Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Underworld Problems


It'd been a while since she last actually went into the Coruscant underworld. The Sithspawn were still there, still fighting, still killing. School had her attention with so much, but she was still a Jedi. Still someone to help others. So she set out, saber on her hip, to the underworld for a patrol. And as expected given her luck, things didn't go well at all. Patrol lead her to an empty spot. No civilians. No people. Concern had her stick around. There were no places devoid of people on Coruscant.

Saber in hand, but still extinguished, she wandered through one of the doors. Looked around, felt around through the Force. Nothing. .. Oh. Fear crept up her spine as she turned her saber on, glancing up. Sure enough, it was there. A Tyrant, floating with malice clear in it's gaze. A wide grin. It hid itself from her, from the colors. Then the colors bled away. Disappeared as it cut the Force out around it. So Iris ran. A Force nullifying creature was the last thing she needed to deal with. Last thing she could, really.

Subject 002 Tarnish Subject 002 Tarnish

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