Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Un-Locke-ing the Key

The sun was beginning to set over the encumenopolis world of Denon when Debbis Endo received word that his final appointment of the day had arrived. Of all the corporations with which he had made deals with today, he was the most excited to speak to the representative of Locke and Key Mechanics. It wasn't that he hadn't found his previous meetings fruitful or necessary for the growth of Obsidian Star, but they had all been rather straightforward affairs, requiring very little in the way of creativity.

For this meeting, he was hoping for a chance to engage in a little more than simple business negotiations. He wanted a chance to delve into the creative process a little. Though not an engineer by trade, Endo had picked up quite a bit of knowledge in his time as Obsidian Star's CEO. It was necessary to ensure that the R&D department weren't padding their budgets unnecessarily and overall just good business.

Sitting back in his chair, he sipped on his third glass of Alderaanian brandy. Though he could feel a slight warming sensation in his stomach, and a minor flush in his cheeks, Debbis Endo made a habit of taking anti-intoxicants on a regular basis. Though it never hurt to make the person you were negotiating with think you were drunk, actually being so was the height of stupidity.

"X-JCV," He spoke through his comlink. "Please show the representative from Locke and Key into my office."

He waited for the reception droid to acknowledge him before standing and moving to the door to meet his latest guest. "Hello! Hello!" He said enthusiastically as the door opened to reveal the being for whom he was waiting. "My name is Debbis Endo and I'm very happy to meet you! Please come in, may I get you a glass of brandy?"

He would lead the representative to the desk and offer him an inviting chair. If his question was met with an affirmative, he would pour a generous glass for his guest before taking his seat on the opposite side of the desk. "So as I understand it, your company has interest in the OS-106 "Oracle" portable HUD system? Is that right?"

[member="John Locke"]
“Well if it’s being offered, then I wouldn’t say no,” John offered Debbis a grateful smile as he sank into the offered seat, rolling his shoulders slightly as he settled in more comfortably. Accepting the offered glass the dark-haired man rolled his shoulders and raised the glass up taking a smell and a small sip, “The good stuff too I see,” he allowed with a smile. “I’m John Locke, thank you for accepting my request for a meeting, I’m honoured to meet you."

Taking another sip John gestured at his droid, EX, to step forward, the holoprojector in his chest glowing as it came to life, an image of the OS-106 appearing between them. Thanks EX,” “Well, I do live to serve, literally it’s all I do, you couldn’t have programmed me to have some hobby or the other could you?” John sighed, shaking his head good-naturedly, “Fine, we can play Dejark on the way home, happy,” as the droid lapsed into a contended silence John shrugged and shot an apologetic look at Debbis, “Sorry, I give him more freedom than I should perhaps, but EX is one of the best companions I’ve ever had.”

Glancing back at the glowing device the man nodded, “I was playing around with the concept for a very similar concept myself when I saw your product come up on the market. I thought it might be easier to work with you on refining the product rather than spending all the time on redeveloping the technology. It would be far more profitable for the both of our companies. Something a little more compact that can be marketed to more individuals than just armour users and the military.”

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