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Approved Location Union Street Repairs

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  • Intent: To place the first block.
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  • Structure Name: Union Street Repairs
  • Classification: Repair Shop
  • Location: Coruscant
  • Affiliation: A silent engineer from Tatooine called Griffin Coldwell.
  • Accessibility: Easy. The body shop has a reputation for good, steady work on vehicles, tech and ships up to starfighters. If you have a relationship with the shop you can just walk in, otherwise it's usually appointment based.
  • Security: Its reputation for one. Nobody wants to take out the only worthwhile repair shop in the district. Especially not when the prices are reasonable and additional mods can be found for extra. But in recent days Union Street has new muscle or people assume its new muscle, in the form of an old man, gray around the mane and eyes intense.
  • Description: Union Street Repairs is the only Body Shop worth its salt in the Agua District on Coruscant. It handles the repairs of vehicles, droids, starfighters and other complicated tech that needs expertise to handle. Most of the work is done by Griffin Coldwell, but he has the assistance of three Outlaw Techs who live around the neighborhood and sometimes lend their experience for the bigger projects. A lot of the smaller and mid-sized gangs from the Agua District and adjacent sectors come to Union Street for their tech need. The prices are reasonable, the work done is quality and most importantly: no questions are asked.
  • The Garage: Low-level vehicle repair, maintenance and construction is done here. There is enough equipment to work on several mid-sized vehicles at the same time.
  • The Workshop: The Workshop is reserved for larger projects that need needs assistance from robotics to properly manage. Starfighters, gunships, complicated machinery, the Workshop has the place and equipment to work on them. A short railway system allows for the subject to be literally moved into the Workshop from the Junkyard behind the repair shop.
  • The Station: The Station doubles as a place where smaller projects are tackled, armor, weapons, personal-sized droids and the sort. It opens up to the lounge room next to it. The systems in the station provide access to the mild security systems in place around the building.
  • Storage: Whenever a part is too sensitive to simply lay in the junkyard it is moved to the subterranean area under the Union Street Repairs. Spare parts, sensitive equipment, most of it is stored there at the end of the day.
  • The Junkyard: Behind the building is a mid-sized scrapyard. Most of it is literal scrap, but every once in a while something surprising comes out of it, usually when they need it most.
Union Street Repairs has been active in one form or the other for about five decades now.

It has changed hands more times than there are decades in its tenure, but no matter the owner, the street the repair shop has always had a reputation for quality work for affordable prices without much in the way of questions. Currently Union Street is owned by Griffin Coldwell, an engineer and former gang boss of the now-defunct Reckoners.

After the fall of the One Sith and the subsequent loss of the Coruscant Rotary Club's dominance over the city-world's crime world Griff opted against moving to Point Nadir in contrast to his many associates. He liked Coruscant and wasn't willing to simply get-up and leave like that. Instead he utilized his connects with the underworld to buy himself a spot in the Agua district. Right around that time Union Street Repairs had been vacated as its last owner had been killed during the short, but intense battle for Coruscant.

Fifteen years (give or take) passed and Griff made Union Street Repairs into one of the finest repair shops of the district.

This... inspired jealousy and envy.

One of the local crime lords wanted the USR and Griffin exclusively for himself. Usually all the gang bosses kept each other in check, but trouble in the upper levels distracted them. Union Street kept being harassed: equipment broken, parts stolen, windows dashed, anything that could happen, did happen to convince Griff to sign on with the Drag Knuckles.

Until one day a new face showed up.

Ragged, tired lines etched into his face, grey marking his hair and eyes simmering like a sleeping candle light. He called himself Starvald, just Starvald, and promised that he could solve Griff's problem for him. In return Coldwell would need to listen to a proposal the man had for him concerning the repair shop and himself.

Listening had never been a problem for Griff and he nodded in acceptance.

The very next day the Drag Knuckles had been shattered in one violent and bloody night of chaos.

Outwardly nothing changed for Union Street. Griff still ruled the shop with iron fist, but now it had a new denizen- grim-faced and coming and going at the strangest hours. Sometimes a woman was with him, hair marked by a color closer to stalled embers than chestnut, eyes hazel. People learned not to ask too many questions.

Never ended well.
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