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Trouble in the Core (Part 2 of the Corellia/Anaxes Imperials Campaign, Open for All, OOC Thread)

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
The War for Anaxes
Hello Everyone, I am the Faction owner of the New Republic and Admin alongside [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Avin Starfire"] and [member="Edward Thane"].
We come today with an opportunity for every character on the board, be you good or evil, imperial or free thinker, Sith or Jedi, you get the point. Ill try not to drag on too much with this OOC thread as its more of a planning thread and a recap of the Story thus far and where the story is going to go from here.
This story started with a battle on the worlds of Corellia and Dorsis, two planets near the Republic (one in the Republic now) as an Imperial Warlord arrived to strike those worlds and gather them under his dominion and grow his own empire inside the Core Worlds. The Republic, with the help of Silver Jedi and Mandalorian Volunteers responded, striking out and onto these worlds to fight back those Imperial invaders and their Allies. It was from that battle that the Republic lost its first and second fleet, but thanks to the help of those like [member="Rick Kaloo"], who had equally suffered in the battle, as well as those on the ground like Kaine Australis and Yasha Cadera, the Republic freed the world.
In the wake of this battle, several high value targets were captured, among them an infamous former member of the One Sith, one @Reverance. Who for his crimes will be brought before a court and tried on Alderaan in the coming days. But coinciding with this trial is another event, a set of battles that the Republic is preparing to start and the Imperial Warlord is more than ready as he prepares too, building up his own forces and Allies in response to meet this Republic invasion blow for blow.
THAT is where all of you come in.​
This is an open invitation to the Factions, Minor and Major, of the Site, but also the freelancers and those who look for something more and something bigger without signing on as a member of some government. Rebels and Resistance fighters, Warlords and Tyrants who do not stand with governments like the Sith.​
The Threads involved in this coming campaign are 5 in number, 6 if you count the trial of Reverance on Alderaan.​
The first two threads, will be preparation threads which will be linked below, the Republic's prep thread already done and out, the Imperial one being typed up after this is posted.​
On the First of February, the first thread of this campaign will be released, this one being the Trial of Reverance. Which while not part of the battles is open to anyone who wishes to provide testimony against this galactic criminal who caused death across worlds conquered by the One Sith.​
Following this, either on the same day or in the week after, the battles of Anaxes and Bilbringi will be posted. These will be Dominions and I do not expect anyone to join these if they do not wish to help the Republic in Dominions. It is a very valid reason to stay out and I do apologize that two of the threads are Dominions but it is the best way to handle these battles.​
And Finally, there will be a thread in which the Warlord takes the fight to the Republic, a world not disclosed yet being attacked and severe damage done to the Republic itself. This thread will not be a Dominion, and instead will be a Campaign thread like the first two and the one where the Republic takes as much punishment as you all decide it does. Remember, this is a cooperative writing experience and after the success I am seeing in a invasion my people are involved with, I know the board can do the same as a whole.​
With all that said, the Links for the threads will be below, as well as a discord link, incase anyone has further questions for myself about the campaign or wants to talk with my members to better link up for cooperation against the Imps... or as an enemy yourself, tearing down democracy.​
Choose your side.​
  • Republic Prep - HERE
  • Imperial Prep - HERE
  • The Trial of Reverance - HERE
  • The Battle of Anaxes -
  • The Battle of Bilbringi -
  • The Battle of ?????? -

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