Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Trouble Focusing

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps

1 week before Shadows Gather:

A pair of pincers came down through the air and gripped the white synthetic crystal. It all was coming together. After weeks of scavenging around for the right parts, he had finally completed his lightsaber. Now all that was needed was its power source. With gentle precision, Omen laid the primary crystal into the power port and sealed the colored crystal in. Now all he had to do was activate it. "Well, here we go..." Taking the blade off the table, he held the blade away from his face and thumbed the activator button. To his dismay, nothing happened. He was about to thumb the activator again when he felt something hot hit his hand and instinctively pulled away. When he gazed down at the silver tube, his eyes gazed upon a sort of goo leak out. "Great... The Crystal could hold up to the heat again. Looks like I'm going to go back to the drawing board. Five times he had tried to grow a crystal that could stand up to the heat and five times he had failed. Maybe he should get some help...

Just after the meeting in Shadows Gather

Everyone had cleared out of the plaza except for him and Master Valery Noble and a couple of other stragglers that were discussing the new plan for Tython and what a plan it was. Boarding and taking control of a Superweapon... He had to give it to the Quartermaster, her plans were bold. Whether they would actually work is another thing entirely. Either way, just thinking about the action caused Omen to grip his forehead as it started to ache. "I want to say this plan will work like everyone else Valery but I've seen too much war for that... This could either go very good with us Mando finally being able to destroy the bloody thing or you will have to rescue me from a POW camp... if I'm not killed first..." The Clone straightened up and stretched out his arms with a gentle grunt like a Nexu in the sun. "But I bet you don't want to talk about war so I'll offer another topic. I've been trying to build a lightsaber for myself but the synthetic crystals I've been building haven't been able to stand up to the heat. Any suggestions?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

The meeting on Kestri had been mostly as expected — some Mandalorians weren't very pleased with her presence there, while others seemed to at least respect it for this one time. Either way, the plans were laid out and the Mandalorians were tasked with something that likely seemed impossible to most. They were going straight for the Maw superweapon, which could result in saving Tython if things went well, or it could end up disastrous for the entire boarding party.

These concerns seemed to be echoed by another as well. Omen was likely the one person there who wasn't really all too against her presence, likely because of their history. But he did seem concerned about what was coming next.

"I want to say this plan will work like everyone else Valery but I've seen too much war for that... This could either go very good with us Mando finally being able to destroy the bloody thing or you will have to rescue me from a POW camp... if I'm not killed first..."

"I don't think they'll be taking many prisoners on Tython," Valery said with a frown. As much as she wanted it to be different, the truth was just that hard, and it was best not to talk around it. "But you're with capable fighters, so let's hope for the best, hm?" This time she did smile a little, but it faded when he talked about the attempt at creating a synthetic crystal.

"I... don't think that you should try to create one like that. There are more natural ways to get a crystal, and those will actually be bonded to you. A crystal cave journey or the purification of a corrupted crystal is what I would suggest, although the second option isn't something you can easily do without help from a Jedi."

"Purification is... tricky."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen sighed as the Jedi Master was blunt but she was truthful. "Yeah... I expect they won't..." The Clone tried his best to smile back as Valery tried to buck him up a little bit but if she looked into his one remaining eye she would see just how tired he was."I just don't know how many hits my nation can take. Sometimes all I see is a Death Star one shot away from exploding though it's probably just dramatics on my part. It is just when one of your major leader's daughter almost gets killed and he tries to solve it by swallowing morphine... Let's just say you get concerned about who exactly you fighting for..."

Shrugging as he saw her short-lived smile fall from the Jedi's face, Omen could only justify his actions. "I figured if it worked for the Imperial Knights 600 years ago, it would work for me now. And I know better than trying the purification procedure on a kyrstal. I don't have the skills for that anyhow... Besides, I figured that the New Jedi and the Silvers would have every source of Kyber under lock and key, and with me being without a Master in either party I'm out of luck. Plus Ilum and Jedha are pretty near to the front lines so I don't want to chance it right now. Maybe if the GA starts to roll back the red tide I'll decide to go but for now, I'll bide my time."

Pulling a datapad off his belt, he would bring up a list of options for where the required crystal could be found. "If I had to get a crystal right now, it would either have to be on Dantooine which is firmly in Imp hands. That means I would have to smuggle it out which is risky... On the other hand, I could go with the Animal Cruelty route and cut open Krayt Dragons till I find a gemstone in one's gut. But that would take a lot of time, effort, and animal cruelty which I don't condone." So few options and if he was going to get his saber up and running before the big battle, he needed to make a choice soon. Then one more location drifted into his head he gave him a big smile before turning his head back towards the Jedi. The only other option I have left is Christophsis which is probably the best one though who knows what is thereafter the whole CIS collapse. Knowing its value there are going to be alot of clankers on that green rock."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Last edited:

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Looking into his remaining eye, Valery could see the difficulty he had with the upcoming mission. Much like her, he was tired and worried about other people, probably more than he was worried about himself. It was a feeling she could heavily relate to, so she offered him an understanding nod,
"I know the feeling, Omen, and I don't think anything can be said to make it easier. But keep your hope in your people and do your best to help them when it matters most."

She smiled briefly but then allowed the conversation to shift to the topic he had approached her for — the search for a lightsaber crystal. He explained in great detail what he believed his options were, and why some wouldn't work. But it seemed to spark some thoughts from Valery, who only started after he finished explaining.

"Well, I do happen to be the Watchmen on Ilum for the NJO. I've helped a good few Jedi through their gathering in the caves, and I can make the same offer to you as well. I know you're not planning on selling the crystal to the Maw or other dangerous groups, and that you're using the lightsaber for your own defense. So despite the caves being under Jedi control, I can help you," she said with a smile.

"But if you prefer not to get one there, I can accompany you to Christophsis as well, or try to guide you through the purification of a crystal. It's entirely up to you, but you can count on my help regardless of the decision you make."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
"I guess that's all I can do." Omen knew they were going to be casualties. Hell, he would probably be lucky to get half of his force back. But atleast he had something else to think about now, getting his lightsaber set up.

The Clone's face expanded into a massive grin as Valery explained that IIum was under her watch and therefore she could open the door to him. "And this is why I'm friends with you. Well, that and you're a great conversationalist. So I guess it's IIum. I guess the only question is when you have the time and or a babysitter to help me. But for now, want to get a drink?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Valery chuckled at the grin that appeared on his face, and nodded with a smile,
"I'm glad you enjoy our conversations, and we should be able to head to Ilum whenever. Vera is with my husband at the moment, while I'm out and about for Jedi business. So once you're ready for the trip, I can take you there," she said with the same smile still on her face.

"I'll also have to explain a few things because a crystal gathering is... quite an experience. It's not as straightforward as walking into a cave and grabbing a random crystal you see. There's a lot that goes into it."

"But first..." she paused, "Something to drink sounds good to me."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen could only imagine the scene going on at New Cov. "In other words, the kitchen is painted red with pasta sauce as Plank tries to teach Vera how to make spaghetti, got it. I hope she at least gets a good childhood though I know you do what you can. Having a parent that moves around constantly and leaves you behind isn't easy." Being the child of a Jedi wouldn't be easy for anyone. The expectations to live up to, staying straight and proper on the path of the light. It wasn't hard to see why people like Cade Skywalker fled the path so easily. "I have an encrypted comm channel if you want to talk to her later tonight. I also can have a guest room set up for you."

As the strange pair continued down the street towards the nearest tram station towards the Univerisity District. Omen's thoughts were drifting from the crystal ritual to the meeting they just come from. He had a question for Val but he wasn't sure he should ask it. Well, two questions. "Hey Val? Two things. One, do you have any good pictures of your kid to show off? And two, what do you think of the Enclave?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

"My husband is a great cook, and Vera is... quite well-behaved. I don't think they'll end up messing up our kitchen," she chuckled because the thought was still funny. They had spent a lot of time to make sure Vera knew the dangers around the kitchen, but she was still a kid. Learning how to help her parents prepare meals could easily create a bit of a mess. "And you're right, it's not always easy with Kahlil and I both being Jedi. But we're soon moving somewhere quieter and peaceful, and we do our best to alternate, so one of us is always near her."

She let out a soft sigh but smiled quickly again at his offer, "I'd love to be able to talk to her, and I think a guest room for the night would be good. I need to make sure I get enough rest." Valery nodded and followed him down the street, towards the tram station so they could leave this part of the city. But that's also when Omen asked some questions — the first was easy, the second would take some time to think about.

"I always have pictures of her," she said before she took one and held it out for him to see. Vera was about 3 years old now, and smiled into the camera. She had her mother's dark-brown hair but her eyes especially were... odd. They looked like a ying-yang mix of her parent's eye colors, and they were as intense as Valery's eyes.

"As for the Enclave, I worked with them during a mission a few years ago. I expected it to be difficult, but the cooperation actually went quite well, and I feel at least some level of respect was developed. But at the same time..." she sighed softly again. "...I feel there is always this tension that can't be overcome. That a single mistake or problem could have them clash with the Jedi and Alliance again. I hope it won't happen, but it's a fear in the back of my mind."

"Why do you ask?"


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen let out a mean-spirited chuckle as Vera protested that Kahlil had it all under control at him. He didn't doubt her of course "It's why you love him. He is a former bad boy with a six-pack, good at cooking and kids. What's not to like? Either way, I'm sure you do the best you can with what you have" He raised an eyebrow at the news of her moving. "So is it a state secret or are you actually going to tell you where you are going?"

The Clone grinned as he leaned in, looking at the picture with glee. "Aww, she really is growing out to look like you two. She even has her uncle's mismatched eyes. Vera's going to be a great person someday, I can sense it." As long as Vera wasn't shoehorned into the family business, she would come out of her childhood alright.

As he pulled away and heard her answer, he just shrugged when she. asked for a reason behind his question."Just wanted to know what you thought of us, to be honest. That outburst at the meeting... That isn't all of our opinions. I would say maybe 10% of us are like Hilal, the more intolerant. I have indestructible armor so I must be better than everyone" type of people... Not enough to be anything other than annoying pricks in your side but not enough to be worth your time arguing with. A lot of people, maybe 20 to 30% are like me who are those who don't care who you are with as long as you aren't firing a blaster at them. The rest though cling to the Quartermaster's favorite national focus "Death to all Sith!" like it's a national pastime. Anyway... with the Jedi and us, issues haven't really been sorted out over the hundreds of years since Jango and his vod were attacked by Jedi Master Dooku on Galidraan. The Jedi... and this isn't everyone but... have always seemed a little on their high horse when it comes to us. You will fight our wars, take most of the causalities and then we will come in to save the day type stuff. The Jedi haven't exactly done anything to change it either... You are the first Jedi to step on our world and neither the NJO nor the Silvers have made any official moves to court with us. And so we stay in this orbit until something big breaks it. "

As they reached the stairway up to the overhead platform, he gestured to the various citizens gazing at her and the lightsaber on her belt like she was a walking curiosity, wondering if she was really the real deal. "You Jedi have earned your respect from us and the galaxy as warriors and the galaxies police officers. You still have to earn your respect as a regular person from regular people just like we have to show the galaxy that we as a people aren't smooth-brained individuals that want to kill their senators and only want the right to exist, just like any culture. The only problem is that our separate ways of thinking are so ingrained in our minds that we can't leave them."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Valery chuckled and smiled bright,
"I love him for a lot of reasons, but I suppose those things all add to it," she chuckled again and then gave his question some thought, "I'm going to be careful with who we tell it to, for the safety of our daughter mostly, but right now we're still looking around. So I don't actually have a location to tell people yet. But friends will definitely be allowed to know."

She continued to smile and looked down at the picture she showed him herself, as he leaned in to look at it, "She's a sweetheart, so I'm sure she'll become a great person, too. But it is always a little nerve-racking to see where things will go — she's our first, and we've had a lot of people or things threaten her safety already."

The two then continued their path forward through the city, and she listened to him explain not only why he asked the question, but more about his perspective on the subject as well. She looked around, nodding her head briefly at those who were looking her way, and finally turned back to Omen, "I can see where you're coming from, and I didn't really think that Hilal represented the majority of your people. Sure, I was expecting some to really take offense to my presence, but I've been to many places where I felt less welcomed."

"My visit here was also a step of mine to try and slowly build up more respect between our people. I just hope that these separate ways of thinking don't cause us to clash heavily. The last thing anybody in this Galaxy needs is more conflict."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
The smile that Omen returned wasn't one of happiness but of hurt and Valery could probably see a glimmer of jealousy in his eyes. "I wish I had something like you have but the universe doesn't want that for me I guess..." His only "love" if you could call Aren was either trapped in a EE prison so deep in enemy territory that she couldn't get any message out to him or she was... No, he didn't need to think about that right now. The living gave him more than enough to think about. The way Valery talked about her child... man it was hard not to get those green eyes just thinking about it.

The Clone nodded to the Jedi's thoughtful response to his question. "Makes sense. Well, you always have my comm number if you want to tell me." Leading her up the stairs to the station, most of the other Mandos didn't meet the Jedi's gaze as she nodded to them. "They are worried they will get your cooties." Omen didn't exactly blame the either. When your culture tells you to hate saberjockeys thats what you do, no questions ask.

With each step, Omen's mind got more filled with the possiblities of Jedi and Mando cooperation and all the reasons it would not work. "Valery... I don't think you know how much hating Jedi is ingrained in our culture. One of our founding priciplies is "The Excision and Genocide of the Mando’ade by the Jedi and Sith will never be forgiven. Do not forget the blood of your ancestors that was spilled." You are going to need a conctrated push by the New Jedi Order or the Silver Order as a whole to beat the walls down. Maybe you'll gain respect for your small sect alone but for the Jedi as a whole? I just don't know if its possible..."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Valery definitely noticed that his smile wasn't one of happiness, and the two had talked about his situation before. But it seemed like he would prefer to focus on other topics, and so she went along with that. They walked up the stairs and it wasn't really too much of a surprise that the Mandalorians didn't greet her in return. What Omen said, caused her brows to raise little though.

"My... cooties?" she blinked and with a shake of her head, she showed that he didn't need to elaborate on that, "I'm sure it'll be fine for you to know where it is, although I think it might be good for you to meet my husband more properly first." He'd definitely have to agree to people they shared their home address with, so it was only logical.

"I do know how deep it runs. I was born roughly 300 years after the Mandalorian Wars, and the hatred back then was... something else. All my interactions with Mandalorians in the past have been far more hostile than any of those since I stepped out of my stasis pod," she said as she looked at him and sighed. "So I agree with you, I don't think it's entirely possible either. But I do hope we can avoid war like the Mandalorian Wars."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Well, at least she let the whole relationship thing drop. That was a blessing. Unless Valery had a single Jedi Knight friend that she wanted to set him up with (which she probably didn't), it was better just not to hope... That Valery hadn't heard of cooties though, now that made him laugh. "Oh don't worry Val, you'll hear about them from your daughter sooner than you want."

His whole body stiffened though that it might be good for him to meet her husband if he wanted to know where they live. "Are you sure that's wise? He didn't like me the last time we met." The playful smirk on his face said it all. "Probably was just jealous thinking I would take you away in my arms and make you a mando after that Assassin droid attack. Not that he would try to get in between them though. The two were clearly meant for each other and he knew his place on the sidelines.

As they finally reached the station platform, an electronic sign said "3 Minutes Til Train Arrival" Well at least they had some more time to talk and as Omen plopped his butt on a bench, he did exactly that. "Not too bad. With my luck, it takes10 minutes of waiting for a tram to appear. Apparently, the city wants to be kind to its visitor.

He just nodded along as Valery told her story. So she was another time-traveler. That he definitely filed away for later. "Oh you'll avoid war because we both agree the Sith is the worse enemy right now but if a "rogue" Jedi like Revan or even a Sith in disguise were to create a disaster in our territory then things would heat up very fast. All I can say is that it's something to discuss with Romi Jade if you ever get to be in her presence."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Last edited:

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

"I don't he was jealous," she chuckled and nodded along with the joke, "But I do think it would be a good idea. He may have disagreed with how you worked once, but it's nothing more than that, and it was a long time ago. It's likely that he won't even remember it, really." Even if he did, disagreements weren't a reason to dislike or hate someone either, and Kahlil had never been the type to really hate.

"So I encourage you to meet him," she added as her eyes shifted to the electronic board. They only had to wait a few minutes, which was likely a good thing considering all the looks she had been getting from people around them. Not that she minded too much, but she'd much rather talk in private or not feel like someone could lose their cool with her at any given point.

"Romi Jade? She and I are good friends, and we've worked together for the Praxeum for a few years now. But I believe things will be alright on that front — the Jedi are too focused on the Maw to really feel like they need to make moves against the Mandalorians. Even Revan only did after the Mandalorians attacked, it wasn't a preemptive strike."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
"Okay if you say so..." It was all Omen could say. Saying no to meeting Valery's husband a second time would probably damage their friendship. All he could do is take the probable awkwardness and lectures about using his powers correctly in stride.

Romi Jade and Val were friends? Well, he shouldn't be surprised. Saberjockeys ran around in pacts before. "Good because she hates me. Let's just say I'm not in the New Jedi Order for a reason... Nothing really bad mind you, I just played a practical joke on her and she didn't approve..."

The Clone gently rubbed his temples as the sign flashed to 1 minute remaining. Valery had missed his point completely so all he could do is try again. "I'm not saying that the main Jedi Order would do it. I'm saying if a rogue element did a terrorist attack and planted evidence to implicate the Jedi, we don't have the relationship to look past that. The Warmongers only need one excuse to set us over the edge and bring the war to Ossus. Whether the Sith are smart enough to do that though is debatable... Only one did rule the entire galaxy for 20 years based on trickery after all."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

She understood that he likely wasn't entirely looking forward to meeting her husband, but it would be for the best. She preferred that Kahlil knew the people she considered friends to some extent, especially if they were to get the address to their upcoming home. It was a huge matter of trust that couldn't be taken too lightly.

"Mhmm, don't worry though. It'll be fine," she said with a soft smile.

"As for Romi Jade, I don't think she hates anybody, but I understand either way." She also picked up on his frustration, and offered him a somewhat apologetic smile for it in return, "Yeah I suppose you're right, it's all a fragile..." she sighed and looked at the sign as it indicated that their ride was about to arrive.

"Let's just hope the future remains somewhat bright then, hm?"


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen returned the Jedi's smile with his own. "You are probably right. I'm just fretting about everything like always." He and Kahlil would either get along or they wouldn't. All the Clone could do was try to be as amicable as possible and hope it was enough.

The Clone's face turned blank once again as he tried to pick the words out from his clouded brain. Why did his face and feelings have to be so transparent... "I don't think she hates me either. I just think that she believes I'm a nuisance that should be avoided at all costs. And I'm sorry if I seem in a bad mood. There is a lot to be done before this mission including looking after my little group and equipping them. Just thinking about the effort is making my brain angry."

As the tram car pulled into the station, Omen flashed his pearly whites one last time. "Let's hope we can make a better future together."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

"It's quite alright, I can understand why," she tried to reassure him with a smile. Valery did remember the one mission they were all on together, and the way he worked was quite different from the Jedi in some ways. So there were bound to be disagreements, but she hoped none would really lead to any trouble.

"You also don't have to apologize, I am going through a lot of that as well. Preparations, personal training, and coordinating the efforts on the planet. It's very tiring and with a lack of sleep, it's easy to get in a bad mood. It's just how it is," she chuckled and watched the doors of the tram open so they could finally step inside.

"Let's hope we can make a better future together."

She nodded to that, "Mhmm, and let's hope we can all get some proper rest when this is behind us, too."


Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
"Yeah well, you have to just get your make-up on before going into battle. I have to get 800 vod makeup on and make sure they are briefed and ready for combat plus make sure the Venator is ready to go. It is a lot bigger job. Plus I have to one-up you for fun." The Jedi would receive a wink and a playful slap to the thigh before the armored warrior got up with a grunt and offered a hand out to the woman. "Now let's get you to that comm terminal so you can see your family. Then we both can get to bed so we aren't grumpy in the morning."

During the tram ride, something both stunning and wonderful happened. As the Jedi either sat down or held on to one of the handlebars hanging from the top of the car, a young Togruta girl, not much older than her own daughter, shyly trotted over and placed a paper flower on the floor in front of her before running back into her mother's protective arms. The Mereel leaned down and handed her the amateur piece of art, glad to see that someone else had proven his point. "See, we aren't all monsters who want to kill you. Some of us just want the right to exist, just like anyone else."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Kestri
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

Valery rolled her eyes playfully at his comment and chuckled,
"Hey, it's not just make-up and getting my own gear ready. I'm responsible for a lot of Jedi as well," she shook her head a bit at the wink and slap, but that smirk was still there. It was nice to not just focus on the bad things, and mess around a little with friends as well.

"And that sounds like a good plan, I'm getting a little tired already."

She stepped into the tram and found a good place where she could stand and look out through the window at the city around them. But somewhere along the way, her attention was drawn by a little girl walking over and placing something she made at the ground in front of her. Valery loved kids, so she just smiled and watched her move back to her mother, who she offered a respectful nod to.

Valery then took the handmade flower and looked at it with a soft smile,
"Oh I know, I don't view your people as monsters." Not anymore, anyway — the Mandalorians who attacked the Galaxy after being manipulated into the war had been brutal, and responsible for genocide against some planets as well. But that was in the past, so she wasn't going to bring it up.

"I'm going to bring this with me, as a reminder."


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