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Character Vanilla Bob

Vanilla Bob

  • Name: Vanilla Bob
    Faction: Hutt Space Consortium
    Rank: Merchant/Musician
    Homeworld: Tatooine

    Species: Kitonak
    Age: Late thirties
    Gender: Male
    Height: 4'2''
    Weight: Heavyset
    Voice Claim: Liev Schrieber as Wilson Fisk

  • This story begins with a duet.

    The Kitonak's parents were rival Chidinkalu players, working under the same Hutt's court. Each night, they played their hearts out, knowing that unless they were both incredible, the Hutt wouldn't have need of two horn-players. These long nights of playing and practicing awoke their feelings for each other, and Buibo was born as a result.

    Buibo's first memories of his family were accompanied by the sounds of music, spending his formative years in the dilapidated throne rooms of the Hutts. Before he could even talk, he was given his first horn. Learning the alphabet and learning scales came hand-in-hand. It seemed Buibo's life was on track for him to become an excellent musician.

    Until another band came along that the Hutt liked better. The Hutt fired Buibo's family, and they were dumped onto the Tatooine streets. Unable to pay for housing or food, the Kitonak's parents were happy to send Buibo away when a Jedi came calling for him. Buibo began tutelage under the Silver Jedi Coalition, learning the ways of the Force. For years, the Kitonak excelled due to his patient nature, but would disappear into the woods at night to play somber songs on his Chidinkalu.

    One of those nights, Buibo disappeared, never to be seen again.

    A few years later, a new black-market merchant, dealing in everything from spices to slaves, calling himself "Vanilla Bob" appeared in the Hutt courts. No one bothered to ask where he came from, or how he came into possession of a lightsaber, or how he learned to play the Chidinkalu horn so well.

  • Vanilla-Dan-2.png

    Vanilla Bob is a corpulant man, heavyset and short, with pale tan skin. His face is dominated by large, loose jowls, and his nose at the top of his head. His eyes can barely be seen, small dots of glittering black that are always observing and appraising. Despite his height and weight, his arms and legs are muscular, denoting a life of hard work and physical labor.

    As far as vestments are concerned, Vanilla Bob rarely wears more than sashes and vests, often either a white or red color. He will often have a few items hanging from belts on his person, such as wind instruments, small pouches, or personal weapons.

  • -Kitonak Anatomy- Vanilla Bob is a Kitonak, meaning he has weather-resistant skin, the ability to hold his breath for hours, and unyielding patience. As an added bonus, he smells like vanilla.
    -Vicious Merchant- As a purveyor of all things illegal, Bob has experience in buying and selling all manner of dangerous things to dangerous people. If he doesn't have what you need, he can get it.
    -Force Specialization: Slow- As a former Padawan of the Silver Jedi Order, Vanilla Bob learned that he has an innate talent with Force Slow, and it's related powers.
    -Slow your Mole- Vanilla Bob also has the downsides of being a Kitonak, namely slowness and a less-than-appealing visage.
    -Untrained Aggression- Vanilla Bob did not advance very far into the Silver Jedi Order before leaving, meaning his skills with the Force are limited until he gets more training.

  • WIP

  • WIP

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