Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Truth, Honor, Vision

As a note, [member="Jack Sparrow"] is unable to post and so called for someone to do so in his stead, and, well, I am that someone.

The peace talks with the Mandalorians had been an interesting affair, and a rather telling one for both sides. True colors had been demonstrated by all parties, but eventually terms had been settled and agreed upon, terms that would hopefully do their job of preventing any sort of conflict between the two nations. While it was true that enmity had been present, with her far from exempt, that had been set aside so war could be avoided. However, no one had passed on the word to the Clans that their terms had been agreed to, and with the Supreme Chancellor currently indisposed and no others stepping forward, Keira had done so herself. Being that she was the intermediary between the governments and a member of both, it made logical sense.

Long had it been a joke of sorts among the army under her command that speeches or any sort of formal address were far from her forte, though not for want of effort. Her decided lack of tact was nothing more than a consequence of her upbringing and environment later in life, but she did what she could to make up for it, choosing every word as carefully as possible. For the purposes of the broadcast she had once more donned her armor, foregoing the helmet, it being the only ensemble outside of her dress uniform that was remotely professional. But she knew the Mandalorians respected strength, among other ideals and traits, and so her armor would suffice for the occasion.

No papers had been prepared; this was a speech coming from her on the behalf of the Republic. With a nod of her head she signaled for the broadcast to begin, and just like that it was time. "United Clans of Mandalore, as you know, my name is Keira Ticon, commander of the clone army that is the intermediary between your people and the Republic. I stand before you now as a representative of that same Republic and its Supreme Chancellor. My message is simple: the Chancellor and the Senate accept the terms put forth during the negotiations on Obroa-Skai that include a ceasefire between the two governments, and we would like to inform the Clans of this.

"Further talks will take place between the Clans and the Republic, but until then we must suffice for these agreements that have already been settled. We look forward to these future negotiations in hopes that a permanent peace can be ratified between these two nations." With that the broadcast of her image and voice cut out, and the reply from the Clans was awaited. With any luck the news would be received in good graces, and war would be avoided. As much as she enjoyed the thrill of the fight and the challenge those warriors of Mandalore put forth on the battlefield, this time peace and goodwill were her intentions.

[member="Elijah Rekali"], [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Anija Betna"], [member="Isley Verd"], @Mandalorians and Republic

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The return transmission would be accessible to Republic leadership at various levels, as well as the Mandalorian forces.

"This is Warmaster Ember Rekali, replying to Commander [member="Keira Ticon"] of the Republic. I acknowledge that the Republic has agreed to the terms put forth in our last meeting: that Hadrix and her co-conspirators will face a neutral, non-Republic tribunal rather than a Republic trial. That the Republic will sign a binding pledge not interfere if its member worlds chose to secede. That all non-defensive forces, defined in good faith, will be removed from the region around the Roche System. I am pleased that these standards will be upheld.

"Our last request, that the Republic pay the funeral costs for my daughter and the civilians that the Republic killed on Nickel One, has been answered already. Your Senator Kay has paid your debt. As for the future of the Republic's clone army, Clan Rekali has located a world as promised. The planet is Maridun." A nice grassy planet, good for farming, located at the edge of Clan Rekali territory, with its own hyperroute in and out of Mandalorian space. A good place, if he did say so himself. He expected [member="Commander Lusk"] would be pleased.

"I am ordering that Clan Rekali forces respect a ceasefire starting now. Commander Ticon, the Alor'e Council will be in touch."
Within the council chambers a gray Jedi would sit in meditation, a meditation that would be used to keep an eye on the Mandalorians. While it was not mistrust, just knowing the Mandalorian battle lust first hand caused her to be precautious. While not all Mandos were smart, some were crafty, and that meant they were dangerous if not watched over for the time being. For all that Grey knew, this could merely have been a ploy by the Mandalorians to get the Republic to lower their guard and crush them. Peace wasn't something blindly created, it must have someone watch its progress.

Upon the last request, Grey would rise from her meditation, open comms, and address the Mandalorian Warmasters, [member="Ember Rekali"], included. While it was an unexpected transmission, the old, but young, well preserved looking Knight would speak with her sincerest of manners. It would be obvious that their transmission had brought back memories. Painful ones, as a Mandalorian gave his life so she could leave with her own.

"Young and honorable Warmasters of Mandalore, I am General Grey Lunara, representing the Republic and the Jedi. As one who has affiliated with your clans in the passed millennium, I personally request that I be present for the funeral. In honor of a warrior like yourselves who saved me from certain death, I would request that I be allowed to lay several of your fallen to rest. It would be the least I could do to return his valor, as I was unable to give him a proper burial myself."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Grey Lunara"]

"General Lunara," said Ember's return transmission, "your offer does you honour, but the funerals have already been held."
[member="Ember Rekali"]

She would frown slightly, but know that some things just were not meant to be. In a return transmission, she would reply:

"Warmaster Rekali, I do hope the funerals have done your fallen comrades justice, and while I am saddened I could not make them, I will honor them as I would honor my own brethren."
Faith had time to review all of the terms of the agreement. She understood that the cease fire was agreed to by Clan Rekali and that they would not be making any raids, or shooting at the Republic, but what of the other clans, did the others agree as well? And would they make any moves while the terms were discussed. They were not beholden to the cease fire.

The neutral tribunal for Ali Hadrix, there had been no time limit given as to when that had to start. How long would they wait? And would they get her to sit, if she didn't it mattered not she could be tried in absentia. Were her activities suspended pending the outcome of such a tribunal?

Succession, Ember had covered that made it so that anyone within the Republic who wanted to leave could and there would be no reprisal. That was a source of relief, but was it true. There were some Senators that had already said that to let Alderaan go, taking with it the resource of phrik was a bad move. But was it so bad that the Republic would not honor the words they had spoken agreeing to let them go.

The Clone army is going to Maridun in the Outer Rim far from Republic space.

The funerals were paid for by Kay's company. That would go a long way with the Clans that Kay a single individual within the Republic would take on the sole responsibility. It would cast doubt on others who did not offer anything.

So this was how they stood now. Would the other Senators ratifiy this treaty? When would it be presented formally for discussion?
Senator Taff was in his apartment on Chazwa when he heard the news. Finally, the agreements of his little mission were being honored. Somewhat. Auru hadn't participated too much in the peace talks, but he had a new experience under his belt. He agreed with the Mandalorians on many things, which surprised the Caamasi to no end. He agreed that the Republic was too slow. The "wheels of democracy" moved too slow for true peace. The alternative, however, is war and chaos, which is where Senator Taff differed from the warrior people.

So then, it came as a delightful surprise when the Republic announced it's acceptance of the treaty. Peace looked like it was just around the corner. But the Caamasi wasn't naive, he knew that tension still existed, and the threat of attack still loomed over them all. Until then, Auru would sip his tea, and wait to see where he could be helpful.
Teigra Residence, Old Izrul, Capital of Kiribi

Reviewing the broadcast in her study, the Senator wasn't exactly ecstatic about the terms of the cease-fire, but she could stomach it if that meant an end to Mandalorian hostilities. The Republic couldn't afford to continue fighting with the Mandalorians as the Sith remained an ever-present threat. Agreements and treaties could always be broken, though, so Kiribi would continue with its military buildup as a precaution.

She wouldn't object to systems like Alderaan or Eshan completely splitting from the Republic, but she hoped that there could be some resolution to be found to compel the systems to remain within the GR. The jury was still out on Alderaan, with its ties to the Mandalorians, but she was confident that she could help keep Eshan within the Republic's sphere of influence as an autonomous region.

Hadrix, she didn't feel that the Mandalorians had much of a case against the commander. This tribunal business could turn into a mess if Hadrix was acquitted. If anyone could even get the spymaster to the tribunal in the first place.

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