Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trix and Porkchop go to a Bar.... Again!

So the last time Trix and Porkchop went to a bar, it didn't work out so well. A couple of underaged girls posed as adults and the jail bait radar went off the handle. The last thing the flyboys needed accusations of was hitting on teenagers. The thought just made Ric recoil. It would be different this time though. The hot shot pilot made sure they were going to be meeting at a club that carded on the way in. Not only that, but Ric had made sure to get their names on the list so they could pass up the line.

Like before, Ric had just got off duty, and shot Porkchop a quick text.

•••Meet me Street Wise 2100 hrs. Got our names on the list. Tonite we won't be running into teenagers.•••

Of course Porkchop would be there. Why? Ric still wasn't convinced he couldn't teach Porkins how to schmooze with the ladies. This required the right outfit though. Again the skinny jeans were a go to. A stylish top, not Porkins stylish, but actually stylish, and pair of brown shoes. Tonight was going to be a good night.

Ric stood, leaning against the faux brick, outer wall of the club. The pilot was taking the final "drag" of his e-cig when he saw Porkins showing up.

"Alright buddy let's do this. See if we can get you a nice looking lady to get lucky with."

[member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Valo Porkins"]
Lugus felt like a tool in the clothes Trix picked out. He couldn't quite fit the skinny jeans so that was allowed to be substituted... with not as skinny, skinny jeans. Still hard to get on. He reminded himself to hid them in the very very back of his closet so that he didn't accidently wear them again. This whole adventure was mainly for Trix's pleasure. Clubbing wasn't Lugus' scene but he played along for Trix. Lugus liked the guy. By the looks they got, Lugus assumed most didn't understand why they even hung out on the job let alone why Lugus put up with him. The first reason Lugus took to him so quickly was probably because Ric was Corelian. Lugus went to Corellia University. The planet was his second home for the longest time. When it split into a million pieces Lugus had his own grieving for the planet and made Ryshcate as well to remember and celebrate his time on the lost planet.

Trix personality was another thing that allowed Lugus to get along so well with him. Sure some might call him a player but he was a devoted friend and pilot. Most would have given up on Lugus after the first night of failed attempts. Not Trix! As Lugus approached he scrunched his nose at the E-cig. Smoking was smoking no matter what was being smoked. He could do a little sidewalk preaching but he simply shrugged it off along with his comment about getting lucky, "Yeah sure let's do this. What's the worse that can happen?"

[member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Valo Porkins"]
She was surprised that she had been invited to go out with the fly-boys to a club do some drinking and dancing, and in their case pick up woman. She wondered how her Brother would fare in this situation and she was more than eager to see his mating techniques put to work. For her, it was all about the dancing and the drinking. She wasn't looking for a love interest or a one night affair. She had long ago shrugged off both sexes and love and intimacy; instead marrying herself to her job and her philosophies. Both had kept her happy and would continue to do so.

So after putting on the finishing touches of her make-up, something she had to look up on the holonet to properly do, she checked her outfit one last time in the mirror. She smiled at her own reflection for she was a beauty, but held a monster deep inside her. She left her apartment, a gift from the Agency upon completion of her training, and headed toward the club avoiding others that were streaming from the opposite direction she was heading, drunk patrons from her apparent destination. She gave the bouncer her name and flashed him her "citizens" ID card so he could confirm who she was. She held two separate lives since joining the Republic and the Intelligence Agency, or spooks to some. She was grateful that her Brother's mate had remembered to use her alias name.

On the outside of her job she was Marilyn O'reilly, business woman who held stock in everything electronic. Those outside the Agency and the Republic Military knew her by that name only. To everyone else in her line of work she was Valo Porkins, codename Cricket. She was a spy, an assassin, and everything in between and around the edges. She had to keep both lives separate because the Republic was not the only organization that employed spooks.

She entered the club and was quickly overwhelmed, in a positive way, by all the sights and sounds of the club. Her Brother's mate had chosen a terrific place to relax tonight. But where were they? Did she somehow pass them by on her way in? She shrugged her shoulders, headed toward one of the hovering bars and ordered herself a drink. She was here to relax and after her last mission, she needed alcohol and dancing to bleach her memory of that over pompous slug, Vizori the Hutt.

[member="Ric Ardellian"] / [member="Lugus Porkins"]
"Remind me never to try and fit you into skinny jeans again..." Ric teased as Lugus bounded up to meet him.

The look in his eye when he briefly glanced to Ric's e-cig said enough that Ric kinda had a sheepish look. The man didn't need the sidewalk sermon on the evils and dangers of smoking. Ric was trying to quit, really he was. The thing was the nicotine was a way of self mediating his ADHD.

"I know, I know... I'm trying to quit..."

Ric put it away, and clapped his friend on the back. The line was long, but they got to go right past it because their names were on the list. Ric had always wanted to experience that, and somehow it didn't seem as cool as he thought it would. Oh well. The music was loud, the bass was thumping, the atmosphere was electric. If Lugus couldn't find a lady here, there was a problem. It wasn't that Ric was so hellbent on getting Porkchop laid, he just didn't want to here the excuses that there wasn't a lady out there that would find Porkins attractive. There were all kinds of men and women in the world, and everyone had their match... Even Ric had one out there, though after a shot at finding her and getting his heart broken he was rather reluctant on going down that road again.

"So, who was it you were going to invite again... a sister or something," Ric asked over the loud techno beat which was blasting through the club.

Porkins had a sister, and all Ric could do was picture his face on a female body. That mental picture was not one he cared to have in his mind, so he quickly ogled a few of the cage dancers, flashing his signature smirk. It was time to head to the bar for something hard to drink.

"You see her anywhere?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Valo Porkins"]
Unlike his buddy Trix after the look he got from the bouncer, Lugus walked into the club like a king. Lugus knew if the guy could turn him away, he would be heading home at the moment. Maybe that would be a bullet dodged to tell the truth. Lugus was too busy riding hype to care. The pounding base, loud music, and strobe lights only added to the stimulation. He was all for coming to the club more often. It was better than the drab bar. More electrifying. At this point he forgot he was her to get a woman. His plan was simpler... Have tons of fun. Possibly drink to the point just before streaking becomes an issue. Dance until his legs fell and he could no longer hear people for a roaring in his ears from the music. Which was starting already. Lugus barely heard Ric initially over the loud music.

"What? Oh Yeah, her name is..." He paused contemplating the last time he actually used her given name. "Well, she goes by Cricket. Don't worry. she'll smoke us both, or at least you, on the dance floor."

Trix still hadn't seen Lugus dance. It was a shame really. Lugus was actually pretty good. Dancing was something he enjoyed tremendously and a love that both he and his sister shared. It's a charming story actually. Cricket wanted to take dance lessons and being the brat she was none of the other kids in the class would be her partner. Enter Lugus who was forced to join for her. Needless to say he enjoyed it too much to complain.

Lugus gave a grin then searched the club for he beloved sister. The poor lighting and flashing colors made the task of finding her almost impossible however, "She might not be here yet. We can wait for her at the bar."

[member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Valo Porkins"]
With drink in hand and her back leaning against the bar, she watched some of the patrons dance on the floor and watched others that thought they could dance after consuming enough liquid courage to do so. Her mind turned to the days when she was a wallflower herself until she saw on a holovid a dance routine that seemed like magick. The way the girls and guys moved in unison was truly a sight to behold and from that day forward, she wanted to be a professional dancer. She had managed to convince her parents to sign her up for dance lessons, which started out bad because of her attitude, which led to her Brother joining her. That was one of the few things they did have in common. Of course her dreams of becoming a professional dancer shattered but she would not dwell on that. Not now, not ever.

With her main focus on the dance floor, she caught sight of a man googling her through her peripheral vision on her left. The man was handsome and seemed to be in excellent physical shape, a wonderful example of his gender. However, he was not her type. Nobody was her type. She sighed to herself when she caught sight of him moving toward her. Here we go, she thought. The mating rituals of the male species.

"Hello there beautiful," he said failing at his attempt not to be caught staring her up and down. "I've never seen you here before. New, huh?"

"I've never seen you here before. New, huh," she mocked, "Is that what you came up with after spending the last ten minutes working up the courage to talk to me?"

The man placed his free hand over his heart as he feigned being hurt which earned him the famous gesture all woman do; the eye roll. The man, however, would not be deterred. He ordered a round of drinks for them both then handed one to her. She sighed to herself again as she placed her empty glass on the bar and took the offered drink.

"It appears you are beautiful and feisty. I love that in a woman. Do you have a name?"


"What is it," he asked when he realized she wasn't going to offer it up.

"Listen, mate. I'm sure your are a wonderful person with much to offer to women of lower standards and even lower self esteem. And I do thank you for buying me a drink but allow me to be honest with you. You and I. Not going to happen in this lifetime or the next. So please, walk away and enjoy the rest of your evening."

The man slammed his drink on the bar and made the mistake of grabbing her left wrist. Big mistake.

"Listen her bit..."

Before he could finish the last part of that word she hated so much, she pulled her left hand free and slammed the palm of her hand into his throat; dropping the man to his knees causing him to gag and struggle to find his breath. She turned around to face the bartender to offer her apology but the bartender just winked at her, turned his head to the right and made a small nodding gesture. Two hulking size bouncers quickly appeared and dragged the man off.

"Next round is on the house ma'am," the bartender said removing the man's drink from the bar.

[member="Ric Ardellian"] / [member="Lugus Porkins"]
"You know, I could come up with some witty remark about that comment you just made about your sister smoking me, but all I can picture is your head on a woman's body."

Wow so he just said that out loud! Hopefully the music was so loud Porkins didn't pick up on it. Yeah it might be best to get to the bar for a drink. The night was young, and there were so many delicious looking ladies around, including one at the bar. A nice pretty looking blonde, getting hit on by another dude. Okay so she had don't try to pick me up written all over her, and the guy was clearly not seeing it.

Ric winced when the man grabbed the woman. Ouch man.... that's a no no. There were certain rules about this sort of thing, and you never grabbed a chick if she told you to bug off, which by the reaction on the man's face is exactly what happened. Basically it made the guy a jerk and deserving of whatever the lady could muster to physically retaliate. And a jab to throat was her move.

"Porkchop," Ric said smacking his buddy on the shoulder, "Don't do what he did to that hottie over there. It makes her go all bat out of hell, kung fu throat punch crazy."

[member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Valo Porkins"]
"My head on what?" Yeah he hadn't heard Trix. If he had it wouldn't have made much difference. He would have just laughed an told him that the joke was on him. They looked nothing alike. Point proven by the slap on Lugus back. Followed by trix talking about some woman, "Where's the crazy hottie?"

That was the most he got out of what Nic said. The music wouldn't be effecting his hearing so bad if he hadn't be listening to Rock and Roll and Metal all of teenage years to date. Crank it to eleven that was his motto. His eyes finally focused on a guy on his knees next to the bar. He caught the face of this woman as she turned back to face the bar.

"Hey!" He almost told Trix that was his sister. He almost scolded him for calling her a crazy hottie. He gave himself a mental ew as he remembered calling her that as well. Lugus had a plan, a sly cheeky plan. He back handed Trix torso to get his attention, "Bro, I'm going for it. She doesn't look that crazy. Say 50 credits. No. Yeah, I bet you 50 credits I can get her to at least dance with me."

Lugus didn't give Trix time to say no or talk him out of it. Truthfully, Lugus didn't even care if they kept the bet. He just wanted to play this prank on his friend. Make him think that Lugus actually picked up a girl. That his protégé was actually learning rather than failing miserably. It was cruel fun in Lugus' mind. Lugus approached the bar as the other man left shooting him a dirty glare and bumping his shoulder as they walked past. He deserved the throat punch in Lugus' opinion.

"You going to do that to every guy that hits on you?" Lugus took the guy's seat making sure to speak loudly so that Cricket didn't mistake him for another hot shot. His hands went up in surrender as she made eye contact. "Because I'm perfectly okay with it. If I have to punch one of those guys, I will, but I plan to run like hell afterwards if he doesn't fall over." He put his hands on the bar the tilted his head as he grinned.

"Hopefully that douche monkey didn't ruin your night," his eyes went to the dance floor. He danced a lot by himself at home but it wasn't like when he was with Cricket. They had an energy that he missed. The main reason he invited her was to spend more time together of course but it was also for the dancing. "When was the last time we danced together? Like six or seven years ago, right?" he shook his head, "We were great. Still are I bet. We didn't win all those ribbons and trophies because we were mediocre. We're royalty. Myself more than you but you know technicalities. I mean I am older and better looking." He laughed nudging her with his elbow then put his hand out for her. "I know you want to dance. What do you say?"

[member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Valo Porkins"]
She turned her head, making eye contact with the pudgy fellow, before shooting him a warm and thoughtful smile. It was good to see her Brother again. They had much to catch up on and even though this was technically not the proper place to do so, she would take what she could get. She nudged her Brother in a playful way.

"Only those men that think I'm an easy catch," she replied.

She took another pull from her free drink, courtesy of the bartender, and placed her mug on the bar. She followed his eyes to the dance floor and new where he was going with this. They made excellent dance partners. In fact, she had never met anyone that matched his skills and she was craving a good dance these days.

"Nah. It takes more than some male pumped up with 'full of himself crap' to ruin my night. But yes, let's dance."

She jumped from her seat, grabbed her Brother by his left arm and nearly pulled him off his seat. Once they got to the dance floor, she threw her arms around his neck, planted a sibling smooch on his cheek, and took the lead. She started out slow at first then picked up the pace when the music's beat upped it's tempo.

"So where's your, mate? I thought he was suppose to meet us here."

[member="Lugus Porkins"] / [member="Ric Ardellian"]
"50! Only cuz I think you can't land a woman like that. She might even jab me in the throat, and kick me in the manhood."

Meaning, that Ric did not think that kind of woman was out of his league, just very difficult to convince them they were in the same league. Besides, there were all sorts of gals around that wouldn't punch a man in the throat, and Ric would prefer to dance with one of those. He could see it now. Porkins was gonna hit the dance floor, make some wrong move, and they'd be explaining to someone in the ER why his throat was almost crushed. Cricket, the sister, would be mad a Ric for letting it happen, and female looking Porkins would likely get all mothery over her older brother. At least that's how the scenario went in Ric's mind.

When the two started dancing, and then picked up the tempo, Ric was floored. NO WAY! Porkins not only managed to pick the girl up but the man had mad skills on the dance floor. He didn't want to admit it, but Porkins had better moves than Ric any day. How was it this guy was not getting the living day lights banged out of him every night but some hot chick that loved to dance. Porkchop had been holding out on him in regards to his skill level in this department. This was not a lost cause after all.

He just couldn't take it anymore. Right thing or not, Ric decided he was gonna interrupt. Putting a hand on Porkins, the flyboy held up a hand indicating that Lugus was just going to be a couple of minutes.

"You've been holding out on me... when we're you gonna tell me you could dance? I can work with this... Got a name from the hottie yet?"

[member="Valo Porkins"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Thanks to his younger sister he knew when to lead and when to follow. With her it was always follow. That was one thing he had to put up with when taking dance with her. They got to be a pretty good team however. He still had the moves but then again he still danced quite a bit. Mostly by himself away from the prying eyes. Not that he was ashamed just that most places he went didn't have dancing involved. He was just starting to get his groove when Cricket asked him where Trix was.

"What?" Of course he didn't hear her well. "Oh! Yeah, I left him somewhere."

He glanced around for a while until he finally saw Trix coming over to them. Lugus was about to introduce them when Ric pulled him away. Did he mess up somehow? No, the objective was to get the woman to dance, and he did just that. He invited his sister to dance. The fact she was his sister was water under the bridge of course. Trix would learn that soon enough.

"You've been holding out on me... when we're you gonna tell me you could dance? I can work with this... Got a name from the hottie yet?"

"Hey when you have skill, you show. You don't tell," Lugus glanced back at Cricket. Nothing told him that Trix wouldn't hit on her as soon as he found out the whole scam so Lugus grumbled lightly. "I'll introduce you but no more calling her a hottie and you can't hit on her EVER. She's mine... And you owe me 50 credits."

Lugus lead Trix back then as a last minute stab at the joke he walked over and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek and put his arm around her. "Trix, my sister, cricket. MY sister, Cricket." His hand bounced between the two when he mentioned names. Emphasizing the word 'my' so that Trix would get the hint. "Cricket, my best mate Trix."

[member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Valo Porkins"]
Between the roaring of the club's music and flowing of the moves through their dance routine, she forgotten all about the hard times the galaxy was in. She forgotten about her last mission and her future missions. Right now, at this moment, she was living. This was life. However, it wasn't her life because people like her didn't lead these kinds of lives. She was slightly jealous one minute because they had something she could never ever obtain. And in the next minute she was angry with them. How they went about their lives not knowing or not caring about all the people that had died, some she had even called friends, to allow them to have this piece of paradise.

The spell was broken when she caught sight of a man walking over to them. Did this guy actually think he was going to cut-in? But to her surprise, he began talking to her brother and she now understood this must have been her brother's friend; the one that got their names on the club's list. She ignored the two while they spoke and continued to dance alone in her spot. Her brother returned, with his friend in tow, and planted a small kiss on her cheek. Then she was introduced to the man.

"Trix. Nice to meet you," she said.

[member="Ric Ardellian"] / [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Wait.... sister.... Ric just got played, and he knew it.... Okay wow. First, Trix had to give the man credit for pulling it off. Secondly, he just had to find a way to crack his sister's shell. Not that Trix wanted to as a conquest or anything, he just figured the woman needed some male company. Though it was that mindset that saw the other guy getting throat punched and drug out of the club. Yeah Trix didn't want that.

"Well played, Porkchop, and nice to meet you Cricket. When Lugus mentioned to me he had a sister, I just had to meet her. I can assure you that you have certainly exceeded every expectation I had."

It was time for them to actually get some drinks. Cricket had hers already, but could likely be talked into more. They were here to have fun, and honestly to let the siblings hang out together, and well, to get Porkins to actually approach some ladies. The guy was never gonna get dates by hiding around and avoiding ladies. It never really occurred to Ric that Lugus was after a higher quality gal than what one usually met at a place like this... then again, there were some pretty high quality ladies there too.

"First round is on me, because I totally bought that bit, hook, line and sinker. From there, we're all on separate tabs. Oh and Cricket... we're gonna need one dance at least so we can chit chat about your brother without him hearing."

[member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Valo Porkins"]
Lugus smiled triumphantly. For a cut up, when it came to pranks or schemes, Lugus was actually a great at keep a straight face and making sure he didn't give himself away. He wasn't sure how he develop the skill. It was just something he was good at doing. Despite his triumphant smile, he still planned to look out for his younger sister. Sure she didn't need his protection but still he hadn't seen her in a long time. He wanted to make sure she had fun and guys didn't try to be jerks.

And then there was Trix. Lugus loved the guy. He was his navy brother and closer to him than he was his actual brother was. Lugus wasn't sure what guys Cricket went for, but a thought crossed his mind. If Cricket and Trix got married, then Ric would be his brother. he knew Trix wasn't really a dating kind of guy however. He was the one night and gone kind of guy. That wouldn't work with Cricket. Trix might be gone after the night but that wouldn't be the end. It would be hard for him to avoid his best friend's sister. Cricket didn't need that. Not to mention to would be awkward as hell. The plan would be to protect Cricket from Trix and well protect Trix from his own shenanigans.

"I could go for a glass of Corellian Whiskey on Trix," Lugus linked his arm with his sister's as he began to walk her back to the bar.

[member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Valo Porkins"]

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