Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Val'hala Mutural


Corporation Name: Val'hala Mutual

Headquarters: Val'hala

Locations: Subterrel

Operations: Mining and Refining

Rationale: In response to the constant need to metals and ores, Jaster funneled funds into the creation of this company. Jaster then worked out paperwork and other needed paperwork for a board of representatives to act in Jaster place as he ran their parent company Umbrella Interest. He acts as a puppet master

Tier: 2

Description: The Val'hala Mutual is a mining company that specifies in off world mining. Through its predecessor the had failed due to cooperate failure, Jaster purchased the failing company after visiting Subterrel. The company now operates by mining and selling their ores to high end customers due to their new mining operations. Jaster then set up a contract with the Val'hala Goverment and allowed the company to mine in its under city.

The VM does business with mostly the Unknown Trade Conglomerate and the Republic. They specialize in off world mining such as asteroids, deep underground, or even lava planets. The company mainly mines ores, but are capable of mining crystals or gems. Though their capable of setting up any mining facility anywhere in the galaxy, their warehouses are located only on Denon and Val'hala.

Subsidiaries: Subsidiary of Umbrella Interest Company

Primary Source:,550x550,red.u1.jpg

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