The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister
Romeo stood at the front entrance of the Temple of Nisshoku, watching the water fall rush over the edge, and felt it was the best place for a temple. It was secluded, and away from civilization. Up in the mountains where everything was beautiful, and calm. But the training done here, was far from those things. They were intense, and full of hardship, pain, and passion. Here, the darkside was taught as something that was both a weapon, and a way to express yourself in the truest forms possible. It was here passion was taught to be your shield, and anger you sword. For a little one, on one, Romeo asked Kitsune to meet him at the front, to show her the art of Pyrokinesis. Maybe get some martial arts out of the way as well. Far off, you can see Black Gate, with all it's rain, and storms. Black clouds formed overhead, and flashes of lighting glittered the darkness.
He closed his eyes, and took in a breath of the mountain air, and then exhaled. Deep inside the force embraced him, and caressed him. It whispered to him of the power he possessed, and to use it against his enemies. This was the constant battle one faced when learning the ways of the darkside, control. One needed to always check themselves before performing an action of aggression, to make sure one knew what this would do, how it would work, and all the other details in said action.
Like the force, fire was a power, it was something that could be hardly controlled. Only through training, and practicing could one start to control fire to be an obedient servant.
Romeo stood at the front entrance of the Temple of Nisshoku, watching the water fall rush over the edge, and felt it was the best place for a temple. It was secluded, and away from civilization. Up in the mountains where everything was beautiful, and calm. But the training done here, was far from those things. They were intense, and full of hardship, pain, and passion. Here, the darkside was taught as something that was both a weapon, and a way to express yourself in the truest forms possible. It was here passion was taught to be your shield, and anger you sword. For a little one, on one, Romeo asked Kitsune to meet him at the front, to show her the art of Pyrokinesis. Maybe get some martial arts out of the way as well. Far off, you can see Black Gate, with all it's rain, and storms. Black clouds formed overhead, and flashes of lighting glittered the darkness.
He closed his eyes, and took in a breath of the mountain air, and then exhaled. Deep inside the force embraced him, and caressed him. It whispered to him of the power he possessed, and to use it against his enemies. This was the constant battle one faced when learning the ways of the darkside, control. One needed to always check themselves before performing an action of aggression, to make sure one knew what this would do, how it would work, and all the other details in said action.
Like the force, fire was a power, it was something that could be hardly controlled. Only through training, and practicing could one start to control fire to be an obedient servant.