Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Princes


Self-Imposed Exiled
So I joined earlier this afternoon to join on with a group that looked quite interesting to me, after speaking with the leader it seemed to me that a lot of things are around your posting level and how active you are, due to such I asked what I could post without it being deemed inappropriate.

I was then told that making a thread like this would be interesting, even allow people to give tips on what to do around the site and such, though I was stuck on a name and after taking a good fifteen minutes to think of one I decided to name it after the next song on my playlist so here we are.

Other than that, I am not entirely sure what to put here other than copy other players. I am not a novice to the idea of role-playing or forum role-playing, though I am new here and that meas a lot since each environment is differing to one another.

Here's to hoping that my stay lasts long and brings many enjoyable rides, for both myself and those participating.

Any and all advise will be taken into account, be it on my writing style or character himself, I do not take anything personally.

Thank you for having me.

Giant ball of nerves checking out.

Hello, welcome to Chaos.

Wish I could give you some advice but I'm honestly not the right person to do that. Still learning things on my end as well, tho I hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun.

Welcome to the Chaos!

Glad to have you here, and I hope you have fun with us - keep the questions coming so we can help you out.

There are lots of opinions here about how best to RP, so I wouldn't like to say mine are totally right or totally wrong, but basically have a look around and get a feel for the site, the threads and the array of writers we have.

No-one here can tell you you can't join in with Open / Group RP because you're new or have different style os writing for example (keep it clean, PG-13 and respectful of course!) so you just post as much or as little as you can balancing your Real Life.

Some people are here 9hrs a day if they can be, on and off, and others are only active certain periods, but we understand that and all work and communicate with each other to make sure we all enjoy the stories we want to write in.

Check out the tabs at the top which highlight general rules, the Map and Timeline we work in, the Factions etc - just get a feel for the place and you should be fine in no time. It feels more daunting than it is.

PLEASE just shout if we can help you anytime, and I am sure others will have more good and decent advice and tips for you.


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