Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unity. [ House Verd ]

Warlock Gate, Rekali Territory

As the Undying walked among the worlds, a question reached his ear. It formed and fell from the lips of a cultist - one who worshipped Death as a god. She, Mati, was curious as to why the late Alor tormented himself so. She was curious as to why he would forsake eternal bliss in favor of a sordid existence. At the time, Isley Verd was lost for words. There was an answer, but his own sorry state blurred it from his mind. Time moved ever forward, the encounter was left in the past...yet still the question lingered. Why did he force himself into undeath? Why did he accept the agony of feeling his flesh boil perpetually?


The realization came as thunder, rattling the Undying to his core. In death, he had heard the wails: the final laments of those claimed by Mandalore's collapse before moving on. Yet...he did not listen. Too caught up was he in his own demise...too distracted was he by the reunion with Ember and others of his past. The truth was there, but he had been too blind to accept it. Yet now, he recalled the wails. Now, the reason for his being was made perfectly clear. The very same man who had restored Isley's honor in life...had caused his death. The Bastion of Honor himself had the blood of millions on his hands.

This would not stand.

His fury erupted from the stone and reverberated through the Force. The ground before the Warlock Gate shuddered, as if something mammoth was thundering forward. The meek - squirrels, serpents, and all manner in between - followed base instinct. They fled from that which they did not understand...they scurried away from that which seemed a threat. But there was one who did not. His face was that of a Kyr'tsad named Var Halo...but Isley knew him better than that. For a lifetime, they had been one and the same. For a lifetime, they had quarreled over control of a single body.

But where Isley chose to die saving his kin, Metus chose to live.

With helm tucked under the crook of his arm, the Sith watched the emergence of wrath personified. A spectral hand slid forth from the stone, gripping for purchase upon its runed surface. It trembled with effort, pulling forth the rest of the Undying's charred existence. It took quite some time...but the Sith waited patiently. Silently. Until both stood before the other.


"Hello to you too, old friend."

The Undying bared his teeth at the Sith, taking an angry step forward. You left me to burn.

"You'd have done the same, had I decided to play hero to a bunch of Sithlings."

And so you've come to gloat.

"And so you've come to strike me down." came the Sith's response as a smirk formed upon his lips. "But...I'd wager that's not the case, actually. If it were, you'd have come back like this much sooner, yes?" He stepped forward, coming to a halt within arm's reach. "And, while it would amuse me to no end to see you squirm one last time, I have come to make sport of your demise."

The Undying parted his lips, as if to contest his words...but he was right. The Sith before him was not the object of his malice. Then why are you here?

"Because I am a rational being." he began. "Because I could feel you stirring eighteen sectors away. And..." the Sith then paused, motioning at the both of them with his freehand. "Because we are diminished."

Diminished? Hardly.

A chuckle escaped Metus as he began to pace. He walked a slow, deliberate circle about the wraith, keeping his sulfuric gaze upon him perpetually. "Truly? Then explain...why one who learned to walk the realms between by Mother Petra...struggled to emerge from the Warlock Gate? Or. How about this. Tap into that lovely talent of yours and make it rain, just like old times."


"You can't. I know you are far too proud to admit it, so I'll just say it for you. It takes everything just to maintain this lackluster form. And I...It's a small miracle if I can keep a butter knife from rusting. I can't even conjure properly."

I don't give a flying kark about what you cannot do.

"Good to know your vocabulary hasn't changed..." came Metus' retort. "What matters to you is being able to avenge your demise, yes? To make your mentor suffer for the lives he claimed? Well. I doubt you'll have much success if you can't even hold yourself together long."

I highly doubt you've developed a care for others besides yourself in our time apart.

"You assume correctly. Your quest means nothing to me, but, I am a rational man. As were you. So, I've come with a proposition that...well, the idea once made us both gag decades ago."

You don't mean...

The Sith extended his hand.

"We blur the lines once and for all. I'd rather be whole and stink of Mandalorian than be unable to live. And, before you refuse...remember what you came here to do."

The Undying eyed the flesh before him...and looked down upon himself. His manifestation was bleak. Opaque in certain places. Deformed in others. He was a shadow of his former self...a far cry from his former might. And, although the thought disgusted him immensely...failure he could not stomach even more. He could not rest - he would not - until vengeance was his.

I...That body. We cannot. It would erode.

"Says the man with a very obedient and very stable clone running around somewhere."

Just how long have you been planning this?

"Nine months, thirteen days, and wait...fifteen minutes."

And with a scoff did the Undying wrap his spectral fingers about the Sith's. A firm shake was given, but neither relinquished their hold. Their banter came to an abrupt conclusion. The Undying's form began to waver as amber bands slithered forth from Metus. They coiled about his arms...and the was as if he were being diminished all over again. But. Just as the wraith's appearance disappeared completely, there was power. There was a feeling of completeness.

The Ram closed his fist.
Colony Site HV-0308

Some time had passed...

And certain realities began to transpire rapidly. Realities that would be alarming to those bearing the name Verd. First, the sole individual to bear the Ram's face turned up missing. His last check in was a routine conference call weeks prior, but silence following. Next, a scarcely-guarded vault on Krant was breached. Twas one that only members of the immediate family would know about and contained items of alchemical nature; such as Isley's Maker's Mark. And, finally, a single A/Y-92 Aquila Starfighter came roaring through the Ailon atmosphere.

It's bearing was for the land prospected by House Verd for the construction of its Colony...and it was coming fast. Attempts to reach the pilot over the comm had returned no answer; and upon its descent would the House be on edge. Some aimed blasters at the vessel whilst others waited to see who, or what, would emerge. The cockpit slid open...

And the Ram rose to greet his family.

[member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Amaya Verd"]
A long time ago Keira had given up on coincidences, and so all those that transpired neatly in a row and just so happened to pertain directly to herself and all immediate relatives struck a chord within her that she wasn't entirely certain how to interpret. Instinct told her to be wary, but the less logical side of her became instantly optimistic at the news that had traveled quickly across all Verd channels. All of them were thinking the same thing, but none of them dared say it aloud for fear of it all going up in smoke. Still all of them had congregated in order to discuss, and at the present moment the gathering found themselves on a planet that inhabited the fringes of Mando'ade space, a world recently acquired and largely unknown.

All that stood to greet them was the unrelenting hull of a starfighter, each one interpreting its arrival differently. For her there was only uncertainty, but from the second the occupant emerged and she caught a glimpse of his face suddenly existing in the present moment was an impossible feat. Telltale signs of age and battle may have disappeared, and particular features may have been vastly different, but she knew her older brother just as intimately as she knew herself. The familiarity of his presence washed over her like a tidal wave that threatened to pull her under, breath tight in her chest. She was halfway real in that moment, caught between the present and the all too clear recollections of the day he died, uncertain of which remained the reality.

"Stand down." Her voice was quiet and hoarse with emotion, demanding attention all the same. Slowly those that still had weapons at the ready lowered them, and that seemed to bleed a fraction of the tension from her, a sigh hissing quietly from between her teeth. She swallowed once, twice, unable to formulate the proper words. There wasn't anything to say, really. What did you say to a man whose death you had felt every nuance of after he'd supposedly miraculously returned as if nothing had happened in the first place? Words plagued her and yet deftly escaped her grasp, and so she only stood there, helmet rendering her expressionless while underneath its phrik shell she was anything but.

Shaking hands reached up to remove the helm, dropping it to the ground seemingly without thought. Unsteady steps carried her forward, her coordination that of a newborn foal, progress halting once she stood directly in front of the man she had once affectionately dubbed ori'vod. Her head turned slightly to one side as she studied him as if relearning his features, and then without warning she lashed out with her right hand in a punch intended for his jaw. Just as quickly as she had resorted to violence Keira hugged her brother tightly, tears cutting warm trails down her face, her voice a whisper, "I missed you."

[member="Darth Metus"]
She had heard that her father was back and she refused to believe if. Because what father in his right mind would let his child mourn his loss because he wanted to be a martyr for a people that didn't give a damn about him.

So when she strolled into the room to witness her aunt hugging her father all she felt was white hot anger. Not only did she loose her child she had to mourn the loss of her father only for him to say 'nope I don't think I like death much at all' and come back. No, he would receive no kindness at all from her. If anything she kept her distance, her form rigid and her fists clenched, the anger rolling off of her in waves. Turning to her aunt, she spoke very softly , her tone cold and cutting . It was clear her self control was only holding by a tiny thread.

"You didn't hit him nearly as hard as you should of.."

[member="Darth Metus"][member="Keira Ticon"]

Amaya’s voice was soft, so soft you almost couldn’t hear it. “But... you, you’re-”

She looked away and her fists clenched at her side. Bright brown eyes now turned back to look at the Ram. Amaya was furious and she was happy, but also furious. A Cardei temper simmered beneath her exterior. The girl pushed her lips to the side as she all but stomped toward the man, almost ignoring her aunt and sister at in the process. “Is he... Keira, is it?” She had to ask, Amaya had to and as she watched her aunt’s interactions with the man. “Deneve...” The brunette turned to the man claiming to be Isley and then the girl faced her sister.

Maybe it was because she never had a father, and maybe it was because for so long she longed to know the man. For a daughter of the Ram, she so much wanted to be the child she should have been from the start.


She moved and threw her arms around him and clung to him. Amaya held him and it was all she wanted to do in the moment, tears formed and fell where they would. He was here, he was tangible and no longer was he an idea or a fleeting spirit. He was real, her father was real and he was alive.
[member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Deneve Verd"]

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