Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Try Some of Column A, Try All of Comulm B

"Then maybe next time we do this I should bring a Stethoscope and try to locate your heart," Madalena grinned. Did Shi'ido even maintain a beating heart when they were in different forms? Did inner organs shift with them into something else? "Maybe get an entire ultra-sound set, so we can see what's inside too," she murmured, thinking of what other stuff they could try. "See if bacta works if you're a tree with a cut," came another suggestion. Oh, the possibilities were endless!

Dia was now almost a puppy. Madalena had to strongly resist the urge to find a Frisbee to throw for her. The facial change was the most interesting one though; the Sithling allowed herself to openly stare while grinning, watching as bones moved forward and snout began to form. While Shi'ido weren't exactly uncommon, she still never would have had thought she'd have the chance not only to see one shifting; but to get the opportunity to study it from close up as well.

"I'd hook you up to an IV and check if it wouldn't make your husband come kill me," she laughed before going serious. "A Shi'ido can shift… But can you create something that isn't there? For instance, if you lose blood, could you will enough cells of your body to become new blood? If you lose a limb, can you use your abilities to grow it?" She knew some of those questions had been asked before… But maybe Dia had gone on her own little exploration and discovered new stuff as well.

"No memory rub," Madalena answered, "I can do memory rub. What I want to know is if I can ride the blood with some measure of control."

At the sound of the bark, she burst into laughter. Yeah, Dia definitely sounded like a Loth wolf right now. And there came the tail and… She was chasing her own tail?

Madalena fell to the ground as she burst into a rolling laughter. It took a friggin' forever before she calmed down, able to still hold the image of Dia chasing her own tail in her mind without falling into another burst of it.

"Would it be creepy if I said I wanted to pet you while you're in this shape?" she asked, still lying on the grass. If nothing else, it was comfortable.

[member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"]

Darth Miseria

'Yes, let's just raid the nearest Confederacy hospital. I'm sure nobody would mind lending us some equipment for a few hours.' The more they went back and forth with questions the more intrigued Dianah became with her own anatomy. 'It would be interesting to know where my organs go when I'm a tree. I can never really tell if they sort of just... mould into one or get shoved to the centre. It's different when I'm a life form because they have organs anyway and detailed shifts mean they're in the right order. But a tree...'

'I can kind of use things to make other things, like I did when we all got spiked at that party. And I know I can create stuff that isn't there because otherwise I wouldn't be able to change my weight or my height. I'm not sure how far that extends though.'

There was now no point in talking, the only thing that came out of her mouth where the high pitched yips of a loth puppy. Dianah bounded about chasing everything and nothing, though she always returned to Madalena. The real loth puppies seemed confused, Murugan especially. One minute his mistress was there as plain as day, the next she was a puppy that looked so similar they could have come from the same litter.

Dianah hopped, leaped and skipped her way over to her friend, tongue half hanging from her open snout. 'Let's see what you can see if you we use a little more than a drop. Maybe amount of blood equals length of time.' After a soft grunt that seemed to come entirely naturally Dianah flopped over onto Madalena's lap and lifted her paw for her friend to take.

[SIZE=13.3333px][member="Scherezade deWinter"][/SIZE]
Raising a Confederacy hospital? The glow of Madalena's eyes became more intense as she looked at her friend with wide saucer-like eyes. That idea sounded…. Sounded… WONDERFUL! She'd always wanted to raid a hospital! Well no, that wasn't the truth, but now that the idea had been so firmly planted in her head, she wanted it harshly enough as though she'd wanted it her entire life, so that counted, right?!

But yes. Definitely. To think of all the cool and neat stuff they could do with that sort of equipment! "Maybe it's better if it wasn't a Confederate hospital," Madalena grinned from ear to ear, "we can go outside of Confederate territory… Where there won't be any consequences…" she thought out loud. Yes. She liked that idea very much. And if they got into any trouble, there'd have somewhere to actually escape to. Who'd protect them if they were caught within Confederate space stealing and abusing Confederate inventory? No one. But to do it outside… "Maybe even use a hospital owned by one of the Confederate enemies…" YES!

And now Dianah was a Loth puppy, and fully so. Madalena waited for her to return before she tackled her puppy friend, scratching her behind the ears and tumbling on the low gravity grass, laughing and screaming all the while. And then came the paw.

The Sithling nodded, and made a little nick. "Focus on a specific memory," she instructed, "but please do me a favor, no bedroom stuff with your husband. He's not gonna like the endless jokes I'll crack at it."

And with that, Madalena leaned forward and liked the trickle that was coming out.

[member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"]
[member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"]

Darth Miseria

Dianah grinned gently, the curve of her lips causing gentle creases to form on her plush cheeks. She relished in making Madalena smile. The simply emotion rolling off her friend made her remember just how much fun it was to be out and about, not trapped in the confines of Krant. Dianah followed Madalena's comment with a gentle snort. 'Yeah, you're right there. I'd definitely hear it from Buir if it was a Confederacy hospital. I wonder if we could get as far as the Jen'ari empire territory. Just for fun...' It was a wild thought, Jen'ari space was too far away for them to even consider raiding there, but it was amusing all the same. There were plenty of close by hospitals they could raid without causing a Galactic war.

The pair were rolling around on the grass, Dianah in the form of a hyperactive puppy and Madalena grinning wildly. She nipped playfully at her friend and squirmed in her arms, but her active nature calmed the minute Madalena took her paw in hand. Her puppy head nodded up and down slowly at Madalena's comment and Dianah set herself onto the task of thinking about a memory. But which to choose? In the end she settled for when she had taken Kara away from Miranda. It had crushed Dianah that she hadn't had the chance to tell her friend about this new chapter in her life. What better way to involve her then to show her?

As her eyes shut the scene in her mind built up slowly, starting with the entourage landing on Miranda. For a long time she had tried to push out the idea that her daughter had come from such a broken place, but now it was flooding back. The disparity and unnerving sensations that came with landing on Miranda filled Dianah to the brim. She conjured the merry-go-round and the haunting music it played, she filled the empty spaces of the fair ground with the hallowed out faces of the cannibals that stood motionless in their vicinity. It wasn't long before the image of the ship Kara and her mother had called home took over. The creaks and groans of an ancient metal structure overtook her mind, along with the slightly disturbing memory of being offered a severed finger and actually taking it.

Dianah flicked one eye open and watched carefully as her friend licked the crimson liquid from her paw. If she could have crossed her fingers at that point in time, she would have done, but all she could do was watch and wait.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

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