Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trouble, Trouble, Pay Me Double!

Nal Hutta | Industrial Town of Jiguuna | Poison Pit Cantina​
@[member="Ignasius Van-Derveld"]​
Nal Hutta was maybe second armpit of the Galaxy. Nar Shadaa definitely trumped first, but it was a close call. True, there were a lot of attractions that could be enough to keep distracted by, but non ever had her grounded long. Magena Dray, was a habitual woman, a roamer; only lingering long enough to get the jist, and moving on before someone could pin down the drifter.

Today was just business as usual. That is, if she actually had a usual. Normally buisness meant whatever happened, happened. Life didn't always pan out the way things were, but she was most comfortable with her eye-brow raising choices, - and unlike most in the Galaxy - she didn’t need a hero-complex to get paid. Live to die another day, or some dramatic motto like that. To die for someone else's cause just seemed nonsensical. Dying cause she pissed off the wrong person? Well… what was life without a little bit of an adrenaline rush?

And what about the bar she was in? The poison pit? Not exactly the most put together place to stand the test of time. The building was dirty, eroding if her senses were right, and the air carried the stench of stale cigara smoke, mixed with liquor, and perfumed by man odor. Company around here sucked, and the 'most friendly' of folk, lingered around in totally non-inconspicuous group circles. She sighed in a huff of breath. As a single woman alone at the bar, she looked pretty out of place.

But like some other people here, she was looking for opportunity. Rivals had maybe gotten the first whiff, but Magena had the contacts and means. When the high tide rolled in, she’d be the first ready to ride the wave and claim her deserved prize. No one was going to get in her way.

It was just… waiting wasn't exactly her strong suit, never had been. In the least though, she could be grateful that the liquor was good.

Holding a cup in her hands, she chucked back the golden contents of ale like a refreshing glass of water, and delicately wiped away the spittle with the provided, and cheap, napkin. Empty cup, slow day. Tapping on the bar with long manicured nails, she indicated the need for a second round.

Ignasius Van-Derveld

I'm the mother flippin'
@[member="Magena Dray"]​
"This guy does not look...all there," Iggy growled to the Zeltron, "and you expect me to put my life in his hands..."

Looking about the room, Ignasius realized that he had little other choice. This 'guide', so called, now babbling and mumbling like a psychopath, was not what he had had in mind when he had demanded she get them out of this damned mess. This was pretty much make or break in his mind. She was either an inspired choice for her out of the box thinking, or she was only slightly less retarded than the one that was leading them into a secret floor access into what smelled like the sewers.

"It smelled better in the bar," he griped while following the Zeltron into the hole in the floor. Hopefully her contact would follow them down.


"God, this place wreaks."

Of all the bars he had been in, this one smelled most like the underside of a Quarren's tentacles, or perhaps Selkath toe jam. Either one was nigh on gag inducing.

For the last few days he had been asking around for a particular type of help. Someone that had connections with people in various parts of the galaxy. People in high positions, and people in low positions. He needed someone that could act as his right hand, his partner in negations, and preferably an aide in them. There were some species better suited to this than others. One of the best such species were Twi'leks. These delightful specimens were a particular fetish of the rogue. They were often discredited and looked down on by those in high ranking positions. They were looked at and treated as slaves, which gave good inside channels if necessary. The other option for Iggy was a Zeltron. Combining their natural, raw sexual allure with contacts and intelligence Ignasius believed them to be a near indispensable asset, one that he would pay handsomely to acquire.

There she was.

"So to...have another drink, but this time on me?"

The clearly enamored human female that had just approached the Zeltron could be over heard making an ill conceived attempt to hook up with the Zeltron. How the purple skinned devil woman reacted to this moment would determine whether or not Ignasius would pursue this. He would have to be careful though. Should she suspect that he was simply interesting in bedding her due to her own pheromones, he would lose the opportunity to get what he really wanted. Besides, her rack was more an influence on his desire to bed her than was her pheromones.
Dark pink irises sized up the bold individual who'd approached with intent of a quick-fix. Magena just smirked in amusement.

The lady's approach was all wrong. Her words of enticement were about as appealing as the mating calls of a wookiee high on death sticks. Magena yawned and looked blankly on the rambler.

When said individual finally shut up long enough to let her get a word in, she made sure to get the full attention that was deserved.

Pressing all her weight forward made the stool swivel, but she had enough balance to keep steady, content to know that she was right where she wanted to be: fully facing the enamored admirer. In a single and quick blur of motion, the other woman's thick waist was arrested in a vice grip, pulled taut against the Zeltron's blushed skin.

Both danity, manicured hands, explored down the exposed flesh of the captives back, sliding into the girls rear pockets where she quickly squeezed.

"That burning desire you're experiencing?" breathed Magena on her neck in whispers, lips so close that it must of felt like tender kisses. With some kind of purpose, she lingered in silence that extra moment longer, obviously playing the individual. Finally, she released the grip she had on the other woman and blew her off with nonchalant hand wave. "Let it light your path to hell, and get the frak away from me." The previously seductive tone was abandoned, leaving only a voice drenched in venom and contempt. Magena was direct, some found it infuriating, but it saved her a lot of future trouble, and she'd not made a habit out of leaving the person any creative interpretation. Only a moron would be blind enough to not take a hint . . . and well, it was always a possibility.

Ignasius Van-Derveld

I'm the mother flippin'
@[member="Magena Dray"]​
Ignasius rubbed his shoulder. Why did she have to shoot him again? Yes, it was only a graze, but it had ruined his nice shirt. So why was that again? Oh right...distraction. Her smile had said she enjoyed distracting a certain lustful human woman. That shot had started more than the Zeltron had hoped, indicating that she was clearly green around the gills when it came to combat, but if her contacts passed muster he might just forgive that...might.

"Ya gotta be frickin with me..."

There was a good reason why it smelled like the sewers. Rodents, sludge, the works. This had better be worth it.

"I don't pay for crap..."


Ignasius shook his head. The chick was fiesty. He liked that. She was probably a decent lay aside from the pheromones just on fiestiness alone. The drunk woman turned around and caught Iggy looking her way. "Whaddayulookinat?"

Frowning, Ignasius tried to ignore her, looking past to make eye contact with the Zeltron.


"I am looking at someone I want to hire," Ignasius said, now giving attention to the drunk woman. He had done so too late though, perhaps the pheromones had distracted him, damn.

There was a blaster pointed straight at his nose. It smelled of being recently fired, charred and a little crispy. This woman was no stranger to the trigger happy lifestyle. Damn, damn, damn. "Ain't noonegettinherforthanite...shesallmine..."

"You misunderstand my intentions."


In her drunken state there was no way Iggy was going to make any quick movements just in case the blaster went of by mistake. He fancied his face staying where it was. Glancing about he looked for options...
@[member="Ignasius Van-Derveld"]
Magena snickered to herself, glancing back over her shoulder toward the gruff male. "I can and will shoot you again." she warned, - even though she hadn't actually meant to shoot him the first time - her brows knit together, feet sloshing through the smelly trench. . "Then you will be payin' crap." So the elements weren't exactly up to par, surely he'd dealt with worse. Besides, right now she was the only way out of this mess. Even if it was one that could've been avoided.

"My guys are legit, so could you please quit being a namby-pamby about the smell?" Maybe they were a little unhinged, and just a tad unpolished, but that was usually the deal when working with underworld clients. You had to learn to take the good with the bad, even if the good was near undefinable.

"Ah, gawd..." Magena whimpered quietly. This place was gonna make her upchuck if they didn't get out soon.

The drunkard was retreating - to Magena's satisfaction - and quietly the Zeltron slipped away the gals swiped wallet. A girl's gotta eat, and all. Besides, whatever opportunity was being whispered about, wasn't here, so she had to make her own. Magena reached for a couple credits and placed them on the countertop, getting ready to leave. Mags didn't want to be here when her friend realized that there was a thief around.

She was ready to hop off to her next destination, grabbing a decorative bag that was slung over her shoulders. Whats-her-face was harassing some guy, which should have made it easier for her to just slip on by.

"Wheredyathunk yergoin?!" The blundering neanderthal whisked around, blaster now directed at Magena. In automatic response, Magena chewed on her lower lip, saying nothing. There was a hush that fell over the establishment and why wouldn't there be? Some local was an obvious loose cannon with image issues, and the chick was throwing around weight with a blaster in tote. There were other's in the bar whom seemed restless, likely itching for a reason to brawl. Things were quickly spiraling out of control.

"I was just coming to apologize for my ... previously rude behavior, of course." Of course. What else would she be cooing in such soft tones with a blaster in her face? She didn't want to provoke the matter further, and instead bring some calm to the brewing storm. If Magena could just get close enough to touch ol'trigger happy, it would be possible to read and project emotions onto the human and make her settle down. "Why don't we start over ...? Hm?"

Ignasius Van-Derveld

I'm the mother flippin'
@[member="Magena Dray"]​


Ignasius stopped upon hearing the unintelligible grunts of their 'guide'. Glancing back, he quickly noted the man pointing up towards a different sewer it seemed like a vent of some kind. There was a ladder and some sort dripping down over the rungs.

"Meh...meh," grunted the guide, pointing upwards with fervour.

"I guess that means we go up there," Ignasius said with distaste clearly evident in his tone.

Their guide pushed past them, while pointing at both of them and then upwards. He then pointed at himself and indicated he was going to continue on down the sewer. "I guess he is going to run distraction...damn...he doesn't look like much but he is sure willing to put himself on the line for you..."

Without a moments more delay, Ignasius took hold of the slippery ladder and began to make a slow and careful ascent. His feet slipped several times, probably slopping sludge all over the Zeltron. Iggy smiled with the thought of her half opened mouth ready to complain being filled with whatever literal or figurative crap that this stuff was. When they were both part way up the ladder, and well into the darkness of their climb, Ignasius could hear the footsteps of their pursuants rushing past the bottom of the ladder. Well, that was one point for her, he guessed.

At the top of the ladder, Ignasius came to a grate. A little pushing found that it was not completely bolted down. In fact only one corner was secured to the wall, the top left side from his point of view. This seemed to perfect to be true. Ignasius lifted the lower right hand corner and the entire grate lifted like a door on a pivot. He smiled. "Well, I'll be damned."

Literally slipping out (joy be the sludge of unknown content), Ignasius realized that he was behind a plumbing partition and on the other side he could hear people showering. Again, this seemed to perfect...a place to clean all the slime off too? There was a gap of light to Ignasius left. "That way," he whispered.
"Nowthat'smooooorlike it!" Said the clearly pheromone addicted drunk.

Ignasius glanced about the room to see if people had paid attention. Sure enough, everyone had been staring, but now that it was calming down a little, people were one by one going back to their conversations. This seemed to be working out OK...until...


The high pitched shrill voice caused Ignasius to spin around in surprise. The man that stood before him was not what expected. Tall, burly, tattooed and mustachioed, this was not a man to be trifled with. The weapon he held in his hand was no laughing matter either. Iggy turned to the barkeep, "You gonna let him walk in here with a flechette?"

"I ain't gonna be the one to try stopping him!" Came the reply as the barkeep ducked behind the counter.

"Ah hell..."

"Cyrus? Ohmahgad,'s not what you think!"

Ignasius turned around to the drunk human woman that had clearly been shocked out of her inebriated state. "You know this guy?"

"It's my finance...I...kinda came here from the wedding..."

"Wut?" Iggy said with utter chagrin.

"You left me at the altar...for these two!? DELILAH!?" Yelled the man that was now pointing the large projectile weapon right at Ignasius from about 20 feet away.

"This guy used the Zeltron to try and rob was her sex drug stuff!" Said the woman now identified as Delilah as she backed away from the bar, leaving Iggy and Magena alone...Magena safely behind the larger of the two accused.

"Shut yer ruttin' mouth!"

"Hey! Don't you be talking to my sweet-pea like that!"
@[member="Ignasius Van-Derveld"]​
"I guess he is going to run distraction...damn...he doesn't look like much but he is sure willing to put himself on the line for you..."

"Just for you, I'll make the 'why' of it into a bedtime story. Do you want hot cocoa with that? " Magena said with a snarky tone and smirky smile, though the entirety of the situation was anything but amusing. "Luck to ya Tront." she acknowledged toward their 'guide', giving the guy a knowing nod before quickly following Ignasius in ascent up the grime covered ladder.

Each time she placed her hand on a new bar, Magena's entire body tensed and cringed, globs of brown, yellow, and some unnamed colored waste, squirted out from between her fingers - not to mention that the other spacer above was sloshing around shik all over the place. "HEY! Damnit! At least pretend like you're not doing that on purpose!" gripped the Zeltron, dodging falling pieces of slime, some of it sliding down unmentionable areas. What an Ass.

At the top, Magena followed the man's lead, letting him guide them through the grate and into the seemingly cleared room. No one around, light to the left, and sounds of running water? Even she felt a little skepticism by how good it was. Tront went above expectations this time. With that knowledge, Magena smiled full of relief, exiting the same direction as Ignasius, flicking her hands all the while, hopelessly trying to wipe them off on the jeans of her shorts.


"Don't they make a perfect match? The knuckle-dragger and clod the fair." mused Magena aloud. "I imagine them make many fat children together."

"Did I say ya cud' spek ya... low-down whoring ... whore!"

The corner of her mouth gave the most minor twitch at that, eyes rolling. "... Ah...huh. That, poetic...almost."

"Quit yappin!"

Magena swallowed and breathed out irritably through her nose. She'd be damned to let them put her under heel.

That in mind, there really was no definable plan of action, but if she and the unexpected ally could work together to get out of this mess and take back the upper hand, then it was just a matter of suitable distraction. Magena could cover that, and work as the diversion until something better came up.

"Your honey-poo was telling the truth, ya know?" Magena called to the behemoth, pulling out and waving Delilah's wallet around. She was surprised he didn't start shooting then and there, for whatever reason. "Grabbed right from the back. Got a good feel and everything. Nice, round...a little squishy."

Her heart was beating rapidly inside her chest, feeling both eyes lock onto her form. Incessantly, she prodded Ignasius from behind, hoping he got the que. He was only going to get that split second to react before both their faces were blown off.

Ignasius Van-Derveld

I'm the mother flippin'
@[member="Magena Dray"]​

"Whose complainin' now?" He said with his curling into what was almost a smile.

"Alright team! Let's do this!" Came a loud voice from the otherside of the wall. Ignasius paused, lifting a hand up to insure that she stopped moving. "We can win this...just remember the game plan...Jax you watch our flanks...T'Val and keep attacking no matter how many times you get hit, just keep going...the rest of us...defense...defense...COME ON! DEFENSE..."

A large group started to chant louder and louder. "Defense...DEFENSE...DEFENSE...DEEFEENCE!"

Footsteps and backslapping ensued before room on the other side of the wall cleared out. It all went eerily still. Convinced the coast was clear, Ignasius slipped out the small gap at the end and found himself in a non-partitioned shower room, beyond was the changing room for a professional sports team of some kind, "Borgleball team, by the looks."

Ignasius did not hesitate to begin stripping down to nothing. There was no way he was running out of this place covered in all that muck and literal crap. The room also provided plenty of clothes to wear in place of the soiled clothes that he had taken into this experience.

"You're man is pretty smart...or is it you?" He said glancing over to her as her walked in front of the shower sensor.


"Hey...I don't know either of them," Ignasius said with a shrug, "I had only just walked in...planned on giving the Zeltron a job offer."

"Shut...yer...MOUTH...ya disease ridden banthan fricker!"

"I'm just saying...good pay...a way off this rock..."

Then the Zeltron went and aggravated the situation some more. The fiance, Cyrus, pointed the gun directly at the Zeltron now. At least away from him, he turned towards her with a quirked eyebrow. Subtly he mouthed the words, "get me out of this and you are hired."

"Their plannin' something Cyrus! Shoot 'em both now! If ya mah torment Cyrus!"

"SHUT IT! I will decide who I shoot woman...though both...sounds mighty pleasin' right now."

Despite not being able to see this Cyrus creature, Ignasius knew that the weapon he held was wandering between both he and the Zeltron. When she mentioned that she had not really been fond of this random woman's derriere, another man jumped up from the middle of the room, "HEY! That arse is the finest on Nul Hutta! Don't you talk about by suger muffin like that!"

"What the hell? How many men are you ruttin'?" Ignasius groaned.

"IMA GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU FOOLS!" Raged the enraged Cyrus before shooting the newcomer to the conversation dead in an instant and turning his attention to Ignasius.

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