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Approved Tech Tulak Hord's Holocron

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Image Source:'s_holocron_(Tomb_of_Marka_Ragnos)
Intent: A bargaining chip, and source of knowledge for Ballen-Ist and friends
Development Thread: [x] (Done alongside [member="Kelan The Hutt"])
Manufacturer: Tulak Hord
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Tulak Hord, Ballen-Ist
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Holocron components
  • Tulak Hord as gatekeeper
  • Insight on Tulak Hord's fighting style, principles, and past
  • Teachings in Force Drain
  • Teaching in Sith Alchemy
  • Teaching in Telekinesis
  • Information on the ancient Dashade, and stasis field suspended animation
Description: Several thousands of years ago, the Dark Lords of Old ruled the Sith Empire. Their power was said to be so great, that the force users of modern times would look as if they were children when stood next to them. One of these Dark Lords was Tulak Hord, Lord of Hate and Master of the Gathering Darkness. It is said that this holocron is only one of the many artifacts created by him, which are scattered across the known galaxy. The holocron is said to possess teachings from Tulak Hord himself, instructing the holder of the holocron in the ways of his personal combat style. Even though it is unclear whether or not Tulak Hord possessed a lightsaber, the holocrons teaching would most likely be applicable to metallic swords and plasma sabers alike.

Few have ever witnessed the holocrons contents before, but its rumoured that Tulak Hord was a honorable and relentless warrior, given his participation in the Kaggath and the ruthless way he destroyed his rival's entire legacy. It is possible that Tulak Hord's fighting style possesses elements of Juyo and Djem So, two forms favoured by Sith in the past. These teachings can only be learned to an extent depending on the individual's skill and interpretation, and will never rival the original prowess of Tulak Hord. Even though the holocron is said to only possess lessons on lightsaber combat, that is not all that Tulak Hord knew. Asides from being a master of the blade, Tulak Hord was first and foremost a Dark Lord of the Sith, one capable of willing the dark side to perform many unholy deeds.

His scope of power extended far beyond just swordsmanship, into the darkest depths of Sith sorcery itself. It is said that Tulak Hord was capable of draining the strength of his opponents on the battlefield, thanks to his extensive research in Sith rituals. It is also hinted that that Hord possessed knowledge of Sith alchemy, though to what extent is unknown. Last but not least, is the teachings on telekinesis that give the learner insight to Tulak Hord's immense raw power. His mastery and understanding of the ability was so great, that he was able to pull a gigantic ship down from the sky with moderate effort. These secrets are deep within the holocron, and would take sometime to unlock them.

Though not as coveted, there lies information on the ancient Dashade and their history, telling of how their home world was destroyed, leaving only a few left in existence. The gatekeeper of Tulak Hord, if questioned correctly, will also delve deeply into his relationship with Khem Val, a powerful Dashade servant that the Dark Lord preserved in a suspended animation stasis field. There also lies information on the construction of stasis fields with such life preserving properties, however this could only be understood by the most advanced of scientists.

Primary Source: Here

This is a canon item.
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

I very much enjoy the direction you've taken with this and the work you've put into the dev thread. This is a really nice holocron. If you're going to do this, I'd strongly recommend throwing in some other things that Tulak Hord was likely to know. Information about the Dashade, suspended animation, alchemy, history, telekinesis... Your research is off to a great start, but it'd be awesome if you expanded the factory sub to really match the scope of Tulak Hord's life and skillset.
[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Thank you for the advice, this is my first time applying for any canon item. After taking a look through Tulak Hord related articles one last time, I've edited the submission to include other things. There is little information given on Hord's holocron, so I simply didn't want to push it.
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