Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Planet Tra'shebs

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Name: Tra’shebs

Region: Outer Rim
System: Mandalore
Suns: 1
Orbital Position: moon of Mandalore
Moons: N/A
System Features:

  • The moon features trace elements of beskar, but the amounts are negligible. Beskar can be found on Tra’shebs, leading scientists to believe that the moon was once part of a far larger planet that possibly made up Mandalore and Concordia billions upon billions of years ago. However, amounts of beskar are miniscule, found primarily locked in sea ice or at the bottom of the sea. While beskar is present on the moon, due to the scarcity and rarity of the metal on the planet, the largest amount found to date is no larger than a fleck of raw material. Because of this, the planet is deemed not to be a viable, realistic, or potential source of beskar.*

Coordinates: N/A, moon of Mandalore
Rotational Period: Synchronious (AKA no rotation)
Orbital Period: 130 days

Class: terrestrial, small
Diameter: N/A (not required per template)
Atmosphere:Type III
Climate: Primarily arctic across all hemispheres and regions. Certain areas prone to volcanic activity are slightly warmer, but have negligible impact on weather and climate.
Gravity: 3/4s of standard
Primary Terrain: Primarily snowy plains, seas permanently locked in ice, and frozen mountain ranges of variable ruggedness.

Native Species: Catra’diamtr, a few arctic/type III atmosphere capable animals that will probably be subbed eventually.
Immigrated Species: A small range of creatures capable of surviving arctic conditions and type III atmosphere
Primary Languages:

  • Native: none

  • Immigrated: Mando’a, Basic

Government: Clan oriented where habitats are present
Population: Negligible/Unknown. Currently, the planet is only home to a rare few habitation domes containing small numbers of people. Until population rises (through dev threads/consistent roleplay), current population is miniscule enough to warrant no census of residents.
Demonym: N/A, currently those living on Tra’shebs (the very few individuals that live in the habitation domes) are Mandalorians and follow the Mandalorian Demonym.
Major Imports: Food, technology, manufactured goods
Major Exports: Scientific research, research materials
Affiliation: Mandalorian

Major Locations: None currently, though locations can and probably will be submitted later.


Originally discovered with the discovery of Mandalore and Concordia, Tra’shebs showed only negligible value for colonization by the Taung. Left unpopulated and neglected, the planet saw little in the way of sentient or civilized activity outside of the rare pirate base or periodic rescue mission for crashed starships.

The planet has, however, been used as a type of waypoint. Where Mandalore and Concordia are often seen as the starting steps when leaving the system for other worlds, especially during crusades, Tra’shebs has been seen as the last stop on the way home, even being regarded as the ‘end of the galaxy’ at times, a statement that has given rise to the name it holds. Tra’shebs, when translated in polite company, means ‘The End of the Stars’ or ‘Star’s End’, referring to its place as the last waypoint on the return home for Mandalorians.

Outside of the negligible, unharvestable traces of beskar, its proximity to Mandalore itself, and acting as a final waypoint for space faring Mandalorians, the moon has little weight to the Mandalorians culture as a whole.

Technology: Standard where habitation domes are present, nonexistent everywhere else (though occasionally basic and old tech can be found in the rare, old, and abandoned pirate bases that can occasionally be found on the moon)

Discovered with Mandalore and Concordia, the planet was quickly left alone and neglected when nothing of value could be pried from the moon itself.

Named Tra’shebs, or ‘Star’s End’ when in polite company, the planet serves as the final waypoint for returning Mandalorians heading to Mandalore itself. Occasionally during the planet’s quiet and neglected history, pirates have used the planet for hidden bases to strike from, though usually wound up abandoning their havens or watched the bases be destroyed when Mandalorian warships arrived in orbit.

On rare occasion, the odd research station or two would be placed for a time, though these were usually abandoned as quickly as they were founded. The only consistent history the moon retains is the occasional shipwreck and subsequent rescue mission.

The only notable deviations from ice, snow, and frozen mountain ranges is the rare shipwreck or pirate base along with the exceedingly rare research station.

Notable PCs: N/A
Dev Thread: Fly Me To The Moon
Intent: Mandalore has a second moon according to canon. I felt it would be a neat idea to explore the location and give it a Chaos canon submission loaded with ice, snow, and some neat flavor.

*OOC NOTE: The beskar is present for flavor, fluff, and IC scientific speculation. If you come here to mine beskar for any reason you will go home with a few chunks of ice, frostbite, and a transport full of sadness.
[member="Arrbi Betna"]

This is a succinct yet nicely written submission. I also like how you've taken a stub from SW canon and expanded upon it for IC use.

I will approve this with the caveat that as stated in the submission, the negligible amounts of beskar on this moon may not be used for mining dev nor will this location be listed as a location for beskar in the Restricted Materials table.

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