Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trust Your Friends....

Location: Tython, Waterfalls outside the Grand Temple
Time: 18:50 Local Time

They say trust is earned....

So far this Jedi Order in the timeline she has experienced, has not done so well. Her father had exposed a bombshell which rocked her faith and naturally her trust in them. Despite all that she had been through over the years as a Jedi, she had never seen anything as harsh and as brutal as the things on the datapad before her. Some of the most unorthodox methods a Jedi could ever do, hell she had gone above and beyond the Code of the Jedi plenty of times and she still does to this day but not like this.

Murdering innocent civilians? For a cheap victory that ended up demoralizing the Republic as a whole and creating three times the enemies the Republic needed? This isn't what it was supposed to be about. No, not at all. The sound of the local wildlife chirping and sounding off to the sun fading in the horizon filled her ears, causing her to look up at the yellow-orange orb descending behind the vast mountains in the distance. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at it briefly, a hand coming up to conceal most of the warm light as she watched it slowly fade.

She had always loved Tython, the true peace she felt whenever she came here filled her and made her feel whole again. Of course, the glistening shards of crystal inside of her chest would glow and make her chest feel warm as she would get close to the waterfalls in which they were christened in and born from.

This was indeed home for her, as a Jedi and as a free spirit of the Force. She sat gently on the rocks near the waterfall, a hand dipping in the crystal blue water as she watched a few meters away a school of fish float around searching for food. To her right sat the same chest she had presented to the Manda'lor, except this time the runes that encased the chest were glowing a soft blue light and gave a strange aura. This aura would no doubt call to the Grandmaster, whom she had desired to speak to...alone.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
"relations have to be built on trust"

Trust was not a deck of 52 cards to be dealt to whichever performer fancied a trick. The hand was not often dealt by the Grandmaster, in fact, she could tally on one hand who she trusted in the galaxy; and most of them were just those she hoped she could rely on. While she herself appeared as a person who was trustworthy (despite her obvious and uncanny ability to redirect interests from herself, and her well-known status as nothing more than enigmatic), she didn't often lend out such a virtue to others. There were dimensions to faith in a person, elements and strange angles of human nature that could only be bent and strained so far until individuals were categorized as untrustworthy, or worth keeping an eye on.

Kiskla was hoping the sudden reappearance of [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] within The Order would not fall under such a category. The woman had proved selfless in many missions -- and capable. Two qualities that were to be appreciated in such trying times for The Jedi Order. And with appreciation, came a watchful eye to make sure a reward could be given. Such thoughts were strangely on her mind after leaving the impromptu training session with Padawan Aetani in the Sanctuary in the depths of Tython's forest. She had meant to leave from that landing pad, but as it stood, her ship's preparations had been delayed so far that it made sense to just walk to the hangar herself, while giving the Padawan as much information as she could on the journey back before her actual master reconvened with them; giving the Grandmaster her peace of mind and silence. Which she was used to. Kiskla was a social person, but she appreciated her solitude; perhaps it was the curse of being an only child. Nevertheless, solitude was easily interrupted -- especially when The Force's hand was pulling the strings.

Her acute senses perked at a precognitive sensation that held no warning, but only opportunity. Her delicate features looked perplexed as her insatiable appetite for knowing whet. A strange beckoning hum echoed a metaphysical melody to the youth and she hoisted herself up yet another length of the cliffside. The roar of nearby water drew her as well -- and luckily, two and two mixed together. The song from the Codex's aura hummed lackadaisically while she approached it's location, only to be surprised by the dark-haired Master already sitting by the water's edge.

"Master Rekali," She greeted, ambling toward the Jedi Guardian. She would have said something about an evening swim, but the scene that sprawled her gave no indication of a watery dip. "I'm not sure I've ever seen you in such a serene state." There, that was neutral and friendly and somewhat of a compliment to the unorthodox Master of Light.
Aaralyn smiled in good nature as the Grandmaster approached, she stood and bowed softly at the waist, her usual Jedi attire discarded to the side of her. She wore a simple cami, pants and her boots. "I come here whenever I get the chance, to think and reflect on the teachings of those before me." She said taking her seat once again, hand going back into the water. The fish continued their little dance amongst themselves, searching along the bottom of the crystal clear pool for food. "I see you have found what I hoped you would...well more so the Codex has found you." She chuckled softly and looked to the runed covered box before her gaze shifted up to Master Grayson.

"Please, by all means take a look..." Her hand came out of the water as she motioned towards the box, and then up to the necklace around her neck. The necklace itself had a single shard which was pearlascent gold and silver in color, very odd-fitting considering the crystal wroshyr tree branches that encompassed it were something of a different make and of newer material. The flakes of diamond and silver leaves that encrusted the branches that twisted around the apparent shard attempted to mask the shard within it, but at times failed. The shard itself gave off a soft aura similar to that of the Codex, and to the trained mind and eye, it was obvious what it belonged it.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"The Force is a strange messenger." Kiskla admitted, constantly baffled by it's peculiar methodologies. She was a student of The Force, and would forever be subject to it's teachings so that she could manipulate them. To her, The Force was a tool; one she was fortunate enough to have a prodigal hold on it. A master manipulator, if you would. "I'm surprised Master Alince hasn't come crawling out from the nearest rock." The blonde simpered with amusement and dropped to a knee, hovering her palm above the ancient architecture. It seemed to sense her, and glowed with even more radiance than it had moments ago. The Icosahedron inside quivered violently, and her light eyes observed the ancient inscriptions before looking back toward the Jedi Guardian.

Her transition of gaze gave her time to catch [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] movement toward her chest, which caught her eye on the small token of jewellery. It wasn't often a Jedi was seen sporting any trinket of value; especially not one as radiant as what hung loosely around the raven-haired woman's neck. "How did you come into companionship with this?" The blonde asked, placing her palms on either end of the crate like bookends. It hummed happily.
"The Codex of Tython has been lost to the Order of the Jedi for almost eight and a half centuries...until I discovered it." She made a motion towards the Grand Temple. "Before apparently this was rebuilt at some point, the Codex was buried away, a puzzle if you will." She nodded softly to herself and brushed a few strands of chestnut brown hair from her eyes, leaning back against the rockface. "I scoured the Galaxy searching for pieces, taking them by negotiation, discovery or force if needed." Again another shrug before she touched the encrusted necklace. "My father gave me this necklace, which the final piece of the puzzle has been held..." She looked to the runed box and nodded to it. "I have looked upon the Codex and I dare say Grandmaster there are wonderful things within, but also things that the Jedi should ensure that never come to light or our enemies will try to use them against us."

Aaralyn adjusted herself and leaned over to the satchel laying on the ground, opening it slowly and pulling out a blue-green holocron, the cube began to glow softly at the touch of the Force user but did not respond. "This was also one of the great discoveries in my travels when the Empire fell..." A bright smile came upon her lips as she spoke. "Grandmaster Yoda's lost prize, apparently during Operation Knightfall someone attempted to take it and dropped it during their escape. I found in the remains of the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant." She gently pulled it back closer to her, a sigh escaping her lips. "It's nothing special save for the value of the code of the Jedi within."

She pursed her lips and tucked the holocron back into the satchel before turning to face [member="Kiskla Grayson"] again. "So, the Codex and I have a small history...well a storied one." She chuckled softly. "You could say I was the Keeper of the Codex at some point or another and was transporting it shortly after the Bastion Accords, to which I was attending." She made a motion with her hand. "And well, I ended up here and with me came the Codex." She then motioned down to the Codex that Kiskla was close to. "And now, I'm turning it back over to the Jedi Order as it's time for the Order to prove itself." She held up a hand to Kiskla, her smile fading. "The Jedi Order has some things they need to answer for first..." She motioned to the datapad next to her. "My father gave me this information and I find it very disturbing that we would allow such things to happen..."
Kiskla listened dutifully while [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] answered her question. Apparently Kiskla had a knack for talking to, and finding individuals who were centuries of years old (even if they believed it wasn't Kiskla Grayson herself, and rather her alias Lady Freya). She was somewhat of a time surfer herself, what with her renowned abilities to psychometer and flow walk even to events she wasn't present for. That had been helpful for Tamara, when she had been trying to rediscover the ancient world she had been exiled from.

Then Aaralyn jarred her, and Kiskla held up a hand. "Master Rekali, I'm open to hear what you have heard, although I'm afraid it's likely similar to what I discovered in my time as the councillor of reconciliation. I took it to the then-sitting Grandmaster and council ; however, I would like to hear what you have to say, as I'm now in a position to so something about it on a grander scale than ever before." She rocked her weight back and took a seat, crossing her lengthly legs and removing her hands from the box.
"There is nothing else I have to say besides members of the Order that you now lead, have committed blatant crimes against the Republic they swore to protect." She slowly rose and held her hand up to [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. "The question I have for you Grandmaster, are you going to do something about it or continue the cycle or sweeping things under the rug?" She shook her head and lowered her hand. "Because where I come from, when a Jedi murders thousands without cause or reason, that Jedi is hunted down and exiled or worse...and I don't mean death worse." She raised an eyebrow and turned towards the waterfall, both hands coming up and making a slashing motion.

The waters for a brief moment ceased to flow, creating an eerie silence that was soon filled again by the sound of roaring water. "We sever the connection the user has to the Force." She turned back to Kiskla. "The Jedi of this time have been lucky." She sighed heavily and sat back down. "So I ask, Master Grayson, are you willing to break the cycle and make the changes needed...even if it means those who might be considered heroes?"
"Names, Master Rekali. I require information and facts before moving forward. I requested that you provide yours so that I could respond appropriately." And Kiskla did not respond appropriately to challenges, ever. Such as a pitfall of youth and why she had a council to tut-tut their fingers at her when her wildfire side flared up.

Kiskla was not an unjust individual, in fact she was a budding benevolent that was treading more in her mother's footsteps than her fathers. She believed that leopards could change their spots --- without having to be skinned to do so. [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]'s abrasive attitude would hold little sway over her until she presented her findings to her. It's what Kiskla had to do when she was the councillor of reconciliation, and now it was another's turn.
Aaralyn cocked a smirk and waved her hand infront of her. "You really are acting naive aren't you, Master Grayson. If you took information to the previous Council, then you would have the evidence." She groaned softly and leaned forward, her hands grasped the datapad and lifted it up and into her lap. She stopped the holocam feed as well as the other tidbits of information that her father had given her before she raised it up and over the box to [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. "You'll have to forgive me Master, but I'm borderline disgusted at the moment. I am forced to believe what I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears."

The datapad would display the information relayed from Ember, to include a copy of the message he had sent her a while back..shortly after the events on Coruscant. The treason bounty on Master Syn, Master Ike's war crimes to Selena Halcyon's Jedi Shadows breaking laws just prior to her being released from the Order. "So, if my father is lying and these people did nothing wrong then he should be confronted should he not?" Aaralyn closed her eyes and took a moment before she just came out and said it. "I will say Master Grayson, I have the highest respect for you and what you're doing. I know your work has only begun but I will not hesitate to leave the Order and resign my commission as I cannot honestly believe redemption has been found for those who have gone without punishment."

"Hey, kid." The armoured figure in the message removed his mask. It wasn't the same armour he'd worn the last time they met -- vastly less generic, as much Witch as Mandalorian -- but the face was the same. "Whether or not you woke up grumpy from your spacetime warpnap, there's some things you need to know. I've attached a set of files, everything I have on the best and the worst. Everything from the old treason bounty on Master Syn of the Council to Matsu Ike's war crimes charges to Selena Halcyon's Jedi Shadow lawbreaking files that got released to Republic prosecutors when she got kicked out of the Order. And that's just the Jedi side of things. Got files in there on suspected Sith taking refuge in Fringe space, suspected Sith taking refuge in Confederate space, and every member of the One Sith and the New Order I can get anything on. Republic's too focused on the people that just bloodied their knuckles. New Order's my target. They say there's facilities working on mind-control chips for every citizen. If you find yourself in the Outer Rim, kid, I'm bound for a world in the Parthovian Cluster. Take care of yourself, and watch your back: There's paragons of righteousness around, and I've met precious few of those that had any integrity at all.

"Oh, and I'm your father. If you're grown up enough to run with fanatics and fools, you're grown up enough to know that."
"Punishment will be found in appropriation." The kiffar replied, tapping her lips when [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] presented the holo. She didn't respond well to threats, no matter who they came from. She didn't appreciate people sleeping with skeletons.
She shifted her weight and regarded the empty space where the holo had been, now looking past Master Rekali. Fringe was hosting Sith, hm? A focus for another time.
"The Council will handle Master Ike. She's been a bad piece of PR for quite some time. In the mean time, I would like you to act on behalf of the Jedi.

This codex would make Master [member="Phylis Alince"], councillor of First Knowledge most happy to have in her possession within Tython’s archives.

Second, there is a lot of clutter going on with the war. The defection of Master Apparine has clouded many things, and we need something sharp to cut through the falsehoods. Our investigators are spread thin —“ she touched between her eyes for a moment of contemplation “There was recently a large exchange of dark super weapons during an auction hosted by Mater Ike, of whom the council is meeting with. I’d like you to act as a sword — efficiently but with the mind to protect — and recover these potentially harmful items.”
Aaralyn raised an eyebrow to Kiskla's words. She knew she had irked the Grandmaster in some form or fashion, just by the mere shift in the woman's position. She shook her head softly and held a hand up. "I do apologize for my abruptness Master, I just am a bit edgy with the things that have come to light."

She could only nod as Kiskla continued to which Aaralyn gave her a nod and then pursed her lips in question. "Indeed, the darkness has clouded many things Master and I will do what I can to assist the Jedi Council." Her eyebrow raised again. "A sword? You mean a weapon for the Council? You want me to recover them or destroy them?" She looked away for a moment at the rippling water and then back to Kiskla. "I don't know that having these artifacts remain in existence would be a good thing Master, do you?"

Her hands came up to her necklace as she fiddled with it for a moment, she merely twisted the tip of it and out came the shard. The glimmering piece fell down and into the palm of her awaiting gloved hand. She held the piece tight for a moment and looked to Kiskla. "I spent a long time getting this together for good use..." She held her hand out towards [member="Kiskla Grayson"] and opened her hand to reveal the final piece. "I know I won't see this thing in an Auction anytime soon, with you leading the Jedi and Master [member="Phylis Alince"] looking after the artifacts."
"Master Alince likes to hoard." Perhaps hoard wasn't the correct word. She grinned knavishly; "Archive, I mean."

But, back to seriousness, Kiskla focused once more on [member="Aaralyn Rekali"], although resting her hand on the casing of the codex "Therefore, before taking any action of destruction would mean you have to consult her first.

And no, Aaralyn, not solely for the Council. I mean for the entire Jedi Order. The Council will do what it can, but as active as these masters are, we are involved in the administrative direction of The Order and aren't able to get as involved in the trenches. I need you to be the one to lead charges, show the initiative you have on the battlefield and instigate the want to fight for The Jedi. Think of youself as a Sword of the Jedi -- a title used long ago but considering the times, a resurrection seems appropriate."
Aaralyn could only chuckle softly. "I heard of that long ago Master, and I am honored you think of me as such a thing." She bowed her head to [member="Kiskla Grayson"]. "I won't disappoint you, or the Order." It was as simple as that. She had read what the Oath of the Sword of the Jedi meant and what it was about. She knew that her life was always going to be difficult and there would always be those who would look to her for guidance, both on and off the field of combat. She would be a burning flame to incinerate the enemies who followed the dark and a beacon of light for those who could not see.

She slowly stood and moved over to the satchel that she had on the ground before her, reaching inside of it once more. She shifted her hands around until the produced the holocron of Jedi Master Yoda once more. With the holocron in her hand, she quietly moved to Master Grayson and set the holocron down in her lap. "This belongs to the Grandmaster of the Order. May the wisdom within take you where there is no path, so you may leave your own trail."
"Hopefully my trail makes a path that inspires ones to brave the straight and narrow." The blonde remarked in responsed to [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] motivational words, and rested her hand on the artifact; ogling it appreciatively for a moment before speaking. "Thank you, Master Rekali.

As you seem to have a knack for these sort of things, how would you like to pursue a treasure hunt?"
She drew in a breath "The latest auction finally drew my attention to the barrenness of our archives-- once a place of knowledge and now they're looking a little scarce. I want Jedi to be students of The Force again, sanctuaries and guardians of peace.

Ultimately, I want to redeem The Order's reputation. Too many have tarnished it, but I refuse to allow the stains to fester."
Kiskla had been a redeemer of many souls during her time with The Jedi Order -- now it was time to set her eyes on something much larger. "Many of The Order's historical trinkets are beyond our clutches. The confederacy is holding one with a very gracious Gatekeeper that would be most useful to new Padawan Learners. The holocron of Sar Agorn. To have that back would be most beneficial for quite a few guardians." She reflected briefly on the memory of Vala Medina who had been enthusiastic to participate, but had missed a shuttle to Ilum to construct a lightsabre.

"There are also two super weapons that came into Matsu Ike's possession during the auction. If she doesn't give up their locations when The council meets with her, perhaps you'd be well suited to recovering them and destroying them indefinitely. I'll keep you informed."
[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"As you wish Master Grayson."

There was little more to be said, she had been tasked out by the Grandmaster and the Jedi Council and it was time to get to work. "If you'll excuse me Grandmaster, I shall be going then." She bowed softly at the waist and slowly rose from her rock. "I will also begin researching into other artifacts that the Jedi Order has....misplaced."
Again, there was something simply put. Little else to be said beyond the fact the Sword of the Jedi had been reforged and thrusted immediately onto the battlefield. A restless life, one without true peace.

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