Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Twisted One's Armor

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  • Classification: Stealth Killer Suit
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Average
  • Allows for a Wide Range of Movement
  • Protects against range of attacks
  • Contains an arsenal of weapons and tech.
  • Hard to Destroy Visor Mask
  • Protect from grazing lightsaber strikes
  • Will only suffer certain amount of damage before material failure
  • Does not protect against the elements
  • Weak to EMP based device
  • Anything too high a caliber or charge will break through
  • Lack of helmet leaves back of head less protected
Unbeknownst to Desdemona, her alternate personality, bought and heavily modified this ordinary Jumpsuit into a Highly effective, weapon packed outfit. This suit is only worn whist the Split Mind is in control, hiding it in her apartment prior and post every killing spree. The High levels of resistance gives this unusually light armor maximum defense against all common forms of damage, however it does not protect from heat, EMPs or the such. This can leave the user wide open aside from their basic skills. The Red and dark grey coloration gives this Serial Killer Personality her trademark name from Reporters, The Crimson Butcher. The clawed fingers, concealed blade and stealth tech allows the wearer to move through areas without issue. The layer of Neuranium allowed the wearer to be practically undetectable to scanner or similar devices. This could cause the user to either appear invisible to the scanner image, or blend into its surroundings.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Desdemona Rue Desdemona Rue

This one is cool! And I dig the art!
  • "Affiliation: Salus Corporation" if this belong your character's, please link your bio as well.
  • "Indestructible Visor Mask" please pay attention to wording, there is no such thing what is indestructible. The right wordings is for example "hard to destroy" etc.
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