Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trin Kronos


Stoic Calm. Cynic Candor.
'Of this one thing make sure against your dying day - that your faults die before you do.'

"I'd rather be angered than parlayed with in pleasure."

NAME: Trin Kronos
SPECIES: Morellian/Nish (Near-Human)
GENDER: Female
AGE: 27
SKIN: Fair
EYES: Dark
HAIR: Dark
HEIGHT: 1.68 meters (5 feet; 6 inches)
WEIGHT: 10st (63.5 kg's)

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
BLOOD TYPE: AB (See Blood Type Personality Theory)

OFTEN SEEN: Wild Space, Unknown Regions, Outer Rim

"Use the best of what you've learned to learn only what you need not unlearn later on."


Stoic Calm. Cynic Candor.

Trin Kronos is a near-human female: half Morellian, and half Nish. As of this document she's aged 27 standard years, but due to her Morellian heritage the aging process moving forward is exponentially slower. By human standards she appears to be in prime physical condition, but in reality Trin will peak at approximately the age of two decades past a hundred standard years. All other things considered, she for the most part resembles a standard Coruscanti human. While scruffy-looking and generally unkempt due to her harsh, austere lifestyle, Trin makes for quite the attractive female specimen. Her fair skin contrast sharply against her dark eyes as hair, and her toned, athletic physique suggests a remarkable strength, endurance, dexterity and overall vitality.

Given her Cynic lifestyle, choosing to strike it out on her own away from the binding limits and constructs of society, her remarkable level of physical fitness is only to be expected. She wears simple clothing (usually handmade) and brandishes simple tools that she uses for day-to-day activities covering hunting, climbing, tracking, protection and all the necessities for a bare-bones existences: not much.

Several individuals have also remarked on Trin's relatively poor sense of personal hygiene, which most find wanting.


Stoic Calm. Cynic Candor.

Born to a Morellian father and a Nish mother, Trin Kronos has known only the life of a maverick and a hound for virtually all of her waking days. Orphaned at the tender young age of 14 after smugglers snuffed out both her parents in an inside job, she was forced to learn to eke out her existence in the cold galaxy, or lay down and die. Naturally, in the interest of self-preservation, she chose the former. Trin spent her youth sneaking onto freighters shuttling between trading posts and worlds, living the life of a scoundrel as she stole, conned and procured less than tasteful services to sustain her meager day-to-day, hand-to-mouth existence. Her humble wanderings would eventually open up not only employment but educational opportunities as well, as she met different folks from all walks of life and different corners of the galaxy. Interesting stories and snippets of information, history or even technical/science manuals were as good as treasures to the young near-human.

By age 20, Trin could hold her own as a simple mechanic/technician and a young (expendable) gun for hire. She'd been taking up one-time/contractual stints as a mechanic for ships and technician for everything from weapons to droids, then using the credits she made to supplement an ever-growing curiosity for virtually everything she touched and everyone she met. It was also at around this time that her hardiness and grit as a gun-slinging mercenary began to pay off - she continued to be hired for increasingly risky security detail/convoy/smuggling operations, and even contracted for help in small uprisings and rebellions by local settlements across Wild Space.

7 years on, and Trin continues to carve out a minimalistic, ascetic lifestyle as a wandering maverick and outback outcast. Her personal philosophy that has since developed values autonomy, self-sufficiency, self-expression and indifference to creature comforts and all manners of luxury and commodity, and has hardened her, in a manner of speaking, into a hound - a hound, she has claimed on several occasions, that while occasionally praised, no one dare hunt with.


Stoic Calm. Cynic Candor.





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