Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When it raines, it pours.
"I would never do that to you... unless you deserved it," the blonde winked playfully. "Well, I wouldn't say more pleasant. Probably each of our rite's of passage have their own rewards and hardships equally, but well worth it I believe to be able to do what we do."

[member="Tyrell Caphey"] was athletic and well with his military training was catching on quickly to the swings and zones of Shii-Cho. In fact, he looked pretty rad playing Jedi with her. Samara had never just had fun doing this kind of thing. It was contentful, if that was such a word.

"You're most welcome, Ty, and no I don't so ditto!" Sam smiled with a warmth reflected in her eyes, then the padawan faced him with her green-blade in a ready stance with a salute to the side.

"Go ahead and attack me with nice, easy right angle swings using the zones you just learned. I will parry them softly so you get the hang of the velocity drill we Jedi practice with each other until it's mind blowing fast," she grinned softly. "Quite the workout it is... though this way is much more enjoyable I'd say especially with a friend."
Sam's playful comment got him to chuckle in amusement while carrying out a few more practice swings with the buzzing blueish glowing weapon. The picture he had in his mind of the jedi being wise yet rather dull kind of people didn't match Sam at all. This was his first close aquaintance with one, and he was gladly surprised what a first time it was.

''Mind blowing fast? Alright!'' he said and felt his more competetive mood kicking in. When offered a challenge, he was not the one to back down. He focused in and came at Sam with a controlled steady right swing with the lightsaber.
When it raines, it pours.
"You are too cute, Ty!"

Samara laughed out loud in joyous mirth at [member="Tyrell Caphey"]'s exuberant response. The blonde's smile definitely reached her eyes as her golden head shook.

As the Ranger made his first move of a horizontal cut right to left, the Padawan remembered what Master Taunte had taught her regarding defending an attack while doing velocity drills. The Mantra was to remind one to keep a calm composure as this was the way of the Jedi while fighting. One was to ground themselves in the Force, and be mindful of your stance as it's the root of your defense. Do not see the attack, feel it since the tides shift within the Force. Survive a hundred blows and you can survive one hundred wars. And finally, perseverance is the way of the Sarlacc. Oh how the words of her late master would always see the Liann through giving the young Jedi strength of heart to keep trying her best.

Bringing her green blade up to an outside block to meet his blue one to parry it, Samara was already anticipating the Tarisian's next move as the Force flowed well in and around the two in an ever warming, content current.

"Not bad for a soldier boy," Sam grinned with a wink.
As Sam easily blocked his attack, the two training blades clashed with the lightsabers characteristic sound. He smiled in response to Sam's commencts. It was impressive that she could hold a conversation in the middle of this. He on the other hand had to keep high focus on the techniques, and the thought of also speaking could get him off-guard.

He backed up a step or two when he planned his next move. This time he executed a double attack, one to the left and then to the right, and ending with a high attack from above. It would be of no challenge for Sam to block those as well but either way they had a fun time.

''You're right, it's a small work out!''

Even for a well trained soldier as Ty, the arm movements demanded by the lightsaber was quite tiering, not to mention the focus you got to uphold. With a blaster you could duck for cover and get a few seconds to recover yourself before the next move of the squad.

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
"I know, right... Between this and running around the lake at sunrise when times allows, I think I get plenty of exercise," the blonde answered, then added as their blades were up against each others in a blocking action. "But doing so with you is like frosting on the cake if you will, a very pleasant treat I was not expecting today," she smiled before pushing off and resuming their session for a few more rounds.

Even though [member="Tyrell Caphey"] wasn't Force sensitive, he was a good athlete and caught on quickly to the fundamentals of basic lightsaber combat. Samara though didn't make the Ranger suffer too long performing velocities with her. The Padawan finally shut down her blade and gave her partner a respectful bow.

"I give you an A for effort, Ty, not too bad for a soldier boy," Sam smiled with a hint of mirth pertaining to the second part of her sentence, then added after taking his training saber back. "Thank you for indulging me today. I throughly enjoyed your company and getting to know you," she nodded appreciatively. "I will look forward to seeing you around."
Ty smiled in appreciation of her words after they took distance some distance again, regaining their postures as Sam had instructed.

''Me neither! I'm glad that I could be that much of a treat, Sam.''

A few more swings with the training lightsabers and a few more laughs later, the first ''lesson'' in lightsaber combat for the ranger came to an end. It was getting late and it had indeed been an interesting turn out of the garden party hosted by the Grand Master of the Order. New place and new faces, a few weeks earlier, certainly not expecting this, the tarisian soldier had landed on Kashyyyk to gain new experiences and expand his knowledge in combat. And with that giving his time for something greater than Taris planetary defence. He couldn't agree more with Samara.

He shut down the lightsaber and met her in the middle of the training ground. ''Thank you... my master.'' he said jokingly and handed over the weapon, offering her a smile.

''Pleasure's on my side, Sam. I never thought I'd stay this late when I arrived at the party, but... Well, what do you know?'' he continued with a slight shrug, glancing around before briefly getting stuck in the ocean green eyes of Sam. ''It's been fun! You know, If you ever want company on your sunrise runs, give me a call on the comlink. And...'' he made a short pause. ''If you fancy a meal after that, it would be nice sharing one with you. If you got the time, of course!''

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
"Well then, today has been a good day for both of us. Times like these we must not take for granted. I know I do not indeed to," Sam smiled, then the blonde walked over to the recessed cabinet in the dojo to put away the training sabers.

Motioning for [member="Tyrell Caphey"] to the exit, the Padawan walked side by side with him. Samara tilted her golden head sideways and looked over to the dark-haired Ranger as they stepped out the door to the sidewalk outside the building. The sun was beginning to set and the orange-red-yellow colors were spectacular as the fire ball in the sky descended behind the mountain top nearby.

"I am covering night shifts in the infirmary right now and get off at 0600... If it works of for you, Ty, meet me by the memorial at edge of the lake tomorrow about fifteen after. I'd love your company," she smiled again now facing the handsome soldier ; sea green eyes holding his gaze demurely as this was that awkward moment before they would part and go off in opposite directions.
A warm and friendly smile snuck up on the rangers lips. ''I couldn't agree more with you, Sam. Thanks alot for the little lesson!'' he said and went to pick up his jacket and put it on before following her out.

It was nice to feel the chill but pleasureble breeze that met them when they exited the building. No wonder the Liann honey-blonde looked so great if she both kept up with lightsaber training and regular running. Along with her sweet image, those sea green orbs... Well, she certainly had alot to be liked. It had been a nice contrast, the earlier party too as a whole, from the life with the grunts in the barracks.

They stopped just outside, for a moment admiring the setting sun behind the Kashyyykian forrests. Satisfied by the evening and the company she had kept, he looked back at her as she spoke.

''Alright, it's a deal then! Have a nice night and see you tomorrow, Sam.'' he said, offering her charming smile and a tap on her upper arm before they both needed to part.

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
"You too, Ty... See you then, good night," Sam smiled back sweetly before turning on her booted feet and strolling off towards the dormitory; still feeling his touch upon her arm as she did.

The medbay's night shift seemed to drag on and on as the apprentice healer waited for day break to come. Samara was really excited probably way more than she should be about meeting the Antarian Ranger for a morning run after getting off work. [member="Tyrell Caphey"] was the first of the opposite sex to get the Liann all flustered... or was it twitterpated. And it didn't help that the padawan had downed a bunch of caffeine so she'd be all awake when they met at the Voss Memorial located at the edge of the lake that Silver Rest was built near.

The honey blonde stretched out as she awaited her exercise partner dressed in a running outfit with her golden hair pulled up into a high ponytail. It was still a bit chilly as the sun was just making the hike up the eastern skyline over the mountain top.

Samara was bent over touching her toes when she sensed the medic's approach from the path leading to the Ranger's HQ... He seemed rather happy despite being so early in the day.

"Morning, Ty!" Sam smiled brightly, sea green orbs twinkling that she was glad to see him again. "I hope you slept well. Things appeared to be quiet, well at least for us."
''Morning, Sam! Pretty good, thanks! How have you been?'' he uttered when he approached her from behind. Even if the ranger had spotted her great physical portions in yesterdays more formal party attire, seeing the honey blone in workout attire just confirmed what he had thought. Wearing a simple pair of military green shorts, a fitted black excersice t-shirt and a pair of running shoes he looked forward to the mornings run. Otherwise, off-duty days tended to not be early days for some of the rangers, including him.

The morning breeze hit them and the sun was about to go up behind the mountains of Kashyyyk.

''Well, a calm night at the med bay is usually a good thing, ain't it? Then you got no problems of running a few miles?'' he said with a wink. Even if they have had a calm nightshift he supposed she was pretty tierd, nightshifts was usually hard to go through for most people.

''Alright, lead the way, miss Raine!'' he said after awaiting her answer, flashing her a warm smile in response to those sea green orbs that he was already being fond of.

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
"Never better," Sam smiled back, then raised her arms overhead and stretched them side to side as well to loosen up even more. It is indeed a good thing when the medbay is low key," she nodded affirmably.

"Oh I think you'll find me more than able to run a few miles... I took a power nap during my meal break so I'm good to give you a run for your credits," the blonde grinned, then turned to set out at a modest jog that would take them around the lake counterclockwise.

"So I was thinking... Maybe sometime you can show me how to shoot a blaster. Not that I really want to use one, but should know how to handle the conventional weapon properly just in case... especially if I'm going to be hanging around your likes more than not," she smirked ever so lightly regarding that last part.
Already being warmed up before the short jog from the ranger barracks he took off after Sam and run up beside her.

''Sure! I'll get you set up for the tests at the shooting range in the blink of an eye!'' he said and gave her a charming wink along with the joke, thinking she didn't have the needs to prove herself on a shooting ground as a jedi.

The first part from the Voss Memorial was paved before they entered the small forrest path going around the lake, close to the water.

''You guys don't realy hang around the barracks alot but I'm sure I can smuggle you in somehow...'' he said before a short pause. ''Nah, just kidding. You're always welcome down there and I'd be happy to have you. I owe you a lesson in marksmanship if we're going to continue to explore each others professions!'' he said with a chuckle.

[member="Samara Raine"]

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