Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two halves do not make a whole [Avidon Oligarchy / One Sith]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Hera sat quietly in space, having arrived at the world too little too late. It was clear that there was nothing that could be done, and now two worlds rest sundered much like Malachor V at the close of the Mandalorian Wars. Golden Yellow hues fell upon the sight, carefully scanning and watching as the two halves danced around one another. It was clear that even the atmosphere was being lost to space as it wisped away off into space. Soon enough there would be no means to keep those that remained alive, though that was not what the Baroness was here for. Rather she had her sights on the other half, the world of Lashtu that now remained. The darkened room lit up for a moment as a surge of energy shot off from the halve of the world, the still dark clouds of the surface apparent. This was a world from somewhere else, or at the very least it came from a part of the Galaxy that no one had stumbled across yet.
"What do we know?"
Her voice was one of inquisitive wonder, wanting to understand what she was looking upon as she stood on the bridge of the Hera. Her arms crossed carefully as the large Nexu purred at her side, while her old friend stepped forward. There was little to know, she knew that, though there was always the hope that some information could be gleamed from the situation. Her mind though was racing, her heart beating rapidly with excitement and terror. What could be on that half of the world she wondered. It was worth the risk to even bring back some small or worth while that could justify sending more to gather as much as they could.
"Very little Ma'am. There appears to be some form of energy being discharged from a generator, though the cloud cover is making it difficult to pin point."
There was what she wanted. A piece of whatever was shedding and throwing out that much energy, enough that the Hera had to stay away for the cruiser was too large to nimbly dodge that discharge. The walls where illuminated once more on the darkened bridge, the Baroness smirking as she nodded softly.
"Gather a small group of the Fenrir Guardsmen and a compliment of the Skoll Security Droids. I want to see what is down there."

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