Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trial by Infiltration (Open)

The wave send him over to the third floor of the building at his side. Before that, he only moved his hand forward for an action, as he knew that with one hand, the dome wouldnt dissappear. The efficiency and effectiveness of the force dome was able to resist that kind of attack. Of course once he landed, the hit disconcentrated him, dispelling the protection, but falling on a supposed living room. With every furniture on the floor because of the explosion "Nice job Venus" said in a low, painful tone. When the message for the plan C was sent, the Enryu Corp satellite in the planet would negate every planetary communication. That would affect him of course, but just half an hour, until all things would get back to normal

Acaleus took a deep breath, spinning his waist, supporting his weight with his hands at first, before standing up, looking at the destruction left by the missile. The sound of someone screaming in the street, caught his attention. That guy was still standing. Survived the freaking blast like a man, and screaming threats against Acaleus about destruction and other stuff that didnt mattered

After he said something about the Hutt Cartel, the assassin already got to the street with a single jump, feeling fresh with the stomach wound healed up, but landing bad, almost falling to the floor "I should invest in this bacta gel. They are pretty useful for situation like this" said throwing an empty vial to the feet of that guy. When the missile landed, Acaleus had a second, but then again, they were close enough, so he just force pulled that away from the hands of the now Hutt Cartel member, before being pushed away to the building.

"Yeah yeah. It was pretty unfair for me to do that, but then again you stabbed me and i have that advantage at hand. Oh and a thing about your army coming. My company HQ is placed on this planet and have a little of control of the satelite system, which is nice. Your message never left the atmosphere" Venus, flying the AT-120, was jamming the communication of the Hutt Cartel member ship, and in the present time, taking down any survivor.

" me your unholy wrath" said the last part with a childish voice. He still had his wrist lightsaber and his other blaster pistol. In his body he had a lot of bruises because of the explosion and the wound on his stomach still hurt like hell. This time, he would wait for any attack, let him come. Acaleus put his arms up in a fighting stance once again, with his knees a little a little folded, waiting for any advance.

Thraxis slowly drew his head off, Acaleus little stunt was nothing important. Leaving the Atmosphere while it meant his army won't arrive, didn't stop another from arriving. The footsteps slowly rolled in, this was Nar Shadaa. The smugglers moon, and even if it had been a thousand years since Grakkus the Hutt Died. His legacy, and family lived on.

A wicked smile drew long against his face, the sound of a trembling force running amok in a unified march, the sounds of war bellowed and the tides of war made one last turn."Very good Velcro Kid." Thraxis stated rather sincerely, pacing back and fourth as he clapped a sound tune. "You hindered my message from leaving the Atmosphere. You won on that front." He chuckled as a hand drew through his hair, the underside showing of bloodied stains as his face showed the horrors as he got just close enough to be made out. Long canyons of brown stretched along the pink Skin of the Zeltron, large craters forming in pockets on the cheeks as the signs of torture and horrors were shown clear.

"But you made. One, critical mistake." He said as slowly the armies flooded in behind him, the other side blocked by rubble and dismantled the building. Good thing it wasn't a Hutts. Or at least he hoped. "I called forth the wrath of the Cartel. And they live and thrive in the Criminal Underbelly." He continued, mocking him unguarded as the wave of soldiers stood steadily behind him, an array of weaponry from combat to range standing at the ready as he made his speech. "Now then child. Witness my unholy wrath." His arms raised as the guns lowered and pointed towards Velcro Lad and his trusty assistant, Explosivo. His arms darted down and with it, the hailstorm of destruction was reaped, they were simply Blasters, not enough to break his armour or kill the man, but enough to wear him down if he didn't make his escape quickly.
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]
"Oh...i forgot i dont control this district" one of the reasons why he analize the area in rogue mode before this whole crazyness started, and that didnt mattered any more. The guy had an army. He had a single weaponice ship and well he considered himself as a weapon. So two blades against an army of knifes and a two handed sword. Now the moment of truth. His wrist lightsabers werent the best for deflecting incoming bolts and the area was too destroyed for him to escape.

Venus got back from destroying the other ship, scanning the nearby district from the sky, where she sent the missile, looking for Acaleus, and the only things that appear was dozens and dozens of heat signatures on the streets, and one separated from the others. Enough experience told her that the one was his boss, and the others where an entire army ready to kill him.

The good news was that she had the big guns in this fight in this. With the push of a buttom, she enable the communication only for Acaleus, and that was noticed by a beeping in his wrist "BARRAGE THE BUILDINGS NOW!" spoke the assassin while hidden behind some rubble, and having to move after the first wave of shots landed on the concrete protection.

And so Venus did it. Weapons shooting. The assasin used the falling pieces for cover. By the third wave of shots, the assassin moved side to side. Front and back. Not following a certain line. Using the force to pull the blocks towards him as a protection from the incoming bolts. The other rubble were falling onto the enemy head "Freaking thugs....!" the problem with mercenaries, was the bad aim and it was the main reason why he couldnt advance. The bolts were shot everywhere, and everywhere was being destroy in the process.

Something was caught in his eye, so he used a corner to cover himself for a moment and get that out "Sweat?" whispered after scratching his eyes, before going back to the fight with a smile.

Thraxis turned to a Twilek Soldier, at his feet was his RL-40, his eye spying it over before catching Thraxis knowing gaze, tossing it over to him with a rather disingenuous smile. His hand grabbing the thing with little effort as it fell into his grip, twisting it on his index finger he looked to the ship that was causing such trouble. "Right. Soldiers, keep up the good work. I shall deal with the ship in the meantime." He stated rather cockily, turning to the building closest to him, the thing wasn't falling and it gave him just enough time to deal with the nuisance of a ship.

His feet flared to life as the rest of the soldiers got to work, Blaster fire suppressing Acaleu' movements, though that didn't mean Thraxis didn't come prepared. With his RL-40 now in his grip he held it aloft, ready to take out Acaleus the second he tried to save his little support ship. If he had made himself known and got within even thirty feet of Thraxis, a load of electrical rope would quickly smother him into suppression. He didn't arm himself with it to not do its job.

It didn't take long either, the boots flared a red light beneath his every step, his hands gripping whatever cracks he could find to accelerate his movement, taking only a few minutes before he would be on the ship's wing, mimicking Acaleus' own actions on his ship, just as he had done to his own. "That'll teach Velcro Lad to destroy my ship." He stated, anger filling his voice as long diagonal cuts seemed through the wing of the ship, his RL-40 still ready to unload its second to last shot on Acaleus if he came back for round two.
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]
The good news about his eyes is that he could not lose anything. The guy was leaving, and Acalues assumed after seeing him reach to the third floor, that he was climbing towards the ship. Venus was stopping to have a good aim against the building, and didnt noticed the leader of that army coming closer and closer. Acaleus would have to engage, press against the enemy, but it was too difficult. Just when the guy was about to reach the top floor and going for a leap towards the AT-120 with blade in hand, he saw the skorpion evo laying at the side of a cashing machine...well destroyed cash machine with the room with a ceiling at the brink of falling.

Acaleus rolled and stopped, chest at the ground with an extended arm pointing at the gun. The submachine gun was pulled and so the assassin started firing opening his way through the lines of mercenaries, pirates and thugs. Between the destruction of the blocks crashing at their heads, the incoming fire from Acaleus, and the fact that they werent landing anything because of the rubble, their lines started to retreat. Once he was below the ship, he spoke through the comms "VENUS! GET OUT NOW!" at the same time, his weapon pointed up, pressing the grenade launcher trigger, hoping that the wave would damage the guy in any way.

*In the AT-120*

The pilot obey, grabbing a parachute and a sniper rifle, running through the corridors and simply jumping out from an open hangar. A tremble, but Venus didnt looked back. She assumed it was an explosion, but for now she would escape the area.

"Ha Ha! It worked! Eat that you son of a-" His words were cut short, his arms flailing about as he celebrated his victory all too soon. A wave of pain, concussive force riddling his body as he descended from the heavens, his arms outstretched as he sighed with pain, his teeth cracked and his gums splattering blood as he leaked the crimson gunk. It tasted thick like alcohol. Ya know. I signed up for an easy mission. This. This is not what I was hoping for. He thought to himself as he turned his body, his feet a spiral of glowing light as he crashed his body into the building, the ship slowly descending down not too far behind Thraxis before landing with a mighty thud.

His body laid out flat as he heard the screams of soldiers fighting for their life. "What the... Oh goddamn it." He moaned as he rolled over, his Helmet removed as he looked over the side of the slowly crumbling building. "Really? One dude. These bastards can't manage to deal with one man." He rolled over, arms outstretched again as he looked at the crumbling roof. He had gone through a missile shot, crashed a ship and stolen some Jedi Artifact and this lot couldn't even be described as barely holding their own.

With a few seconds taken he rolled back around, hands pressing on the ground as he ignited his lightsabers again, pressing his helmet back around his cranium as he walked to the back of the room, spicks and specks of rock crumbling down before he rocketed out, his blades drawing long deep gashes into the building as he descended far behind the ship, already crashing and making a mass of dust and debris roll up. He was a sucker for Theatrics and saw the possibility that was to come from this one. The lights of his boots shut off as he took in the scenery, the massacre this one man had reaped. "So then. A Knight rank." He echoed as a green silhouette flashed in and out of the cloud of brown, his form shifting through it with great ease. He raised a hand, a single poisonous dart revolving and darting through the air straight for Acaleus. It wasn't there to paralyse, if he was lucky, he would be distracted and someone could get a cheap shot in. Though with this bunch, he had little faith.
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]
The AT-120 was long gone..."I have like twenty of those in my hangars" thought while the last mag was empty. He would keep this design of the Skorpion Evo, thrustworthy as always. There were at least a dozen of thugs that stood their ground and the guy managed to stand up after falling. The assassin lighted his wrist lightsabers, ready to engage when bolt penetrated his left thigh. He kneel and managed to move his head in the last second a needle kind of thing passed by. Now it was problematic. Without anything to heal him, there wouldnt be much of a resistance.

With the wrist lightsaber, he managed deflecting a couple of bolts into their shooters. The guy was getting close with the leftovers pressing their weapon triggers. One of the felt to the floor with a hole in the center of the eyes. Snipers shots from a building three blocks away. Venus was giving Acaleus assistance. After the third thug was dead, the others threw their weapons down and ran away "So...wanna have a drink? I know a bar in...well other district where they serve a nice alcoholic drinks" the assasin tried to stand up but his vision got blacks dots because of the pain. With the fatigue, he was struggling

*In the top of a building, three blocks away*

A sniper run towards another building,, leaving the parachute there, changing her spot as professional as she could "Acaleus? Are you there?" a red dot was pointing at the back of the only soldier that stood and was getting close to the assassin.

Thraxis parted his way through the cloud of dust and debris, his body drained, adrenaline barely making his step work as he pressed up towards Acaleus, his struggling form seemed worse than Thraxis, but then again, he had never survived a decapitation. With deft steps he stood behind him, his blades ignited, one blade at the left of his throat, one at the right.

"Ya know. I don't think I really want to go have a drink with you. It would probably involve a missile." He responded, his breath heavy as he scanned over his armour, looking for any cracks in the thing. There's one. His armour had finally cracked and decided that he didn't deserve to die this day. He put up a better fight than he ever expected. And considering he didn't keep using the force, Thraxis had to give him kudos for such effort.

He ejected a single needle, placing it in the crack of Acaleus' armour, he was done here. And considering this was meant to be a trial by infiltration... Well. Thraxis was fairly sure he wasn't being hired anymore. "Don't fight the drug. Just lull into a deep slumber." his words cooed him on, the stuff was enough to knock out a Wookie, and with how exhausted this one was, it was almost guaranteed to be the end.

With that all wrapped up, Thraxis opened up his comm, sending a message back to the Graveyard, "Someone, get down here with a stiff drink or something. I gotta go deal with this employer dealio." Thraxis groaned, his steps pressing against the sands of Mos Espa as he made his departure, heading through the rubble as he looked around. "Man. I really just am not getting employed for being stealthy." He coughed, his every step a frightful wash of pain and anguish with every step.
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]
Acaleus watched as the guy walked forward. Every part of his body screamed in pain and tiredness "Missile? But i like that drink..." the needle entered into his skin. He never liked pointy things inside of thing, although he always fight . Seconds later, his eyes rolled and he felt to the floor, hitting his chin with the floor. Blood filling his mouth "That idiot could've at least grab my head..."

*On an unknown building, three blocks away*

Measuring the wind and the distance. The sniper rifle using bullets was far more difficult, but the bullets could do more penetrating damage than normal bolts. Venus, with her eye on the scope sight, pointed and didnt shoot. She waited to the guy have more distant to turn on the communication and sending the Enryu Corp mercenaries to pick and deal with Acaleus.

Venus used her wrist comms to hack into Thraxis comms "Excuse Acaleus behavior. When he wakes up, he will think of you as a friend. Thats the way he deal with a foe that becomes an insterested. I will deposit into an account the credits to repair any destruction he caused to you. Sorry for all the problems" with that being said, she left the roof

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Darth Abyss"]

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