Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vahla Fire


Romeo stood at the front entrance of the Temple of Nisshoku, watching the water fall rush over the edge, and felt it was the best place for a temple. It was secluded, and away from civilization. Up in the mountains where everything was beautiful, and calm. But the training done here, was far from those things. They were intense, and full of hardship, pain, and passion. Here, the darkside was taught as something that was both a weapon, and a way to express yourself in the truest forms possible. It was here passion was taught to be your shield, and anger you sword. For a little one, on one, Romeo asked Kitsune to meet him at the front, to show her the art of Pyrokinesis. Maybe get some martial arts out of the way as well. Far off, you can see Black Gate, with all it's rain, and storms. Black clouds formed overhead, and flashes of lighting glittered the darkness.
He closed his eyes, and took in a breath of the mountain air, and then exhaled. Deep inside the force embraced him, and caressed him. It whispered to him of the power he possessed, and to use it against his enemies. This was the constant battle one faced when learning the ways of the darkside, control. One needed to always check themselves before performing an action of aggression, to make sure one knew what this would do, how it would work, and all the other details in said action.
Like the force, fire was a power, it was something that could be hardly controlled. Only through training, and practicing could one start to control fire to be an obedient servant.
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune just stood before the Shadow King for a while, assessing the general essence that he exuded in the Force. Of course, Kitsune was never formally trained in the arts of the Force but she was able, to some extent, sense its presence. It was a complicated presence. It was a congealing mass in the Force of hatred, loss and passion, constantly shifting like the tidal waves of a raging ocean. "This isn't going to be easy," Kitsune thought.

She approached the Shadow King in her traditional armorweave and silk armor, and simply stood in front of him. She gave him an informal bow before stating simply, "Hello."

Romeo watched the Vahla make her way to him with his red irises, and bowed as she bowed. With her very short, and very blunt 'Hello' Rome titled his head, and observed her. He waved his hand in a dismiss to the hello, and looked back at the waterfall. "Beautiful isnt it?" He nodded at it. "So beautiful yet dangerous, and raging. Like the force." He looked back at the woman. Romeo were his traditional jacket with the white furry seams at the edges. Nothing special about it.
"What do you know about the force Daimyo Kitsune?" He began to walk around her in a circle, taking in everything about her. "We are the same, yet we are not. We have similar ideas, yet different ways to go about them. We have the same calling, yet a different outlook on how to achieve it." He finished his circling around her, and now faced her. "What is the force to you?"
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune shrugged, "The Force. The Force is simply a means to an end. An efficient means I should add. There is nothing about the Force that intrigues me. The Force is power. And the Force is a power that is controlled through will and desire, rather than chaos and ignorant oblivion."

"All would like to know about the Force is how to use. How to use it pragmatically. And how to use it so other Force Users don't fuck with me without consequences." Kistune stated bluntly. She didn't bother keeping her eyes maintained with The Shadow King's motion, but instead stared forward, with the Shadow King occasionally coming into view. To finish her point, she simply crossed her arms and waited for his response.

"The force is not just a means to an end." He said in Vahla, then cursed in it. He looked back out to the waterfall. "The force is more then power, but at least you see that it takes will to use it properly." He pointed out to the waterfall, "It's just like that, it's a current. It guides you, but crashed around you as it does it. It's violent, but also peaceful. It's up to you as to what it becomes in the end result. I only pray you learn more then just power, and ways to crush your enemy through this." He turned back to her. "Sit. Close your eyes." He took a few steps back. "Open your heart, and mind. Allow yourself to relax, but feel what is around you." He took a few more steps back. "This is the first step to understanding the force, listening to it. Make it an intimate thing, let it be one with you." Finally he stopped a few paces away from her. "Focus on the sound of the water falling, and the wind blowing. Feel it all with your senses. Feel it one at a time. The smells of the green growth around you. Sight will not help you here, not yet."
[member="The Shadow King"]

Not feeling like arguing ceaselessly about the Force, Kitsune simply sat down and concentrated on the world around her. The first sensory sensation that she felt was the wind. The wind softly passed through the leaves and branches of the trees around them, while she felt the cold whisper of the wind blow gently against her skin. Her untied hair jostled with the wind, chaotically and erratically dancing in the wind. Suddenly, a strong gale of wind overcame the area and her white, silver hair chaotically flew around her. She remained unmoved.

But a sudden wave of the Force swept over her, engulfing in her in waves of uncontrolled energy. She heard the waterfall cascading violently down the bluff of the cliff, disrupting the natural flow of the Force. The water cut and enveloped around the Force, causing the sensation of the Force to distort and warble. Complete dissonance.

Yet coupled with the wind, this dissonance harmonized with the resonance of the soft winds. She took a single deep breath and exhaled. And finally, Kitsune felt the warmth of the sun penetrate the cooling winds. The warmth intensified as Kitsune took notice of it. It continually intensified until the surface of her skin felt burning. With innate burning energy of the sun transferring to her presence in the Force. And soon, the balance was established once again, harmonizing with the soft wind, the passionate waterfalls and the warm sun.

Finally, the earth vibrated softly under her, murmuring to her, and beckoning her to come closer. To be buried with the dead and forever be in its embrace. The warmth of the sun, the raging motion the waterfalls, and the soft wind crescendo-ed into a furious chord of untamed and uncontrolled energy, silencing the earth to a simple, docile and delicate sensation of stability.
Romeo watched her closely again, seeing her relax, and come some what at peace with her environment. This pleased him, and made his job easier. "Good, the force wants to be embraced by you, it beckons you to touch it. It calls you by name, and caresses you gently, but with enough pressure so that you know it's there, and always there." He took a step forward. "Now allow your mind to open to your emotions, let each one come out, and then go as the next follows behind it. Let the force gently examine each emotion, and the force will let you know which is your strongest point. Positive, negative, each one, flows through your core, but you must control each one, and how they are expressed, or else be controlled by them."

Romeo took another step forward, "We are Vahla, the darkness is where we were born. It's what makes us what we are, but let the darkness control you. No, instead command that darkness you feel inside you to do your bidding, to give you strength, and show you the way." He took a few more paces forward, and stopped right in front of her, and squatted down to her level. "That darkness wants you, it will engulf you if you let, and you will lose yourself, and stray off that path which you walk. It will turn you into a monster, raging for needless violence with no glory, no gain. It will be your undoing, unless you make it bend to your will, and your will only."

[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune simply paused for a moment. She had no emotions. She was born in darkness. She was raised in darkness. And now she was shrouded in darkness. But there was one genuine trait that was instilled in her: a burning desire and ambition for success, power, prestige and wealth. She had the simple desire of bettering herself and her clan. Nothing more, nothing less. She was raised without any superfluous emotions such as pity, sadness, bitterness and despair.

There was simply honor.

And honor was a virtue which served as the fundamental tenet of her will. With honor she was able to wield the darkness within her and prevent its pervasive spread into her mind, body and soul. But honor does not necessitate virtue. It was simply achieving power, prestige and wealth to protect the integrity of her family, her clan, and her people. Utilizing any means to maintain the integrity of her people was the ultimate form of honor. No matter what personal dishonor people may perceive Kitsune to have. She was immune to the harangues of morality, sin, and religion.

She knew that she was the paragon of her society.

Of her people's honor. Of her people's pride. Of her people's respect.

Romeo smiled, and stood up, walked to the balcony edge, and leaned against it. "Let it burn." He simply said. "Allow it to fuel your powers, let it fuel your core. Let it ignite into a fire!" He said, and walked back to her, and snapped his finger, causing a small fire to come up from his tips, and float safely in his palm, "When you get it to do it, when you can feel it burning inside, command the force to let this fire caress your own hand as I drop in yours." He gently grabbed her hand, and titled it palm up. "When you feel it, let me know, other wise...this is going to hurt...a lot."
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune recalled on the familiar sensation of before...she closed her eyes and focused on the energy pulsating from the plasma within the his palm. She took a deep breathe and began eliminating the other elements of the environment. She silenced the earth, the water and the wind and cleared her mind of any thought other than the energy escaping from the mass of energized plasma. Kitsune recalled the warmth of the sun on her skin and beckoned for its assistance, and she felt the chaotic energy of the fire within herself. She attuned her senses to focus on a single sensation of temperature, and the Force urged her to move her hand closer towards the fire. Suddenly, Kitsune was overwhelmed with the raging torment of anger and hatred.

It was unlike the warmth of the sun. It was dark and cold in the presence of the Force, but it burned brightly and her body suddenly seemed to be ignited with a sudden rage. The Shadow King's fire was now completely transferred to Kitsune's palm, and it was radically changing color. Although the the fire was still present, the initial red color of the flame was now a pale, grey flame. It was almost as if the emotions that fueld that flames directly were absorbed by Kitsune.

((Kitsune has innate farseeing and telepathic Force ability, but she is highly compatible with alter force powers, due to her strong, residing connection with the environment and her ability to seemingly communicate and empathize with the environment.))

Romeo watched the fire change colors, rubbed his chin. "Hmmm...interesting...the color has changed to something mute..."He reached out to her with the force, and felt nothing from her emotionally. "Fire symbolizes hate...anger..and passion...depending on what fuels the fire, and how strong the emotion is depends on how bright it becomes..I have gotten green before, but...this something new. You have no emotions. You're omit nothing to the force but...emptiness..." he squat turned to a sitting position..."Very fact...I think you could touch the lighter sides of the force if you wanted to...but the darkness around you is is all Vahla." He stuck his hand to the fire. It felt normal. "Transfer it from one hand to this a couple of times. Get used to it's weightlessness."
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune seemed deaf to the Shadow King's words. The darkness inside her was consuming the life of the fire, and the fire itself soon dissipated. Kitsune felt a surge of the darkside, as the Shadow King's anger and hatred. She drew upon the power of the sun once more, using the Force to manipulate the physics of light so that it was condensed into a highly energized bolt of electromagnetic radiation and and directing the bolt of light directly at the Shadow King. Unlike typically Force Light, Kitsune relied on the Force present in the environment rather herself, perhaps due to her lack of training and experience.

Kitsune awoke from her trance and simply stared at the Shadow King, and gave him a questioning look as to what had exactly happened.

As he watched what was going on, Romeo's little ping of danger sense kicked in, and in a instant, Revan's saber was revealed with it's cryan colored blade, and blocked the shot of energized light bolt into the air where it would designate harmlessly. He looked at Kitsune, and could see she did not realize what was going on. His mind raced with what she had done, calculating every inch of knowledge he had of the force.
"You drew upon my own anger, and passion, which was not yours, thus making you not in control. Because you have no emotions, you feed upon others...its a natural thing a darksider does, but the risks can be...what just happened. You condensed solar rays into a blaster bolt, and then shot it at me. Seems we need to train you into controlling what you feel from others first, and how much you take're not used to feeling emotion..." He shook his head, and turned off his lightsaber.
"Does that make sense to you?"
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune paused for a moment to contemplate over what the Shadow King had explained and stood up. Looking at Shadow King once again, she stated firmly, "I see. What are we going to do now then? I obviously am lacking any training or experience a regular trained individual would have...Is there an accelerated program of sorts?"

She looked down at her unburnt hands and examined them, trying to perceive any abnormalities. "Nothing," she thought to herself, "Interesting."

Kitsune looked at the Shadow King once again, waiting for some sort of next step.

"We train you to feed on other's feelings, then we try to give you fire again. Maybe...probably..." He stood up and offered his hand. "Come we must go to the Scars. There you will be able to feed of the darkness there, allowing you to connect to the force easier." He pressed a button on his side which would bring the speeder of his to the bottom of the steps of the temple. "We'll need water..."
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune shrugged and quickly took out four chained kunai, placing them in between her fingers. Running directly towards the waterfall and off the cliff, she lunged forward and did a forwards barrel roll: as she faced back towards the bluff of the cliff, Kitsune threw the four kunai against the grund on top the cliff, which embedded themselves deeply inside of the rock foundation. The kunai themselves were made to penetrate the densest and strongest of armors, and they easily sunk into the stone ground and remained firmly in place. As Kitsune was propelled forward, the chains of the kunai kept extending until they abruptly stopped, and Kitsune magnetically clipped the chains to her belt. Taking out a drinking flask from her belt, Kitsune reached towards the waterfall and gripped the wall briefly, taking the time to fill the flask with the water that was cascading down the waterfall. After it became full, she capped the flask and slammed the side of her belt, allowing the grappling hook's mechanism to real Kitsune quickly back towards the bluff. Before Kitsune's body slammed against the ground, she removed the grappling hooks from her belts and placed her hands forward, barrel rolling across the ground and gracefully landing in a kneeling position. She blew out a portion of her hair which dangled in front of her face.

She tossed the flask towards the Shadow King and stated simply, "Can we go now?"

Romeo face palmed. "We're going to need more then that..." He snapped his fingers, and five dark jedi apprentices came out with jugs of water. "Take it to the speeder, put it in the back." They all bowed, and rushed towards the speeder, and placed it all in the back. As Romeo watched the other Vahla doing all her jumping around, he shook his head. "Showing off gets you no where...but at least you agility is honed in.." He said out loud.
As he made his way down to the speeder, he spoke more.
"This place was under the Infinite Empire, ruled by a Force Hound from long since forgotten. This, this is all that is left of his kingdom." He was now at the speeder, and opened the passenger door for her. "Now, the Force Hounds were strong in the use of the dark side, and trained to kill other force users, and what not. When the kingdom saw it's last days, the king of that era tainted certain places, making them connected to the dark side."
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune stared blankly at the open seat and simply lazily motioned her hand forward. In a few moments, an ornate, silver-colored speeder quickly approached Kitsune and abruptly stopped exactly 5 meters away from her and the cockpit of the vehicle opened. From there, an armor clad soldier jumped from the cockpit and landed agilely on the ground and immediately kneeled, bowing his head. Kitsune waved at the Shadow King before doing a front flip into the cockpit of the speeder and punched the entrance switch. The visor of the cockpit slowly descended downward and sealed her inside. The soldier stood to his feet and bowed deeply before retreating quickly back into the direction he came from.

She adjusted the energy distribution of the vehicle to increase the energy allocated to repulsorlift engines, accommodating for the harsher terrains, and balanced this by decreasing the energy allocated to the weapon systems. Then, Kitsune did a quick diagnostic systems check before revving the propulsion engines of the speeder, and she waited for the Shadow King to proceed.

Romeo sighed as he watched all this. He lifted a hand up, and took deep breathes, drawing on the force. As he did this, he would start to lift his hand, and the speeder along with it. Reaching another hand out for support, the speeder would rise, and rise till it was about ten feet in the air. "You will learn patience, or I will beat it into you." He slammed his hands down, and the speeder along with it. It would crush the repulsor lifts, and deem it unusable. "I will not continue this training until you calm down, and stop acting before thinking." He gestured with his hand as if waving something away, and her driver door was ripped off. "Am I understood?"
[member="The Shadow King"]

Kitsune slowly unbuckles herself out of her destroyed speeder before dusting off seemingly macroscopic pieces of dust off of her clothing. She smooths the wrinkles out of her clothing with her hands, before taking one step toward the Shadow King. Turning around and inspecting her speeder, she retorts, "Well. That was unnecessary."

She slowly walks around the speeder, inspecting the damage done onto it, "I would certainly consider you the paragon of patience, rational thinking and calmness, judging by your current actions. Completely destroying my speeder was certainly the best of all possible actions in the best of all possible worlds. I humbly apologize deeply and utmost regrettably for accomplishing your tasks and entering my own craft for usage. I was completely and utterly not thinking about my actions, even for my necessary actions of breathing, thinking, and other relevant metabolic processes." she sarcastically remarks.

She places one hand on the hull of the vehicle and smears off some leaking blue coolant. Flicking the coolant at the Shadow King's face, Kitsune states, "You may be more adept in the Force, but I've faced countless numbers of veteran Masters of the Force."

Grasping the handle of her vibroblade, she repeats, "The Force is simply a means to an end. A practice. A tool."

At that moment, an entire company of samurai warriors emerge from the surroundings and surround the Shadow King and Kitsune, armed with vibroblades, Kiyohime-class Blaster Rifles and Janjanbi-class Slugthrower Pistols.

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