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Approved Location Vametaye Temple-Keep

Vametaye Temple-Keep
  • Nexus Name: Vametaye Temple
  • Nexus Alignment: Neutral
  • Location: Kuar
  • Affiliation: Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel
  • Size: Medium
  • Strength:Moderate
  • Accessibility: Physically, Kuar is a mostly uncharted and out of the way world. But if one were to find the planet, the Vametaye Temple would be almost impossible to not be able to locate.
  • Description: Bronzium banded white stone makes up the walls of this island castle. LIke many low technology worlds military keeps it appears at first. But closer inspection reveals a harmony of design and aesthetic that belies any warlike purpose. The keep itself contains a great library with a wealth of holocrons, datacrons, books and scrolls that detail crafting, war, philosophy and design for hundreds of cultures. An armory exists with weapons and suits of plate and leather and robes of sages, as well as a sandy floored courtyard in the center of the great hall itself. Growing within these sands intended to serve as a practice ground is a great tree with a small bubbling spring, the source of the Nexus. Within also exists living quarters, a kitchen, a great forge and workshop with untold number of tools and machines for creating almost anything the heart and mind could desire or think of.
  • An increase in final creation powers, and an ease of creating things with and without the Force. Sometimes a creation will permutate and change in unanticipated ways when made on the grounds.
  • A mild calming and rejuvenating property all throughout the grounds.

  • Library: Filled with countless scrolls, books, datapads, holocrons and datacrons, it is a great repository on Crafting lore and methods, with some text on philosophy, various mystic Force traditions, and assorted subjects various caretakers may have added over the years.
  • Armory: From ancient Mandalorian Crusader and Rakatan artifacts to Je’daii blades and nanotech armor, it contains a random sampling of weapons and armor throughout history and cultures, a custom is everyone that visits the Temple Keep leave a gift at the Library or Armory as a ‘price of admission’
  • Practice Yard & Tree-Spring: A white sand courtyard designed for sparring that lies at the center of the keep, the tree and spring seem to be the true source of the Force Nexus in the location.
  • Forge & Workshop - A place of great creation with a variety of tooling and equipment almost unsurpassed elsewhere for the express purpose of creating near whatever the mind can imagine.

Over the years, Vametaye Temple has been occupied by everyone from Mandalorians using it as an armory, to Je’daii helping found some of the original structures, to Jedi, to Sith and beyond and between. It has been many things to many people, but always it has weathered storms in its own quiet ways. Never a place of astounding power like the Valley of the Jedi, Vametaye has grown in strength the longer it has existed, as the years and countless acts of creation have left an imprint and echo in the very fabric of the Force, a quiet siren to the creative mind to indulge in learning and making.

Ylla Caeli'runa

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel

Good morning, I'm still working on this submission. I'm hoping to have a review out for you today so we can either work through edits or slap that nice green Approved tag on here. However, if for some reason it doesn't happen today, it'll be tomorrow at the latest. Thank you for being patient and I can't wait to read your sub!

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