Morality Policeman :)
Name: Ursäkta May Wandersun
Faction: [None]
Rank: Farm gal
Species: Miralian
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 1.60 meters
Weight: 48 Kg
Eyes: Amethyst
Hair: Black
Skin: Green
Force-sensitivity: None
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Kin milk a bantha sewper fast
+ Kin rahd a bantha sewper fast
+ Kin skeer a snake
+ Kin shoot a guhn lak a pro
+ Kin dance
+ Got a hah pain tawlerance
- Ain't dun ejumikated
- Smells fuhnny
- Has one o' them dialekts
- Drives lak a blind dewback in a Ex-Tharty-Four
Y'all know ther ain't much a-talkin' 'bout. Ursäkta May got borned awn Concord Dawn one mornin' an' the wawrld ain't never bin the same seeance. 'Cuz none ever hard of a farmgurl who kin milk three banthas in fahv minutes. Yup. She dun got the record fer that ther.
Ursäkta May has lak tweelve bruthers 'n' sisters, an' she'll prolly have 'bout the same 'mount o' kids when she's got hitched. Ya know she's kinda keewt an' has the sweetest durn parsunality, so they reckon she'll prolly snag a good 'un. Maybe he maht not wear the pants in the family, but whoever wants tuh murry her's gun' have an exciting life, ya kin garruntee that.
Sekritly, Ursäkta May wants tuh take a vacation awn Nabbew 'cuz it's lak a luxury spa an' she ain't never bin at one.
Faction: [None]
Rank: Farm gal
Species: Miralian
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 1.60 meters
Weight: 48 Kg
Eyes: Amethyst
Hair: Black
Skin: Green
Force-sensitivity: None
Homeworld: Concord Dawn
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Kin milk a bantha sewper fast
+ Kin rahd a bantha sewper fast
+ Kin skeer a snake
+ Kin shoot a guhn lak a pro
+ Kin dance
+ Got a hah pain tawlerance
- Ain't dun ejumikated
- Smells fuhnny
- Has one o' them dialekts
- Drives lak a blind dewback in a Ex-Tharty-Four
Y'all know ther ain't much a-talkin' 'bout. Ursäkta May got borned awn Concord Dawn one mornin' an' the wawrld ain't never bin the same seeance. 'Cuz none ever hard of a farmgurl who kin milk three banthas in fahv minutes. Yup. She dun got the record fer that ther.
Ursäkta May has lak tweelve bruthers 'n' sisters, an' she'll prolly have 'bout the same 'mount o' kids when she's got hitched. Ya know she's kinda keewt an' has the sweetest durn parsunality, so they reckon she'll prolly snag a good 'un. Maybe he maht not wear the pants in the family, but whoever wants tuh murry her's gun' have an exciting life, ya kin garruntee that.
Sekritly, Ursäkta May wants tuh take a vacation awn Nabbew 'cuz it's lak a luxury spa an' she ain't never bin at one.