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Typhojem "The Black Hunger"

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"That Thing Should Not Be... but it is."

  • Name: Thyphojem (Sith Spawn)
  • Designation: Semi
  • Homeworld: Korriban
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: Same as a Tuk'ata. Tukata were sealed off in tombs for centuries and even millennia to guard the tombs of Dark Lords feeding off the very dark side of the force itself. Some Believe Tuk'ata don't die of old age being as there is no record of anyone ever seeing one die of old age.
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: Typhojem is a massive Three headed Sith Spawn Tuk'ata with abnormal features. Each head has a different amount of eyes and ears that it should have. It looks unnatural in every way, it's mouth of it's center head is always open unless attacking. It's skin is Tuk'ata skin but hardened and burnt. Scars of every shape and size cover it's body. Patches of hair are inconsistent.
  • Breathes: Oxygen, regular atmosphere.
  • Average height of adults: 22 meters (After The Battle of Nib)
  • Average length of adults: 13 meters (After the battle of Nib)
  • Skin color: Black and Red
  • Hair color: Gray and black
  • Distinctions:
  • Races: Unique
  • Strengths:
    + Pyrokinesis: From his three massive heads he is able to unleash a breath of fire using the power of the darkside of the force. This fire is so overwhelming it can melt durasteel and it's area of effect due to his size and all the mouths is massive. It could realistically clear entire trenches in minutes.

    +It Grows...: After every city it consumes and after every battle it is victorious in Typhojem grows larger and larger and it shows no sign of stopping. It is reasonable to believe that if his growth is not stopped he will be able to challenge cities with no army at his back and lay waste to them. He never stops growing.

    + Power of mass and agility: It's fire is not it's only weapon. It's sheer size and power allow it to bash, crush and smash what is before it be it a structure or vehicle or living being.

  • Weaknesses:

    - Strange fear of bodies of water: It will not cross bodies of water of any size. Rivers, lakes, even small creeks and ponds if it notices them. Reluctantly and with it's master commanding him, he will use a bridge but it will take time.

    - Not smart: Groom, Mythos' natural Tuk'ata that is by his side at all times is smart, he is intelligent and cunning, Typhojem is not. He acts with feral nature of a starving animal at all times unless Mythos is personally guiding him with beast mastery taking up all of his concentration to do.

    - Size: It might be good to have him in an open battlefield but inside buildings, ships, catacombs, dungeons ect. He is absolutely useless, in fact, inside a ship he is a danger. To transport him Mythos has to make sure he does not use his fire breath inside a ship or the entire thing will go off. That is a massive thing to see in the battlefield, that is a massive target, hard to miss.

    -Force Light: Light sided abilities hurt him very powerfully.

    - Slow: He may be strong but being large still makes him lumbering and slow. He cannot run very fast.
  • Diet: Everything that once had life.
  • Communication: Growls, barks, roars and can cast intent through the force
  • Technology level: It's a Beast.
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: His entire behavior revolves around being hungry and eating, it does not ever stop eating if it can. He always looks for something new to taste and devour.
During the conquest of Korriban by the Sith Empire Mythos arrived to finish his most recent archaeological dig taking his Tuk'ata Groom, a hound he found in his first adventure to Korriban and a beast that knew the ins and outs of the places within Korriban. After several weeks of no luck and very few to show for their dig Mythos decided to use his force powers to aid in some heavy lifting within the camp being that several workers had already died due to pelko bug stings. This exertion of power brought forth the attention of a pack of Tuk'ata roaming the area around him, one of which was a pregnant and carrying female Tuk'ata in search for food for it's new batch of pups. This is how you attained Tuk'ata, this was the same way he had gotten Groom and was able to start breeding the things in Ankhypt and Angramar but this also presented an opportunity that he had fantasied about. He knew that newborn pup Tuk'atas would be loyal to them who raised them and this was how it went, you found a pregnant Tuk'ata female, took her pups, slew her and got for yourself however many Tuk'atas there were... but he decided to try something different.
He engaged in combat with the pair of Male Tuk'atas alongside his bigger, better trained and stronger Tuk'ata Groom. They fought off and viciously slew the other enemy beasts one by one. Master and beast were in perfect synchronization given their times in the hermitage of Midvinter having to hunt and slay similar animals all the while Mythos lacked the power of the force. They made quick work of the beasts, the last being the easiest, given how they outnumbered her but before the female was killed Mythos took preparation and called for his workers to bring him his sith alchemy kit filled with knives, scrolls and oils as well as precious bloods and materials he would need for this procedure. Using alchemy and sith magic he executed a complex and long ritual that first of all fused the bodies of three unborn Tuk'ata males inside the belly of the female Tuk'ata. He contorted their bodies using sith magic and kept them alive during this abominable ritual using alchemy. The trick he knew, was bringing them out of the belly alive and used a strange technique with force drain to use the remaining life blood of the mother and himself to do that.

After a long time in the ritual and surgical-esque procedure Mythos was successful in pulling out the conjoined Three bodied Tuk'ata alive and breathing and into a pod of life support. The first step of the project that was Typhojem was done.

Mythos then took the pup to Midvinter once he was alive and well, fed and nurtured with his daughter Kida to hunt and stay in his estate deep in the forests many miles from the capital city. As a pup the beast showed promise and even in the cold world of Midvinter it was able to brup out little balls of flame to cook it's raw food. After a while in Midvinter it had grown larger in size, half the size of Groom and only months old, this is when Mythos knew it was time for the final piece of the ritual to be had.

Back to where he was resurrected, back to Ankhypt. Thousands of slaves funneled into the black Pyramid of Sethemis and placed beneath the thing, at the gate of the Necropolis below the sands. That is when he met again with Maelasi Eremar, his powerful servant and together they sent Typhojem down into the pit as a half big pup to begin killing and burning and devouring the souls and bodies of the servants as they, in the second floor, began to recite the dreaded incantations to infuse the body of the hound with those that he killed making him bigger and bigger with every kill. His fire grew with his size, Mythos using every ounce of power at his disposal, almost killing his servant in the sheer exertion of power on display, funneled his own power into the beast.

It lasted an eternity, it was not to be done until the beast killed all the slaves and devoured their flesh or burnt them all to a crisp... but Mythos still was not done. He gave birth to the beast, taught it to hunt and infused it with power but now he needed to bend this thing to his will... and he did. Using sheer guts and fearlessness he dove into the pit and faced down the beast, allowing it to attack him in order to be able to make it fall into his spell. By sheer miracle or by sheer will and dominion over the power of the darkside of the force.. Typhojem obeys...

Now he seeks only to devour and Mythos is keen on letting him for after every good sized town he devours he becomes bigger and bigger and Mythos knows that it will get to a point where he is no longer sent after towns but can be unleashed on cities just like Maelasi predicted.
He is not only massive but he weighs more than three thousand pounds after the battle of Nibegunen, he is poised to only become bigger, taller and even more powerful than he is right now.
Okay, so, [member="Mythos"]

This needs to be done as a species submission instead of an NPC sub. It's a Sithspawn with clearly unique abilities/features bestowed upon it which would be better suited to the species submission template both for organizing what exactly this beast can do, and ease of judging on my part. I'd recommend just listing the population as 'unique' if you'd like for this to be the sole member. I'll move this to pre-codex so you can re-do things with the species (fauna) template because I see no way it can remain an NPC sub with what's being listed.

My second concern lies in the creature's currently listed height and weight. 22 meters is extremely tall but 700kg is also extremely light for that size. At that height, it's twice the size of a telephone pole but basically weighs as much as an adult cow, and those proportions feel too unrealistic. You'd need to either make the creature smaller or make it weigh a lot more to account for the pure mass of this thing before I'd feel comfortable passing it. Personally, my grievance is more with the height as that is a huge creature, and I think by making it smaller, things would be more in balance.

Other than those two things, I really like the general aesthetic of the creature as a Cerberus-like Sithspawn, I just think it needs to be put through as a species submission instead so that it can be judged more effectively and that your proportions need some adjusting to make them more believable :D
Alrighty, [member="Mythos"]

I don't think it's necessary to list size as a weakness twice, so those can be put under the same weakness. I'm also slightly concerned with the strength concerning its growth; does it just never stop growing, ever? Clarification on that would be great as I'd like to ensure this remains balanced :)
[member="Mythos"] better, but if I'm being honest this still seems far too powerful, to the point I wouldn't feel comfortable stamping it for approval in its current state.

The strength making it agile needs to either be removed or replaced with something else because this thing being 22 meters+ but also having good agility is a bit too much when put together, you could even add a weakness for it being slow if you'd like. I think once that's addressed we'll be good to get this approved.
[member="Mythos"] the first few weaknesses should actually be on there as he's a Sithspawn, and Sithspawn by nature are weak to light side abilities. Adding them would definitely not hurt (In fact, they for sure should be there) but I was asking you to address the agility strength, which should still be done because it adds a lot of power to an already powerful creature. Otherwise, I'm afraid this isn't going to pass.
[member="Mythos"] you still list the creature being agile in the weakness itself which both goes against the nature of what I asked & also feels misleading since I asked for it to be removed but instead it was quietly shuffled under a weakness to keep it. Rule 14 on the Standardized rules for both the Codex and Factory states this, verbatim:

Intentionally breaking these rules or attempting to mislead Judges will incur a 30 day zero tolerance ban from the Factory or Codex.
Please make the changes I asked for in full by removing any mention of this creature being fast or agile, especially mentions of it in the weaknesses. If this isn't fixed the submission will be denied. Be careful both now and in the future to not try and work something I (or another judge) have explicitly asked to be removed from the submission back into it otherwise you may land yourself a 30-day ban from the Codex.
[member="Allyson Locke"] Canon says they don't die of old age, I'm just going off what Legends canon states. They can still die just not of natural causes. I put the link to canon there.

Do you wan't me to put like centuries? It's implied to give it a number.
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