Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Transition || Isley Verd

Relationship Status: It's Complicated



Wearing: xxx
Tag: Darth Metus Darth Metus

Gerwald had not followed the fleet, nor had he abandoned them. It was an odd place to be. The wolf felt loyalty to the Confederacy, and yet he had also pledged his service to the Vicelord, Darth Metus. Gerwald was the Lord Commander, and duty demanded that he follow, and yet duty also demanded that he remain and ensure that everyone make it off Naboo. The decision to give his seat and space for those who would not have been saved otherwise had not been difficult. He hated the idea of duty dictating his decisions, but this one had not seen any hesitation.​
Rumors of Gerwald’s demise would likely have reached the ears of Isley Verd by now, and it would have made sense considering Gerwald’s absence. He needed to rectify the situation and explain to the Sith Lord himself. There was a chance the old channels were still being monitored for any communication. A message could be sent, on a loop if needed, in an attempt to reach the Vicelord and discern the whereabouts of the rest of the Confederates.​
You likely have realized by now I did not make it off Naboo with the others. My space was taken up by others who needed it more than I did. I wanted to make you aware that I live and found my way back to Stewjon. The Unmaker, or whoever this fether is, devastated much of the remaining space. With your permission I would like to ensure Stewjon is secure before finding the fleet.”
Gerwald sent the message hoping for a timely response. Truly he hoped the fleet had found somewhere safe to be.​
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The Southern Systems had fallen.

There was no sugar-coating it. The grand project had come to a terrifying conclusion. Yet, despite this, there were souls He was responsible for. Unlike other times of his life, where calamity meant ensuring his own survival, Isley had to make sure as many of his own made it out of the fire. So it was that the Remnant wandered south of their beloved democracy. So it was that they had found a new world to settle. It had been miserable work thus far, but they survived.

And once Isley could take a breath of fresh air, he began to take stock of the loss.

A trusted soul that he had not heard from since Naboo was Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner . He had assumed that the Lupine had perished in the disaster - leaving the Knights Obsidian without their Lord Commander. But, left Isley's circle with a gaping hole. There were few that he trusted. Hell, few that his apprentice Srina trusted. But Gerwald was once such. He was valued. He was a friend. And he was gone.

That is, until the missive reached him.

The communication was faint and came through one of the defunct channels. Isley eagerly responded right away, delighted that the Lupine lived. In due time, Gerwald would receive the former Vicelord's reply over the same channel.


Words cannot express how glad I am to know you are safe. I understand that duty ordered your steps on Naboo, as it does now on Stewjon. Attached are our coordinates - we have found ourselves in a region called the Shiraya Expanse. Please, take as much time as you need to ensure your home is well. You are missed. I will inform the Knighthood that you live.

Be safe.


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