Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Touched by Fire (Completed)

Rianna came over a little uncomfortable having to look at Faith and Draco in a bed together. But she was a doctor so, she needed to find a way. She moved to the other side, "Her ribs were broken and not healed yet, taking a breath is likely painful, exposure to the cold also could have lodged into her lungs. She could develop a cold, we'll be sure to watch for it. "

She looked again at Faith, "And now that everyone is aware of your pregnancy, I will run some tests see how the baby is"

Faith looked over to Draco, "Well you may not be omnipotent, but you're very potent." When he put his hand on her stomach she smiled, "Ad'ika, so...we have a while but we will have to come up with names, and I will need to settle into a home Draco, can't have a baby and be living with my mother. Well I could but I don't want to."

She put her head towards Draco, "Oh yelling isn't so bad Draco, and I just don't want you thinking the worst each time. And I'm going to be like this for a bit, like 7 or 8 months like this" She put her hand on top of his.

"We have our visit to Vena next week, and yes we need to still go. I will just be moving slower, and you'll be there so I'm well protected." She relaxed some now. "I will have to cut back duties slowly "

Faith looked for Tia, "I will be able to travel right Tia?"

Rianna looked up, "We shall see Faith, depends on your body and how it responds."

Faith laid there, "Ok."

She smiled, "So, are you ready to be Buir?"

Rianna left again knowing they needed time to talk alone, she only left the medical droid to help in case of emergency.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco chuckled at Faith wary not to put any pressure what so ever on her, laying comfortably beside her, feeling her stomach and chest go up and down beneath his hand. "Thank you Rianna." Draco said with a smile at the woman, while doing his best not to tear his attention from Faith.

"I suppose I am rather potent, but at least a little of that is your fault." His arm slid it's way up underneath her head, comfortably cuddling beside her. "We don't even know if our child will be a boy or a girl. We can wait to discuss names. And I will worry about a home for us and our family. I want something more social than a space station." He had hidden one child away and stolen her childhood. He wouldn't do that again.

Draco groaned at the mention of Vena. "Can I at least punch duke leach while we are there. Oh, oh, oh. You might have to fight the urge to get into a fist fight with Gabriella." His hand rubbed her stomach feeling the muscles of abs beneath, her flat stomach something that was going to disappear, but he didn't mind. She would still be beautiful to him, no matter what, and she would still have her butt.

"Yes, I'm ready to be a father with you as my riduur. I'm excited about it." He kissed her softly careful not to hurt her.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
"I will take fifty percent responsibility. Does it matter if it a boy or a girl? We only get one or the other" ,She smiled some.

"No space station. A house. With a yard. And a garden. Children need to be able to play outside. Question is where? ,Alderaan. Aldera. Some place else. Ideas?" they had options but what did he want.

She laughed, "I'd love it if you did punch him. But. We shall be better than that. And Gabriella well I'll insult her boobs or something petty like that." ,Faith settled down thinking "we need to deal with them. "

"Which leads to that question. What to do. " should they. Shouldn't they

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco's breathing settled and his fingers twirled her hair between them, comfortable, loving, and content. Faith was too injured to capitalize on the loving feelings they were sharing. "Oh, cyar'ika. I think we will have plenty of time to worry about names for later when there are no other worries to handle." His soft smile and steady breathing trying to ease his pained beloved.

"Remember when you proposed to me?" He asked playfully. "I still haven't gotten a ring, but I think that is for the best. Before we go to vena I will make us both rings. A pair that will help put my mind at ease about your safety." He nuzzled her neck playfully, kissing the little divet in the center of the base of her neck.

He groaned again louder and more exasperated about the Duke and Gabriella. "Fine, but if he touches you I can't promise that I will behave. As far as Gabriella, I have an idea for how to deal with her if you don't mind me inviting her to brunch. I have some questions that she may not answer around you." Draco kissed her again, lovingly planting a trail of kisses up her neck knowing his cruel teases given her condition. "You trust me to make her keep her hands to herself for that, yes?" He wanted to be certain she wasn't threatened by the redhead before trying to separate the weak from the pack they were facing.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
"I know I know, and as for your ring, I"m working on it. I just..not sure what it should be yet, or maybe it should be something else..I just need to focus on what it is. Course I will have some time ahead of me right now, recovering and all" A breath that hurt her ribs and made her cough, this was going to get old real fast.

They were once again on the Subject of Duke Aris, and Countess Alde. "Hmm, remember we go there are representatives and if he touches me inappropriately then you perform the duties of my protector and remind him of who I am, and put him in his place, with whatever means necessary" She smiled, that was a large gap she just gave him in how to react but she trusted he would not kill the Duke, war with Vena was not what they needed.

Faith lay there trying to get the knots out of her neck from laying, "I have to replace the dead thranta, that means another trip to Bespin"

She shook her head knowing that he would not be appreciative of that either, "As for the Countess" that was when Draco began trying to distract and it was working as she smiled feeling warm rivers of tenderness spreading throughout, "I don't trust her as far as I an throw her, but I know you won't do anything that you know I wouldn't like" She smiled, "so if you have to take her for a walk in the garden I won't hold it against you."

Course she wouldn't tell him that if he kissed the woman she'd have something to say about that.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco stopped his cruel teasing, looking into her eyes. "Ner runi, let me make our rings. I am a smith, it is within my ability, and it would mean a great deal to me if I were able to properly ask for your hand and slip a ring forged by my own hands on your finger." His fingers continued to slowly twirl her hair as he lay beside her, sharing the warmth of his body while being careful and mindful of her wounds and injuries and pains. He simply couldn't imagine being a source of her pain, and he had an idea that would let her have her freedom while alleviating his fears.

He smiled at her acceptance of his protectiveness, at least when it came to the Duke. He would overreact appropriately to the situation and the crime he might commit. Draco was possessive after all, and he knew she would be similar when it came to him and the Countess. The difference was Draco had no issues knocking the Countess out if she became too handsy. He actually smiled about the news about Thranta, but, with her on her back, he wasn't able to massage her shoulders well laying beside her. "Get two. I know you love flying them. It would just put my heart at ease if you flew them with someone else. Perhaps you wouldn't mind teaching me." Draco began settling down, and the thought of them doing something together beyond physical intamacy was appealing, as he felt it might draw them closer together.

"Yes, ner runi." He whispered into her ear, letting his breath tickle her, "I am forever yours. You need not worry about any other encroaching on your territory, for I will defend it with my life, just as I would defend you."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
She could see from the look in his eyes not so much that the fire had cooled but for the moment he was distracted with other thoughts. It was not such a terrible thing to let him do this. She smiled, "Ok Draco my love, by all means make the rings hon. It will be a great treasure in times to come." She tried to move her head looking at him she had a feeling the ring would be a sight to see and that it was something more too. Her Dragon was a sly devil.

"I have mated pairs on Aldera, but the transfer of the pairs to Alderaan has gone badly, I don't know if its the air change but" She frowned, "We'll get two more and try again." She thought for a few moments. "I want to teach you to ride, I think you would like it once you master it." and she knew he wouldn't do something unless he could master it. This made her laugh softly. How well she was growing to know him.

When he came closer for a moment she wanted much more than the tickling of her ear but the words were of comfort, reassurance that he was hers. "I know cyar'ika" She whispered. "I will pull all her pretty red hair out if she touches you though" She turned to kiss his cheek.

There was another sound, the tapping of heels on the floor, the shuffle of boots, "mother is coming" Faith leaned on Draco gathering her strength.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
The door was opened and there stood the Queen of Alderaan in a simple grown of light green. She looked around quickly for her sister Rianna, and then her gaze turned to the bed.

"I would think the two of you could manage to keep your hands off each other long enough to answer some questions, and if not, then Draco will have to leave the room so that I can get the answers I want" Arianna was relieved to see Faith alive though it did not show. Once again her daughter was doing what she pleased without concern of how it might affect her home, or the people around her.

And with Draco Vereen of all people, yes he had influence, credits and a mind that thought logically. But there were many men in the galaxy who had this. Did Draco have the heart that it would take to take care of Faith, to be a true protector. The others she knew could would, for they wanted something and would do whatever it took to keep or protect what they wanted.

Draco and Faith loved each she could see that, and secretly was grateful for it.

But right now she wanted to know what happen.
Draco nuzzled against Faith, keeping close to her, feeling the subtle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed, and his fingers tracing across the lines in her abdomen. He was settling down and getting ready to go back to sleep. He could keep good watch over her while pressed up against her comfortably, carefully ensuring he didn't cause her anymore harm than she had already suffered, and distracted from his anger with her. He wasn't angry with her anymore as he was just worried and upset that she had been injured. Some of that was still swirling around in his head, but he was tired and exhausted, there would be time to alleviate his concerns and try and work on some compromises later.

"Hush now cyar'ika. We both need rest." His lips pressed against her cheek. "We can talk more once we have slept the day away and you are feeling better. There is no need to worry about them right now." His eyes had begun to close again, his heart slowing when she warned of her mother's approach. He let out an exasperated sigh, knowing of the battle to come. "Rest, I will handle her my love." He didn't know how, but he would. Faith didn't need another fight this soon after being treated.

When the queen swept into the room, wearing a simple gown. Draco's thoughts traced back to the negotiations, but they weren't important right now. Instead, he pulled himself up, making sure not to bother her or jostle her at all as he sat up and scooted back on the bed so as not to pull the covers off Faith.

His voice wasn't exactly even after he heard her speak though. Draco had been ready for a fight, but not this. "Your majesty, your daughter is seriously injured. I won't have her interrogated like some criminal right now. Not even by you." he breathed in deeply, almost as though counting to ten. "My apologies, you can understand it has been a stressful day for us." He looked fondly at the gorgeous woman lying beside him in bed, softly brushing the hair from her face, "She should be fine after a few days rest, if you care for an update on her condition." Draco's disdain for the queen leaked out at the end. She was an obstacle between them having a happy life together, and she had caused them a great deal of problems they now had to deal with before they could be happy. The lecherous Duke Aris chiefest among them.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Arianna Organa"]
Arianna smiled, and put her hands behind her back, "Last time I checked you were a guest here, and not someone who gets to dictate to me in my own home what I can or cannot do Commander Vereen. If I so choose to speak with MY daughter I will do so."

She took a few steps and noticed the protectiveness he displayed, this was good. How far would he go. She was going to find out.

"My sister updates me on her condition, I know how she is. She is not so badly damaged that her mouth doesn't work to where she can't answer questions." Arianna smiled, and moved closer to the bed. She knew she could have lost her daughter on the slopes, and she knew that it was efforts on behalf of [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Nick Sept"] and [member="Reen Lorgon"] and [member="Zef Halo"] all names she had committed to memory.

"I would think you're lounging on her bed would give her discomfort keeping her off balance." She meant that her injuries could be hurt by his movement on the bed. So, now Draco Vereen how will you respond to the her now, Arianna waited.
Draco scowled at the queen, growing defensive of his beloved beside him. "You could at least pretend to show some concern over your daughter." He wasn't pleased that Arianna had glossed over the injuries Faith had suffered and was standing here asking for answers about a subject he didn't even now yet. As far as he could tell, her presence was only causing Faith stress right as they were calming down from her ordeal. "But since you've decided her well being isn't important right now, we can do this differently."

"This may be your home, and she may be your blood, but her riduur doesn't like your tone. You can speak to me about your concerns while she is recovering." Draco drew the line in the sand pretty clearly. He had no intentions of letting Arianna get into an argument with Faith while she was weak. Carefully, and gingerly, watching his every move he stood up and stood between the Queen and the bed, standing only in his shorts.

"So, what questions do you have for us?" He had laid his cards on the table for the Queen on Aldera, and he wasn't sure what possessed her to test his words, but she was at the moment. He had claimed he would fight for Faith, fight against anyone, obviously the queen either didn't know what extents he was willing to fight, or she was testing him. She might find out that this Dragon had teeth and could breath fire.

[member="Arianna Organa"]
Arianna looked at Draco, "Riduur, surely you wouldn't break you word and marry Faith without the wedding you said she wanted." Aldera just a week ago he had made that claim.

She walked closer, looking over at Faith who was moving around, "Besides if you can be in here and, essentially pawing at her there's no reason to doubt that she's capable of answering questions."

Arianna tilted her head as she smiled, thinking to herself well he does have some fight, that much was never in question.

Faith sighed, "Stop, I'm not a piece of meat to be fought over." She looked at Draco and then to her mother. "What is it mother that you must know?"

Faith was tired and sore.

Arianna moved to the foot of the bed, "Did you have intentions of ever attending the negotiations with the Republic?"

Faith shook her head, "No. only you and Alyesa want to separate from the Republic, neither of you ever talked to me about it. You just decided and then I was to go along with it."

Faith slid back more wishing she had the use of her foot, "[member="Jack Sparrow"] was the strongest voice after everything with Genevieve and he's trying to do I job that I didn't want, that again you and Alyesa wanted for me, your way to control the Republic."

Faith was never sure why her family pushed so hard had such a hatred for the Republic, "I've done my duty for Alderaan many times over, and I will suffer all the consequences for doing my duty which likely includes losing my position with the Republic all because of duty, and family."

Arianna was displeased, "is that so. You have been made to suffer soo much have you. You are taken care of by Alderaan credits, Alderaan heritage." She stood straight up taller.

"Well, daughter, I have told your precious Republic that they can have you. Go there, be the dog licking their boots. Glean what accolades you can for an entity that does nothing for your home, unless of course this is no longer your home"

Was that a challenge? What this the moment of choice?

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco quieted for Faith to speak, letting Arianna's comments go unanswered. He wasn't pleased with the way things were going, the way Arianna was treating her. Now wasn't the time to bicker and bark at her about negotiations and trials and tribulations. Now was the time to be grateful she was in one piece. He listened to Faith when she spoke about the Republic. He was by no means a fan of the Republic, he saw them as a monster in sheep's wool waiting to force their will on others. He knew it was going to happen, it was just a matter of who and when as far as he could tell.

Finally he spoke, "What do you care other than she has your family name? She almost died and all you care about is your questions, not her safety, how she feels, whether she's going to be alright. No, I haven't married her before my people or yours. I've kept to my word, but it seems that all that pours out of your mouth is disdain for your own daughter and lies in an attempt to placate me." He remembered Arianna had said words that night about wanting someone that would cherish Faith, and he had offered everything he had and was in order for the opportunity to prove that he did and would always. Instead he had been waved away, and spent the night with Faith. Draco wasn't fighting over Faith like she was a piece of meat, she was much more and much greater than that. He was almost shaking, every fiber of his being wanted to grab the older woman and carry her from the room and lock the door, but he knew that wouldn't help Faith's situation, or their circumstances. Faith was to be a mother, she needed rest, she needed to recover, and she didn't need the added stress of her mother challenging her or berating her.

"Faith doesn't need this right now. She is hurt, on painkillers, and suffering from internal injuries. Please, with all do respect, leave her be until after her trip to Vena, which she is making as a duty to her people in the first place." It was a plea at this point. Faith was kind of trapped right now. It was dangerous to move her, and she needed the help of Rianna in order to fully recover from her ordeal, which for now, shackled Draco's responses. As much as his heart wanted him to drag Arianna out by her hair and toss her from the room, it would only result in Faith being without the home that she desperately loved. He couldn't do much for her right now, not so long as Arianna was dangling her heritage, family, and home on a stick like a carrot for a horse. "And please, stop tormenting her like this. She doesn't deserve your hatred."

[member="Arianna Organa"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Arianna was surprised by the sudden change she tried not to show it, he was looking out for her. So far he had proven himself on every front with everything she could do, but there was one thing left.

"Very well." She could have pushed she could have denied it all, but it wasn't worth it. She could see Faith was tired, hurt, and yes her mother's heart hurt for her but this testing of Draco Vereen had to be thorough had to be harsh enough that it pushed him to his limit.

Secretly she was pleased, but outwardly she needed to remain cold, uncaring in order to get true reactions.

"Vena, yes after Vena. Where the Duke is sure to make several requests. I understand Gabriella will be going as well. Good to know you will keep her company while Faith does her duty" She smiled. Yeah that was a bit of a prod.

But before anything could be said Arianna left.

Faith lay back staring at the door, she could feel the tightness in her chest and her back was beginning to hurt.

"Draco" she called to him, was he the only one left in the galaxy that loved her, cared for her? She held up the one hand she had, "Don't breathe fire love, but come keep me warm. I'm tired, Can we find out from Tia when I can move, travel, anything that gets me out of the palace. Ana can find her. Please."

Pain was it in her mind, or her body. She wasn't sure right now, she only knew that she needed Draco by her.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco's scowl didn't fade until Arianna left. Her mention of the Countess bothered him. Was the Queen trying to manipulate him into unfaithfulness? Was she so cruel she would tempt her daughter's lover in front of her and hope that her daughter's heart would be broken. She would be displeased with the result then. No amount of that redhead batting her pretty green eyes was going to lure Draco away from Faith. He loved her, and only her. Besides his deep emotional love and fidelity to Faith, Gabriella slipped into bed with too many too easily. For a Dragon that did not share his treasures, it would be a time consuming task just trying to keep her from wandering from bed to bed. And Draco had been hurt by her type before, he found his love. He wouldn't let Gabriella keep him from his true happiness now.

Draco softened at Faith's voice, hearing her call to him. He knelt next to the bed, putting his hand against her forehead, feeling the sweat and the heat from her feverish body still compensating for the cold she had suffered. His voice was a calm, soothing whisper when he spoke, "Rest my love. I will send Ana to find her and then I will keep you warm until I can take you from this cage." She couldn't stay here comfortably for long, he knew. She was a pretty little song bird, she needed wind beneath her wings to truly be herself. The woman he had fallen in love with, the woman he had spent the weekend in the lake country with.

He rose from beside the bed and ducked his head out the door. "Ana, could you run and find Rianna again. Faith has a few questions." His voice was soft and polite at Faith's aid before he returned, slipping quietly back into bed under the blankets and cuddling beside Faith. His arm slipped under the pillow so that his fingers could gently touch her opposite shoulder, and his other hand found her stomach again, touching the smooth skin, holding her softly. He could feel her soft rise and fall, the lines of muscle, and the warmth she held inside her.

"Ner runi, you know that I love you. But, I don't think you will be able to stay Princess of Alderaan and be mine. We, we may have to make a few rough choices in the future." He couldn't hurt her, he couldn't. But it seemed he might have to with the way Arianna was acting. He might have to help he choose him, or Alderaan. And that was a cruel game for the queen to make them play. "Let's try not to worry about it until we have to though. I want to be happy about our baby for as long as we can be and not have to worry about anything else." His tone changed from one of concern and worry to one of playfulness as his fingertips teased her stomach and he rubbed up against her gently.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
Rianna was not in love with this game that Arianna was playing she caught her sister in the hall.

Giving her the we need to talk look, they headed into another room and closed the door. "Arianna, I can sense your emotions, and I think I have figured your intent" Rianna folded her hands before her, she was not always pleased with her younger sister today was one of those days.

"What are you doing terrorizing my niece, and pushing the buttons of Commander Vereen." Arianna smiled, "I have to be sure Rianna, and I have to know that he will stand by her that his attachments are true, that he isn't in it for the Princess, that he's there for Faith"

Rianna shook her head, "Ari he's devoted, I sense no deception in him, he loves her, he can think of nothing but her. Anything I touch that he has touched tells me shows me his tenderness." "Ari, be careful that you don't chase them both away."

Arianna looked over, "I know."

Rianna couldn't help but laugh, "do you plan to do this to all your children when it comes to their husbands and wives?"

Arianna nodded, "Yes, to ensure they aren't credit diggers, title mongers, and really want my children." "I owe Garith that to make sure our children have the same thing that we did."

Just then a gentle knock at the door, Ana stepped, "Forgive me your Majesty, Duchess Rianna Faith is asking for you."

Rianna nodded, "I don't wonder that she is" Rianna looked at her sister again, "Ari, when will you find love again."

Arianna shrugged, "I don't know that I will, don't know that I want to. I love Alderaan it needs those of us who care"

Rianna sighed, "See you for dinner" Then she headed down the hall to Faith walking in, "ok ok you two break it up."

She looked at Faith, "you want to leave, I know, when? A day or two I have to be sure you are on the mend first. In the meantime let's see about removing your mittens, and foot warmers of bacta check your condition."

She walked to the opposite side, "I'm a doctor but I really am uncomfortable seeing the two of you in bed together, it's like I'm intruding on a personal moment, rather than treating my patient." Rianna lifted Faith's hand and began the process of removing the glove.
"I've heard a lot about Draco Vereen among the clans, some of it not so good. How did you ever meet Faith?"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
When Rianna returned, Draco relaxed and gently laid on his back, so that he was no longer pressed against Faith, cuddling her in Rianna's presence. He could understand why it would be uncomfortable for the woman, but he also didn't want to be separated from Faith's touch right now. He had just gotten her back after this scare and he needed this closeness to reassure himself it wasn't just a dream, that she was really safe and in his arms. Besides, he had his shorts on. Reluctantly he muttered, "Yes ma'am," as he shifted, careful not to disturb Faith.

He could wait a day or two to leave. He knew she would always look back, and he wasn't ready to make her stop, he wanted to ride out this thought that they could be happy together, her a princess, him whatever it was he was these days. He grinned mischievously, "Faith is a little too injured for us to have a proper 'personal moment' right now, so you shouldn't have too much to worry about." It wasn't like it was a secret for Rianna, she had been the one that discovered that Faith was carrying his child. It should be obvious, and hopefully break the somber mood that Arianna had left the room in.

But of course, Rianna spoke about his past. "Not everything I did was good. I know that, I knew that when I did those things. I haven't always been a good man, and much, if not all of that is my own fault. I can't change that now though, I can only change who I am and what I do from here on out. I have a family to focus on, to set an example for." He sighed, trying to ease away his tension. "Please, I know what I was, I didn't hide those things from Faith. Can we leave that subject for a time when we have all slept enough." He had thought she had come to help, that maybe Tia would be the voice of reason, but instead she seemed to be trying a different approach to driving a wedge between them.

He glanced at Faith, "We met at the talks on Obroa-Skai that I brokered. Then we got together once I brought the fleet to Alderaan." He wasn't wanting to spill everything about their time together unless he had to. There were somethings he wanted to keep secret.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"]
Rianna looked at Draco she studied the aura around him, reached to touch the emotions that swirled about him. Regret perhaps. Fear, definitely. Suspicion radiated off him. She smiled though this was her way, to be quietly.

"My husband is Field Marshall [member="Ordo"] I know all about how bad acts can influence perception. My riduur has suffered a great deal and not all clans are forgiving no matter what the circumstances, so, Commander [member="Draco Vereen"] if anyone is going to be on your side in this, it will be me. Ari is" Rianna thought how to describe her sister, "on a mission"

That was putting it mildly and without any reservation. "Obroa-Skai I've heard of what happen there, she lost her temper. And Ember brokered a deal. The Republic has history some of it wonderful if it had not been for the Republic I would not have met my Ordo, or have my children, or any of the other life affirming events in my life."

She looked at Faith's hand, the skin was new and pink the blood flowing. Good. She smiled "My nieces and nephews are all important to me, was Faith more precious than the others? No, but perhaps she was more fragile than the others, had always seemed she was.

Faith smiled looking at Tia then Draco, "Draco its ok" she whispered softly looking at Tia, "Have you heard anything from my brothers, or Arabella?" Rianna paused "I've tried several avenues, so far very things points to Arabella being on Atrisia at Hyogo. But nothing on the others."

They had lost so many of their family to Netherworld they had all hoped they'd walk out somewhere, somehow. But nothing and all of them suffered in their absence. Many had to move on in their lives, [member="Briika Hokan"] , Faith , Rekha, Bella, yes many.

"So a few days you can get up, your bones are mending but it is a process not something that happens overnight, if your leg is strong enough yes, if not you'll be in this bed." She looked at Draco as if to say, she needs rest..not...any hanky panky no matter what.
Draco nodded, laying still as he could beside Faith. He could still feel the rise and fall of her chest against his side, but only barely at this angle. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and for the both of them to go to sleep at the moment, but there were more pressing matters at the moment. "I know of Field Marshall Ordo, most good, some bad. I've never looked down on him for what he did. Every short conversation I had with him he wasn't that person anymore so it didn't really matter to me about what he had been." He grimaced a little at the mention of Arianna. "She has made her mission very clear to me."

The queen seemed to be pushing Faith into making a choice, her family and heritage of Alderaan, and her family with him. It was a situation Faith couldn't choose correctly, she couldn't make a decision without being hurt, and Draco knew this. It wasn't a position he wanted her to be in, but he couldn't make that choice for her anymore. Their children were in the balance, and if it came time where a choice had to be made, someone was going to be heartbroken, and Faith was going to be hurt deeply by it.

"I've never been a fan of the Republic. They went into those talks about how righteous and right they were, they looked down and talked down to us, blamed us for the dead, and moaned about the unfairness of the terms. The only person there with any sense was Faith, and I knew it going in." He smiled and kissed Faith's cheek, "Then she turned out to be the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes upon with a fire inside her few could stand near. I knew then she was special."

He looked over at Rianna again, "Then above Alderaan we flirted a bit, we kissed, and we made plans to see each other in private." His fingertips danced across Faith's shoulder as he rubbed her gently with the arm trapped beneath her head. "And I knew I had feelings for her that a Sith Lord shouldn't have. I knew I wanted to be someone she could hold and love and people not disdain her for it." His mind slipped back to the fond memories he had with Faith that weekend, in the lake house, on the lake, in the cave she had taken him to see, and on the shore, and all the times in between he had spent with Faith there. That weekend was filled with fond memories.

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

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