Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sy' awoke with a start...well actually it was quite a painful start. His head felt as if a Gamorrean had played his head like a drum. The splitting in his skull told him that whoever had hit him had done so very, very hard. As he shook his head, he found that his body was stuck. He let his eyes clear from the red glow that made it impossible for him to even see his body beneath him. It felt like an eternity before he could look down and see that he was wrapped tightly in rope.

He struggled a little but found that nothing helped. He looked around, seeing a number of crates and the top of a door in a corner. He couldn't see most of the door, which told him that he was pretty much hidden from view of anyone that stepped into the room and looked around. He tried to yell, but his firstly his voice was cracked from dryness and he realized that he was gagged.

He racked his pained mind, trying to find a reason that he was here. So far he couldn't think of anything...except maybe that one little crimeboss...but no...yes...

(Is this the correct place to put it?)

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