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Private Vampires and Machines

Evelyn Frost


Effeciency was important, and Val was more willing to explore such lasting avenues than the real Eve apparently. It was worth attempting at the least. Exactly how she'd decide to hide such artifacts, if she would at all, that had yet to be decided. There were certainly ways, but did they matter enough to make use of? It wasn't like Eve had gone around threatening people, any number of people had a darker past. At least, when it came to crimes they might have been caught for.

She nodded again on the matter of crystals. They weren't exactly a free resource, but they were still an option. If she could get her hands on one...or several. Depended on what she needed. A lightsaber was not currently on the high priority list, it was a neat weapon. Just not what Val was necessarily after without better reason. Eve was meant for exploring the force and rituals, Ruk was for the fighting.

He aknowledged the Nexus too, that was a fair point. They did not all behave the same. Even if Eve knew the right method, she'd need the right Nexus for it as well. Beyond merely whether one was light or dark in its origin. But still, he claimed they'd strengthen whatever rituals were preformed upon them. "I'll just have to be picky on where I go for that one. But yes, for now, no permanent focuses. Even if I do intend to eventually remedy that. As well as try out more particular kinds of magic, there are those that can change ones form temporarily, that's a bit more on the risky side. But it'd hold a great deal of potential if it can be utilized correctly. Both for combat or deception, or even exploration."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

YV-87 Star Courier
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Darth Strosius hummed in agreement with the sentiment on changing forms, albeit it seemed like Evelyn meant something far less permanent than what he was familiar with. Body modifications and transformations, both major and minor, were something that he had experimented with in a couple of different methods before. None of them had been particularly successful, at least not to the degree that he had been hoping for. Only his own natural Sangnir Warform had been a success as far as he was concerned and even then how to replicate it in any meaningful manner eluded him.

Better to rely on enhancing materials and the like rather than the body in his experience, far fewer variables and mishaps to worry about. And far less casualties involved. "The biological side of 'magic' is not my expertise I'm afraid. I haven't had much in the way of success in that field." The masked man spoke with a shrug. "So no relic recommendations then, I'll have to see what sorts of simple and quick rituals I have to offer instead."

A few came to mind but usually he conducted rituals carefully and with days of preparation so it would take a minute to sort through and see what could be hastily be conducted without much issue. As he idly began glancing through recipes and instructions for various possible rituals to suggest, he nodded to the woman across from him. "Do tell me more of your own work as well. Are illusions your main source of knowledge or do you have some other specialties?"

Val Val

Evelyn Frost


She shrugged as well, "I know of methods. I just haven't really used them yet. They're kind of more about the thing you change into. If it's a real creature, I don't necessarily need to know the biology of it. The force already does so much that our minds don't need to truly understand, we only need to know the methods. And expand on them." a near exact quote from one of the things Val read of Eve's texts. Val didn't necessarily disagree. It was not practical to learn every species. But it could help to expand the options of how it could change Eve's body if needed. A tome that permitted her to swap into a loth cat for a time so she could spy or escape was great, but what if an entirely new form was needed. Or the required methods and items couldn't be prepared? More knowledge may be necessary.

She shook her head,
"Illussions, necromancy, I could set traps of the force as well if given enough time. Many mental tricks can be preformed through magic, the standard deceit of course but more dominating commands, or wiping of memories can be accomplished. If I have the right materials, some blood or flesh from someone, and some other things, I can use it to follow a trail though that can be trickier. I can use them to enchant or enhance items, though I do generally do so temporarily. Increasing how much they can handle, or allowing them to destroy more easily. Most of my other abilities are more widespread, or more ritualized versions of abilities you may have. Such as lightning. But those are some of my more primary knowledge bases."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
YV-87 Star Courier
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The masked man tilted his head up a bit to give the woman across from a him a glance as she mentioned necromancy, idly trying to decide whether he was grateful or disappointed that she didn't elaborate on that in particular. There had only really been one case that he had seen of such power and it was rather impressive, albeit one concocted and empowered by a scroll that his master had made. One of these days he really needed to learn how exactly she had managed such a technique. Perhaps she left a holocron lying around somewhere.

"Mental tricks sound interesting, as well as tracking." Darth Strosius had heard that the Force could be used to influence the minds of the weaker willed, oddly enough an ability that Jedi made use of if the rumors were to be believed, but he never knew of such techniques himself. Not that he could recall at least. Memory manipulation and tracking could prove very useful indeed though, far more than some simple trickery or even commanding.

"Do tell me more about this memory wiping you speak of, and of the tracking as well. Could I track someone that is cloaking themselves from the Force? How long do the memories stay manipulated?" They were eager questions and ones that could result in this meeting being far more productive than he had ever hoped for. Sensing and locating people with the Force could be difficult if the target knew the proper techniques after all, and being able to control memories to any extent was applicable in so many situations. The possibilities were delightful really.

Val Val

Evelyn Frost


She nodded as he mentioned the tricks and tracking being interesting, "They can certainly both prove useful. I haven't had as much need for tracking, but that's just something that changes person to person I suppose."

Then they moved on to getting into the details of things, "Memory wiping really isn't that difficult on its own, just usually time consuming if you want lasting results. The right words and focus can be all it takes to make a person forget the last minute, or at least, push it out of their mind. Like it were just a very distant memory. It's almost impossible to be sure something stays forgotten permanently, but if you have the time. Perhaps in their sleep, or when incapacitated, you can go through a more involved ritual to seal those memories away indefinitely. It's best done when they aren't expecting it or where you can blur their mind enough they can't think of it anyway, the same as forgetting any other memory. Manipulating them works the same way, but the more ties you can make to their real memories the better. Instead of fighting you, they were still in a fight, but rather fought some nearly forgotten face from long ago. He didn't use the force, rather he used vambraces to mimic force powers." she explained, visibly looking like she was trying to think out how to best explain all of that, and making rather extensive notes that she started adding for later, "That's probably one of the harder ones to really get started into if I'm honest. Aside from necromancy or lasting enchantments. Minds are easy enough to effect, but hard to truly change. In my experience that is."

Eve let out a groan leaning in her chair, "As for the tracking, well, it kind of depends how far along you are. And what you can get. If nothing but a memory, you'll have to see if you can construct a trail. But I'm not sure that will get you far if they manage to get off world. It's probably doable, but I can't track any further if they fly off and I don't have something. But, if you manage to take hair, blood, skin, from them. All you're really doing is trying to make something whole again. You're not tracking the user, you're following their path. Helps avoid them simply hiding in the force. Better yet, if you can enchant some of your own blood to get on them, and follow them through it. That is almost impossible for them to hide from...but, more likely for them to realize."

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
YV-87 Star Courier

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