Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Train at the Jedi Academy

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"There is no chaos; there is harmony."​

That statement can come across as a little ironic, because it can be difficult for new members to get a clear picture of how Jedi work on Chaos. That's one major reason the Jedi Academy minor faction was created.

Jedi on Chaos mostly fall into four broad and sometimes overlapping categories.
  • Independents
  • Jedi members of the Silver Jedi Order
  • Jedi members of the Republic's Jedi Order
  • Jedi members of the Levantine Sanctum
The Jedi Academy was created as an attempt to start bridging those gaps, and as a place for Jedi of all allegiances. The Jedi Academy actively encourages teachers and students from all of the above factions. It has its roots in the Great Jedi Convocation at Sigma Station, about 6 years ago IC, and the meetings and cooperative efforts that have taken place since then. But you don't want to hear about meetings; you want to hear about why you might like to train with the Jedi Academy.

  • All of our senior instructors have been RPing their Jedi characters for long enough to know how to make training threads interesting and fun, and their characters, as a whole, have a wider variety of skills than you can find anywhere. If your character is a neophyte or already an experienced Jedi, come hone your skills and help us improve.

  • We actively include members and teachers from the SJO, Republic, and LS, among others. All of these members are considered part of a greater Jedi Order.

  • The Academy takes no stance when it comes to what Council or Grandmaster its members choose to follow, if any, so long as they all strive to follow the Jedi Code. The Academy respects that many iterations of the Code have existed throughout history, and discourages its members from judging others if they follow slightly different forms of the Code. The Academy is non-hierarchical; it's a place for learning and making decisions for yourself.

  • "Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy." By connecting with Jedi from all over the galaxy, you can help solve problems and fix blind spots. The Academy can coordinate cooperative efforts and send out 'calling all Jedi' alerts for serious needs that reach beyond any one faction's capabilities.

  • The Academy is a network of Jedi training centers, actively seeking to include Jedi temples of various affiliations. The main temple is on Yavin IV, an iconic location from the original films and from the Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy games, as well as the novels. The temple is in Mandalorian territory, in a safe system protected by a Jedi-friendly clan. Other temples are found at Ruusan, Ossus, and Voss. The Coruscant, Tython, Dantooine, and Cato Neimoidia temples have been destroyed or crippled by war over the last six IC years, creating opportunities for dynamic stories.

  • The Academy has no central player-character figure. All Jedi are equal; all Jedi Masters from all factions are invited to participate in the highest levels of discussion. The Headmaster of the Yavin Temple is an NPC, a wise old Neti named Eyal M'ti who helps all the Jedi training centers cooperate and coordinate. Various NPC trainers are available.

  • Just like Luke Skywalker's Academy, the Academy welcomes members of diverse, Light Side-oriented Force traditions like Wardens of the Sky, Dathomiri witches, good-hearted Jensaarai and Ithorian priests.

  • The Academy provides a network that helps teachers from specific factions teach whatever students they prefer, whether members of their own factions or not. Masters from the Republic, the SJO and the Levantines frequently teach students from their own factions or from all factions.

  • In short, we're about inclusion, about fixing some of the greatest divisions between Jedi, and about learning to cooperate. We believe that being able to write Jedi stories together is more important.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

  • I'm a Jedi Knight/Master. Can I just...start training people in the Jedi Academy forums, or in threads that are set on Yavin?

  • Can I train at the Academy if I'm a _____ rather than a Jedi?
We're not fond of labeling characters as 'true Jedi' or 'not true Jedi' unless the Dark Side is involved. We have members from other Light Side-oriented Force traditions. We don't teach Darksiders Force skills, or let Darksiders have free access to our locations, though counseling is available through the Academy or the various factions.

  • What about Gray Jedi?
The term is used in two ways, one to describe Jedi who don't answer to a Council, and one to describe Jedi who actively try to find a balance between the Light and the Dark. The first kind is fine, but the second one isn't. The Jedi Code may have several acceptable versions and interpretations, but none of them have room for the Dark Side.

  • Is there one set of rules for all Academy locations?

No, though the standards are all fairly similar. The Ossus and Ruusan temples, for example, answer to the Republic's Council, while the Voss temple answers to the Silver Jedi Order's Council, and the Academy network as a whole answers to neither. It's a network of coordination and cooperation between Jedi training sites. While all Jedi training facilities have similar standards, please be respectful of where you are.

  • Can I make my own little Jedi training center and have it join the Academy network?
Anyone can, as long as its principles stay close to the Jedi Code in its various incarnations and interpretations. It might be difficult to go it alone, though, unless you've got a strong specialization in mind. One successful example was the Cato Neimoidia enclave, which focused on healing.

  • So nobody's in charge? Really?
We separate IC and OOC responsibility. [member="Ilias Nytrau"] and [member="Kira Talith"] are the faction admins, but those characters have no more say IC than anyone else. When we said we're not trying to be in charge of anything, we meant it. IC, Academies run themselves independently, or are run by sponsoring factions. Obviously any given training facility will have its leaders, its instructors, etc. (responsible for security concerns and facilitating training), but all voices are treated equally. We believe in discussion, persuasion, and consensus.

  • More to come.
I'm wanting to do RP writing for my character as being trained as Jedi just for some better stories. I may have to re-write some of my character bio just based on the fact that Coruscant seems to be a no go for a training center though would that be ok? Also I'm new to the RP community so I'm guessing just put in a request to join? Any help would be awesome and sorry for my lack of knowledge about these things. :p

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