Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unban 'Realistic' Mechs

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The fact that this is still being argued shows ineffectiveness on the staff side in coming to a decisive conclusion and lack of understanding the larger picture. The line could have simply been drawn at "If it has hands and fingers, it won't be accepted" and that will be good enough. At this point the argument for whether or not the Atlas or the Aegis is approved/denied has long since passed and it's just coming down to a matter of "Don't make me spend x amount of days or weeks on something only for you to hate the fact that it has hands" which is basically what the issue is here from the Factory staff side. It was never an issue with the function, the armor, or even the weapons, it was an issue with the appearance and whether or not it fits. But if this rule of "its aesthetics need to fit Star Wars" is going to persist, you best be willing to look at starships, weapons, droids and everything else with just as much scrutiny.
[member="Kor Vexen"] and [member="Kraken Society"], I appreciate that you're both passionate about this subject.

However, I do have a process in place that will lead to a resolution of this issue. Once that process is complete, I'll make a board announcement with my way forward on this issue. Until then, I'm going to lock this thread, because it appears that its constructive use is at an end.
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