrow the established Sith Order, and replace it with a new one. Ignacious joined the cause early on, attributing his decision to do so with a failed attempt by his father to kill him due to, as his father put it “Your constant failure of existing.” During the opening years of the revolution, Ignacious would serve with distinction within the New Imperial Navy, and would forge a name and reputation for himself that put him on the radar of many of the movement's key figures - including a Serennan nobleman who offered significant support to the early factions of the cause.

    In so doing, Ignacious would meet and ultimately fall in love with Varos’ mother, the daughter of the Serennan nobleman who went by the regnal name of ‘Silvanus’. As their bond grew stronger, they would quickly decide to marry one another (as is often the case with the passions of war). On their wedding night, Varos was conceived. He would never know his mother, who died with her final breaths and strains in giving birth to him despite the significant medical resources at the House Silvanus’ disposal.

    Engulfed in grief, Ignacious pushed himself further into an almost singular focus to the war effort, only visiting his son during his infancy and childhood a handful of times; leaving his upbringing to his lord father-in-law. In time, Varos’ grandfather would also pass away due to what was ruled as ‘natural causes’, but many speculate it was also due to a broken heart at his daughter’s death. Marek’s upbringing would continue within the household of his Lord Uncle; Lord Maric’ Silvanus, where he would be raised alongside the Lord’s children - Asha and Marek Silvanus, at least for a time. But the circumstances surrounding these other people are not significant enough to mention for now. Suffice to say, the Silvanus family’s story is one of both tragedy and loss, as well as in support for the New Imperial Movement, and in Serreno’s eventual inclusion within the newly formed ‘New Imperial Order’ in the post war region.

    It was in this setting that Varos learned the etiquettes, duties, and histories of the Serennan people; being raised to be the image of Serennan nobility during the war. Eventually, the Third Imperial Civil War would effectively end with the seizure of Bastion, and with the Sith Empire being forced into exile within what few worlds remained on the corners of its former Empire. While the fighting would not quite end until well into Varos’ adolescence and early adulthood with the capture of Dromund Kaas, Ignacious would return shortly after the capture of Bastion and the establishment of the New Imperial Government and become a more prominent fixture in Varos’ life.

    Ignacious moved his son from the only home he ever knew on Serenno, and he would spend his late childhood and adolescence with his father moving across New Imperial Space - to worlds such as Niruaun, Bastion, and Cademimu. Over the years, Ignacious and Varos would begin with a rather tenuous relationship given Ignacious seeming abandonment of his duties as Varos’ father. But over time, their relationship would warm, but only to a point.

    Eventually, Varos would be discovered by the Order of Imperial Knights due to his exceedingly powerful presence within the force (something in which his lord uncle had taken great pains to hide from them, unknown to Varos). It was all Ignacious could do to prevent his son from being taken from him outright, instead using his prestige and station as both a War Hero and the then-Moff of Cademimu to retain parentage of his son, along with his son’s permanent residence under his household - but under the condition that Varos spend his years in schooling and training on a daily basis under the care of the Imperial Knights.

    As Varos grew in maturity, stature, and capability, so too did Ignacious’ attempts to draw closer to his son. In the midst of Varos’ training to eventually become an Imperial Knight, Ignacious would in turn take great care to try and train his son in the ways of statecraft and tactics - perhaps in some misguided hope that his son could be wrested from the clutches of the Imperial Knights and be given over to the Imperial Naval Academy to follow in his own footsteps.

    But such hopes and dreams would never come to fruition for Ignacious. Instead, Varos would remain with the Imperial Knights from that point on, training under some of the most capable and formidable Imperial Knights of that time. Today, Varos has recently ascended to the rank of Imperial Knight himself, largely due to the presence of a dark side cult found on Iridonia, and the ramifications that threat presents to the wider Empire. The Imperial Knights will undoubtedly be at the forefront of what’s to come, regardless of the uncertainty shrouding the future.

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    In a word, Varos is the very image of a Serennan nobleman - cultured, well spoken, charming, and debonair in both appearance and cadence. With jet black hair, and deep blue eyes, it is not hard to see his Silvanus heritage. But it is also nigh-impossible to deny his relation to his father Ignacious due to his analytical mindset and penchant for political maneuvering/navigation. Some also say he has the man’s nose and cheekbones.

    His build is very much indicative of his life in training to be an Imperial Knight - seemingly carved from stone. He possesses a distinct V-shape, and a very well defined upper body. Personality wise, despite the above mentioned traits, he often appears thoughtful and distant - as if focused on some internal struggle or yet unresolved conflicts that only he is aware of. While not public knowledge, it would appear that despite the fact he loves his father (in his own way), that his father is almost certainly a part of that conflict.


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    Coming Soon

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    Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Father - Grand Moff of the Western Frontier - Grand Admiral of the 43rd Battlegroup.
    Marek Silvanus Marek Silvanus Cousin - Force Sensitive - Apprentice to Danika Leventis Danika Leventis
    Tamna Korvan Tamna Korvan Mentor - Former Master - Imperial Knight Paladin
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