Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unknown Threads to Cut. Pawns, Kings, and Adam Born (Lydeck)

Rhigar 3 Info
Neutral Space, OS Borders
Unknown Regions
Akestos Island
Converted Military Academy – Force Library, Oceanic Shrine, Old Knowledge of times past.

Sera had slipped away from her crowds and duties again, taking her far from her usual home on Byss. Struggling behind their scenes, woven within war's seers waged toward each other, as they tried to subtly shape futures before they arrived. Kintan's priestess took time to breathe awakening to their oceans air, her full red robe still bearing trace of her faded golden eagle, an older high galactic standard embroidered across her side. Sera was graceful, steps soft, taking time to breathe and cast deep blue eyes across their ocean world. Heavy heat adding moisture to her palms made them clench. but she found such moisture favorable. She had headed toward outer reaches of their (Un)known galaxy, to see her force’s will done, and of course shape their future according to their current's will, or stop their future being interrupted.

Rhigar 3, tropical ocean moon, warm, exactly as Sera required, there was water plentifully found to sustain her. Moisture, their air something she badly needed, but also her aversion to bodies of water reason enough perhaps why she had visited. This world was an enigma to her, welcoming and also off putting. If she were to master her elemental controls fully for her force’s work and will, then beginning here she must balance her energies, as other Masters in her passing journeys' had told her.

At site of one abandoned and now converted military academy, that this tropical paradise was known for, she had found rare landfall above sea level. Akestos island was small with busy libraries, and secrets within, open to all if you were respectful, closed if not. Greeted by Chiss, orderly and structured as ever, their uniforms showing their own rigid and disciplined code, especially here. They were not religious so much as historians here, cataloging the way their species had evolved from similar oceans as this one, and tracing possible lineage to their past. At least they had been till they had discovered something, but few would know what, yet.

Sera had business here… important business to help future events unfold. “Master,” she said softly upon her palm, as if speaking to someone no long there, “we are to begin.”, and so she entered, to seed fates anew.


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