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Touring the Facilties (PM for invite) [Technicians, Engineers, Doctors, etc]

(OOC-You are all on the same shuttle, so you can talk amongst yourselves before landing)

Nyos sat in the wings of the imports/exports station awaiting his guests. A few interested parties were enroute to visit Nyos' facility on his newly acquired planet. He was looking over plans for developing planetary defenses for the future, one could never be too safe in this galaxy at war. A single transport shuttle was bringing in the prospected partners. He heard the alarm for the incoming craft and rose to head towards the landing bay. The station was surrounded by the forest beyond, on a few of the windows were transplanted native creatures called Ysalamir, 2 foot long lizards that omitted Force abilities. And even deeper in the forests, were their hunters, the deadly Vornskrs, Force-sensitive canines, pack hunters and ferocious. That was not what the prospects were here for, what they wanted lay kilometers beneath the surface of the planet, a top secret lab, factory, and medical facility. [refer to image above]

Nyos stood in a fitted suit, with his hands folded in front of him. He waited for the shuttle to dock and release its cargo of passengers.

[member="Makkik"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="Briika Detta"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Javik Quar-Kai"]
Makkik was taking this chance to sell some of his merchandise. The little Jawa pushed an overflowing wheelbarrow, with the word 'Jawamart' painted on the side, around the transport ship, trying to sell his equipment to the other scientists. The little Jawa turned towards [member="Briika Tor"], smiling. Armor usually meant mercenary, or bounty hunter, and that usually meant someone looking for special gear... Or someone who would try to shoot at Makkik for pestering him. He got a lot of that.

The Jawa pushed his wheelbarrow over to the mandalorian. "Oooooh! You'reaMandalorian,Yes? yes? I'vegotsomethingforyou!"

Makkik reached into the wheelbarrow, pulling out what looked like a slugthrower pistol. "Shattergunpistol! Shootsslugsoutsofast,noonecandodge! Notevenforcies! Howmanyyoutake?"
"[member="Makkik"], if I buy those guns, will you talk slower?"

I smiled at the little Jawa.

"Those are pretty good guns. You know your stuff."
Makkik spun around to [member="Cross Ikon"], and nodded spaztically. "Oooooh,yes,yes,yes! That'llbe- Imean, err..." The Jawa started talking extremely slowly, though still in his high pitched voice. "That.............Will............Be..........1,500........credits.........."

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Briika Detta, a medic with the Mandalorian Medical Corps and associate member of MandalMedical, awoke when her HUD alerted her to the shuttle's final approach to their destination. The new mother had taken the opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep as she traveled with [member="Rianna Ordo"], a Jedi Healer and Head of MandalMedical, to Cyto Val on an invitation to tour the new facility there. The young Mando'ad was mostly interested in the cybernetic technology. Ever since their last battle with the Sith, the need for replacement body parts had tripled. She was hoping to find new and approved devices with less rejection and neuro problems associated with prosthetics that were available currently.

Releasing the seal on her buy'ce, Bree removed her helmet, then rested it on her armored thigh, taking her gloved hand to smooth over her golden tresses that were braided back into mutlitple-plaits. Her azure gaze took a quick gander around the shuttle. It was a strange group indeed they were traveling with, none that she knew off hand.

"I look forward to seeing what this place has to offer. How about you, Rianna?"
Rianna had tried sleeping several times but her mind would not allow her to rest upon occasion she would look over at Briika who had no problem falling asleep. Oh to be able to do that so easily.

Turning from the window looking over to her companion "I am looking forward as well, when I last saw Azrael he was working on his cybernetic arm, and I could not help but think and wonder is there another model we could find for him, or for any of the young who have recently been injured during the invasions" Yes it troubled Rianna to know people suffered it was why she was a healer, to help ease the suffering.

Rianna had noticed the others, and yes this was quite the group. "Well we should be landing soon Briika, I did not get to ask how are you feeling?"

[member="Briika Detta"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Makkik"] [member="Nyos Val"]
I heard two women talking, and I turned away from the Jawa, to see two Mandalorians I thought I recognized.

"Well, I didn't expect to see such beauties as [member="Rianna Ordo"] and [member="Briika Detta"] on this trip. I see the Mandalorians are well represented. Of course, I wouldn't expect you to know who I am, even with my reputation."

I smiled and winked.

"Of course, this Admiral is honored to meet you both. Especially the wife of our dear Dark Lord. How is the old man doing, seeing as he's been up to his ears in insurgents?"

The Void Hunter

I sat back on a ledge and looked at the ragtag group... strange they were, and a jawa? God they were annoying...

The redhead was talking to the two mando girls, jawa trying to sell him something, and force healer, doing her own thing.

He laid back, this was going to be a long trip, and he hated talkative people.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Rianna Ordo"]
[member="Briika Detta"]
Rianna nodded to [member="Cross Ikon"] her blood then ran cold as they referred to [member="Ordo"] as the dear dark lord. Rianna did her best to smile as she contemplated what to say to him, "The Dark Lord was shot on Empress Teta and someone else now holds that title" Rianna folded her hands, "May I has who I have the pleasure of addressing?" Be the diplomate Rianna sometimes things are not what they seem.

She was not sure either of how [member="Briika Detta"] would take this question.
"I'm Cross. You can stop worrying, because I am no friend to the Sith, or their Dark Lord."

I smiled at the woman.

"In fact, it's likely that they have bounties on my head right now."

[member="Rianna Ordo"]

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
"Well we should be landing soon Briika, I did not get to ask how are you feeling?"

"Vor'e for asking. I'm feeling well... Just wish our ik'ika slept through the night. Sleep deprivation is the only thing that is bothersome at this point, but I know that is part of being a new buir. I wouldn't change it for the world though…. Mesh'la is so precious," Briika smiled with a glow of a proud mother.

Bree was just going to inquire how [member="Rianna Ordo"] was doing after the revelations and tragic outcome of Empress Teta in a gentle, caring way as she had not seen the Jedi Healer since the funeral for their fallen Mand'alor when a man tried to make conversation with the two Mando'ade; making points with them, not. The blonde medic bit back a stinger of a retort as Rianna handled the situation with grace of her nobility, though she knew her travel companion was seething underneath as Briika was.

"Well Admiral, I would hope your loyalties continue to stay that way as bounties can easily be taken care of anywhere, if need be," she replied back to [member="Cross Ikon"] with a matter of fact smile as her hand rested casually upon the grip of her holstered Ripper pistol.

[member="The Void Hunter"] [member="Makkik"] [member="Nyos Val"]
"I would keep that cute little gadget where it is, Rally Master. Uniform's not just for show, y'know. I earned it before Darth Vader could even walk."

I took another swig of whiskey, and grinned even wider.

"Also, when nine hundred years old you are, look as good as me you will not. Seriously, you won't."

[member="Briika Detta"]
[member="Rianna Ordo"]
He sat back casually cleaning his pistol as he listened to the jawa. He wanted to hear the trade mark, 'uuuuteeneee', but as yet was unrewarded for his patience. His trip here was made without his beskar'gam, instead in his leather jacket and working pants. His boots lay crossed over one another at the ankles as his eyes flicked between the women and the red headed man boasting his own longevity.

Sighing he continued to clean his weapon while choosing to not partake of the small talk. For that was what it was at the moment. Meaningless words that he was loathe to join as of yet. At least I'm not the only one keeping my own company, he thought as he saw a few others just relaxing and enjoying the trip for what it was. A possible business venture.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Briika Detta"] [member="Rianna Ordo"] [member="The Void Hunter"] [member="Makkik"] [member="Nyos Val"]
Meanwhile, while all these people chatted, Makkik had settled down on his mound of junk rising from the Jawamart wheelbarrow, and began to give high pitched droning snores that probably annoyed the hell out of everyone in the ship. At the talking among engineers, the Jawa shifted over on the mound of junk, sending a little silver orb bouncing out of it, and gave a little sleepy groan. The little silver orb, however, suddenly started beeping. And a little red light flashed on its surface. Makkik didn't seem to notice in his sleep that one of his merchandise had activated. This is why you don't sell weapons on spaceships.

(Sorry for my inactivity in this thread. :p)
Rianna only smiled she did not stop @Briika Tor from making it know they were prepared to defend themselves what good would it do to start a fight here they were preparing to land, the ship was winding down the engine pitch had changed.

"Well now we should be able to tour soon, hopefully we can build bridges rather than burn them down.As as for Vader" She smiled she wouldn't say her name was Organa, let that fact be unknown for the moment. It was amazing how many remembered Vader even now.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Makkik"]
Standing, patiently by the landing pad, the crew informed Nyos that the shuttle was making its final landing perpetrations. He looked up to the sky. He could barely make out the silhouette of the transport with his cybernetic eye. The servos in his limbs whirred slightly as he shifted his stance in anticipation of the arrivals.

"Let the pilot know that I still have a planet to run. Make it a quick, safe landing."

[member="Kal Kandossii"][member="Cross Ikon"][member="Briika Detta"][member="Rianna Ordo"][member="The Void Hunter"]

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
What a di'kut, Briika mused to herself, then pulled her bucket back on as the transport began to dock at the facility; a soft thud felt through her heavy boots as the landing struts made contact with the hangar deck.

< I for one want to get this tour started. Let's hope the administration here has something interesting to show us or this will be a long ways to come for nothing, > the blonde medic nodded to [member="Rianna Ordo"] before getting up from her seat to move towards the hatch door that was opening.

[member="Nyos Val"] [member="Makkik"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="The Void Hunter"]
Rianna looked to [member="Briika Detta"], she did not laugh though part of her seemed to want to, she followed her companion out to see where they were, and what would this tour be about. Would they see what they expected?

Or was this another company's intention to offer them samples rather than real products.

[member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Nyos Val"]

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