Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To create a body for Traidaa.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: Experiment 13
  • Primary Source: Droid
  • Manufacturer: Dr. Straton Traidaa
  • Model: Traidaa.01
  • Production: Unique
  • Affiliation: Traidaa
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Material: Durasteel Frame, Phrik Armour Plating,
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: 100kg
  • Height: 2.43m
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: N/A
  • Misc. Equipment: Thermal Scanners, Advanced Sensors, Sound Dampeners
  • Advanced Sensing Technology
  • Sound Dampeners
  • Phrik armour plating
After countless experiments, Dr. Straton Traidaa was able to finally create his life's work. A fully working droid that is far more advanced than your regular droid. The AI within the droid is almost a replica of a sentient being. Then equipping it to deal with infiltration, more so than regular combat for his own needs.

The droid stands quite tall, and is able to switch it's head with a white or red model. The droid is known for it's use of swords, rather than weapons because of it's disability to not be able to calculate a shot out of a gun. The droid was equipped with Phrik armour plating, in vital areas to allow it to be able to stand a chance in a fight.


  • The droid has been enhanced in stealth, combat and infiltration.
  • The sensors have been upgraded vastly on the droid.
  • Phrik armour plating, gives the droid a chance against Force users.
  • The droid is unable to fire a firearm.
  • Water disables the droid's sensors, though it is still able to see.
  • Lightning disables the droid for sometime.
As I am reading it this isn't really a droid, but more a host for an AI itself? If this submission has a fully-fledged AI attached to it, it will need the restricted mission completed for it.

" (( Objective: A thesis must be written, either in a blog or over the course of a role-play thread, consisting of the concepts of your Artificial Intelligence’s design. Scientific journal excerpts from your character’s time spent designing the Artificial Intelligence must be included. Minimum 1000 words total. --OR--Persuade a Player Character (not of your creation) to have their consciousness uploaded to a crystal matrix in order to serve as your AI's central core. )) "

If it is just a host body an AI can use, let me know, then you don't need to do a restricted mission.

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