Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ToTG:Vorhi Alestrani VS Ahani Najwa

It was the face of the second of the rounds of the Tournament of the Gods. It was a planet that didn't hold much air about it, small, filled with rocks, canyons, and and not much else. It was a world that many would consider absolutely barren, a world that many would consider worthless. Lumyia had once made her home here, though she was now long gone. To the Crusade it was nothing but a small outpost, but to the Tournament of the Gods, it would be the second round.​
The fights would be staged miles apart from one another, each one taking place simultaneously but at such a distance that one fight would not interfere with another. Why? For the enhanced effect of course.​
In the skies above Kinooine sat dozens if not hundreds of starships, filled with watchers, party goers, and tractor beam operators. These ships were tasked with creating an enhancement of the fight, they would induce an artificial meteor shower. Pre-planned and pre-arranged the ships would sling a variable endless amount of rocks onto the surface of Kinooine, dashing the nearly empty worlds with pelting cosmic stones.​
The rocks would range in size, though all would be big enough to cause an impact somehow.​
It was all to the add to the field of battle.​
The First of the stones began to fall just as the matches began.​
[member="Vorhi Alestrani"] VS [member="Ahani Najwa"]​
When Ahani Najwa, Sith Lady of Perpetual Hindrance was told where her next fight would be located, she looked squarely into the face of the fight coordinator and said, "Gesundheit. Where am I fighting?"

On the third try, the fight coordinator had flailed his arm, pointing at the holographic projector in his gauntlet. "Kinooine. Kin-OOH-EEN. Kinooine! Your fight's on Kinooine, you're up against [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] and you're fighting on the planet Kinooine!"

"Oh. I h-h-hope you stop sneezing in time for the next fights." She'd said, walking out the door and toward the shuttle with her gear in tow. The strangled groan of frustration that pushed out of the man's lips was worth learning more Basic for. . . nearly.

Ahani sprung down from the transport in full gear. Not only clad in her Iron Skin armour and armed with her trusty Templar Crossbow, lightsaber, Sith Sword Anandi, personal Echani-based Shield and collection of thigh-mounted knives, the Echani Master had been clad in one indelibly more important weapon.

[member="Jared Ovmar"] had patched her brain back together again. A macabre story of repair and reparations which began with an imprisonment eight hundred and twenty seven years old had groaned toward its' multi-centennial conclusion. The Master Mentalist had found ragged disconnections in her mind and patched them up. Ahani breathed the thin air and sighed, a pleasant smile on her face.

She was sane. Or so she thought. A searing pain smacked the top of her head and made the woman question her burgeoning sanity.

"Son of a . . ow!" Ahani glared at the scenery, her opponent was nowhere to be found. No living being was there hucking rocks at her head as far as the Echani could see. If they were, she'd dispatch them with a beautiful abandon. Probably hit them with a rock.

Rock smash. "Ah. . . did I do deathsticks this morning and forget?" Ahani cupped her hand in front of her face and smelled her breath, no it didn't smell like ixetal cilona and whatever mix of deadly, deadly chemicals her latest dealer and old-time Master [member="Ket Van-Derveld"] fed her. Not that Ket would feed her any more, Ahani thought. He was growing accustomed to her conversations making sense.

Another fist sized meteor plunged to the ground near her left foot. Hop, skip and 'jumping' away, the celestial orb rolled happily from the place where it had a moment before nearly taken off three of Ahani's valuable toes.

"The feth?" One eye closed, mouth drawn shut in a long thin line, she stared at the sky as another meteor veered down toward the top of her head. Chuckling, Ahani sidestepped it and danced around the field stepping between the odd meteor rumbling down toward the ground. "Heeeheheheheheheeee! Vorhi! Vorhi you old Archaeologist, c'mere! We met, remember? Back in the Confederacy days! I wanna ask you if you're seeing this but that's the dumbest question in the universe, eh?"

She hopped over a rock and down a small crevasse in her search for her opponent. Senses wide and wary, Ahani's silver eyes never stilled. If the sky was falling, one ought to be careful before they beat someone for a tournament victory.
[member="Ahani Najwa"]

Boulders. Falling boulders. All the falling boulders. And he was fighting...Ahani Najwa? A templar? Guess you cna't run form the past. Although you can run into the past. He'd done that. A lot. And now, the past was running into him. And a bunch of falling rocks. Why flling rocks? Why another Templar? was someone trying to make him flash back to Druckenwell? Screw it, he didn't care. He approached Ahani and smirked. He waved. "Good to see you, good luck in the fight, Templar..." he said calmly, cracking his neck.

He waited to let the prettier, older one go first. Age before beauty, after all. Wait, she had both on him. Feth it, close enough for government work. Not that he was the government any more. He was just an idiot in a cool hat. He liked his hat. And his sack-cloth slacks, and his linen robes, and his scarf. What was he talking about again? Oh, right, tournament. Falling rocks.

He raised a fist, punching a rock the size of a human skull and smashing it into little pieces. What were these people trying to do, make a gravel pit? What a punch of lazy jerks. He was having fun, getting things done, and these weasels were chucking rocks at him. Lame. He waited for Ahani. This would be interesting.
"I'm in the Fringe, now. Kept the swag though. My son [member="Manu Xextos"] defected his Sv'Yato Fleet after Druckenwell and started an Echani colony on Sabarene. Wasn't about to leave him to pine away for his poor dead wife, so I tagged along. Good mother I am. You should check it out! We could have tea. Talk history, never know I might have lived it first foot. First spleen? What's the idiom, Alestrani? Thank you, by the way. A hearty good luck to you, three. Wait. . . that's not the term." Above all in the back of Ahani's mind was a lingering sense of no hard feelings for the spry 'blind' man. A fight was nothing more than a conversation for the Echani and in that conversation the woman was fluent.

Vorhi's punch pummelled a rock, and Ahani snorted. "Gee and here I was about to offer you my lightsaber. fists like that? Nevermind." Sidestepping another falling meteor, Ahani began to tug into her powers in the Force. Unsheathing her alchemical blade Anandi, the former elite Seven Swordswoman of the Confederacy swung the blade in a circle to catch her best grip and feel the hum of familiarity with the sleek poisonous sword.

She approached from the side, raising her fist and sending one of the falling stones off course directly for the most logical place the man may go to avoid getting cut open with Ahani's precious blade. The blade itself sung of the Dark Side, yet the bandaged brain of the woman he fought carried much less of the stink of Sithly natures. She bounded and gripped the sword in her one hand, striking out in a horizontal slash (His left to right), carrying the sword's motion forward in a fluid, quick circle around her back and slashing down again from his right shoulder to left hip. All she had to do was break skin for the poison blade to begin its' drain on Vorhi's force-led abilities. If she could break the skin. . .

She might just put the sword away and take the Teras Kasi Master on hand-to-hand. And Force-power-to-Force-power. And hand-to-sword if she had to. . . what? It was allowed.

OOC: Thank you for making me giggle in your post, [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] Rock on.
"Maybe next time. After all, this fight is hardly to the death," he said with a smile. "The two of us and good cup of tea sounds like a great plan later." He smiled at her comment on his fists. "Yeah, a lot of us left after Druckenwell. Whole thing was a mess. I'm afraid I'm not much for swords. Easier to control my own body, frankly. Swords have their own wills." He observed her stance. Old Echani fencing. Definitely a touch of Imperial flair, though. Neat. He like observing different fighting styles. Oh, right. The sword was pointed at him. He should probably do something about that.

Normally, this was the part where the brilliant fighter would typically pull out a grenade and begin a feint. But he could see the force energy on that sword. It's aura was lethal, and not under her control. If he let it touch him, that toxic aura could hit him, too. So, he parried. but how does one parry a sword? With something too soft to cut easily, duh.

And this, while not the actual reason he had them on his person, is why he chose now to unveil--a bag of marshmallows? He focused the force energy in his palm and struck, taking step back as the the bag exploded, marshmallow goop splattering, hopefully dulling the sword as it dried. Hell, it was worth a shot. Regardless, the next scene of this fight would show Vorhi nibbling on a large marshmallow. "Sorry, I really shouldn't have brought snacks, but I kinda forgot to grab lunch on the ride to the planet. Still, nice touch pushing the boulder at my point of retreat. Clever. Want a marshmallow?"

There was nothing wrong with the marshmallows. Vorhi was a sadistic man, but he wasn't some Saturday morning cartoon villain, and those were the only kinds of people who poisoned marshmallows. Those monsters. Still, this writer will attest that Vorhi did nothing to the marshmallows.

[member="Ahani Najwa"]

(OOC: This is ridiculous, even by my standards, so if you want me to edit, I will. It was just the first thing that came to mind)
"Yes, lets. It's a deal after all this we're going to have tea on Sabarene." How else was the Echani to make new friends if not for places to learn their languages through combat? To learn the Archaeologist she would learn the fists and kicks he loved so much, and he would learn her blade. A crafted relic forged by Ahani's once-lover, Anandi did indeed hold the soul of both forger and wielder in its pommel and tang. The blade edged through the air with the forthright will of Darth Metus, who craved to have Ahani by his side. He took her addictions and her fears of her own damaged mind and twisted them into a channel: down to the tip and out in the hopes that others would pull the poisons of Ahani's insanity and dependency on unsavoury substances out of her. In this Vorhi was correct, a well-forged blade was a creature of will. Anandi's will purged the delight of the air and shuddered as the meteorites shuddered downward to their testing ground. Should Anandi break Vorhi's skin, the ixetal cilona forged within it would with time and successful hits to his bloodstream cause hallucinations and weakening of his connection to the Force. To fall prey to such a mental tempest in the midst of a severe storm of rock and ore was to fall prey to the disaster of defeat.

With what would Alestrani combat such devastation? With what technique of his precious hand-to-hand combat, force bodied strikes to break stone would he salvage his match?

Marshmallows. Marshmallows? [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] had tried to combat her razor edged attack with fluffy wuffy campy wampy sugar-gelatin confectionary products? Needless, Anandi swiped straight through the marshmallows but for one that lazily clung to the side of the blade. Covered in starch as the confection usually was, the sticky surface of the interior gelatinous mass had too little contact with the blade to do more than slick Anandi in mere spots.

But it did cause Ahani to burst out laughing so hard she teared up and let the tears of laughter flow down her cheeks. It didn't stop the swing, nor did it stop her from wheeling around and slicing down in a thorough and harrowing diagonal x cross from shoulder to opposite hip, up to the shoulder, down to the other hip. She slid her footing and hopped away from another meteor fall, raising her hand to shove Vorhi off his footing with a telekinetic wave.

Then Ahani did what any well meaning combatant would do in such a situation.

"Sure, I'll have a marshmallow. OH! I have chocolate in my pocket! Here!" Ahani pulled a marshmallow from the air, snapped off half her chocolate bar and threw half of it to Vorhi. "Catch! Pity we don't have sweet crackers and a fire, eh?"
"Well, fire's simple enough, we just have for a big enough--"

as if to anger or appease the bloodthirsty spectators, and prove that the galaxy itself is spinning not on a black hole, but a super massive dynamo powered by dramatic irony dark humor, a flaming meteor appeared. "rock. 400, meters west of us." He smirked wildly. "You know, there's a migratory plant, loves desert areas, widespread among many planets. Leave taste like cinnamon. I knew a monk on Tattooine, taught me how to broil them into crisps." He smirked. "Let's see if we can find some on our way to the fire, hmm?"

He was absolutely certain that the entire audience would belittle him greatly for a snack break. Screw it. The Moross gods could liven things up, for certain. Probably sending aimed rocks or something. "We'll have to make it quick, though. Rude to keep an audience waiting." He smirked. A fight and snacks. Who couldn't love this stuff?

[member="Ahani Najwa"]
Apparently in his desire for a snack Vorhi had moved past her strikes. Ahani didn't mind, the idea of marshmallow s'mores was a much better one than chopping off limbs. Marshmallows, chocolate, snack leaves? Were Ahani Najwa and her opponent [member="Vorhi Alestrani"] halting the competition to have dessert? Yes they were. Ahani laughed from her belly, sheathing Anandi for the moment and walking off in search of the cinnamon leaf plant. "You know I was insane back in those days. Oh, it's true. I'm not as ashamed as I should be, I suppose. Didn't die of my horrors, cobbled a mind up and kept going, but it's funny Vorhi. It's funny that this is my first experience after [member="Jared Ovmar"] reconstructed my brain's destroyed pathways. It's funny 'cause had we fought three days ago, I'm sorry to say I'd probably be gnashing my teeth and going for your throat. Babbling like a sickly she-devil who'd lost her brood."

Skipping across three stones, Ahani grabbed some leaves and sniffed them. They smelled of cinnamon and she smiled into a deeply satisfied exhale. "I prefer this. Having a snack and making good on conversation, while we give them a show." The crackle of the meteor fire delighted Ahani's heart and thrilled her stomach with the impending snacks. Grabbing a couple of sticks, Ahani put some marshmallows on either one and handed one to Vorhi. She watched as her marshmallows expanded and crisped on the outside to a golden ichor, before snapping off pieces of her chocolate and the broiled leaves and biting in to the treat. Smacking her lips, Ahani tossed her head to the side to nod at her opponent. "Of course. We've been speaking in your language, Vorhi. We're about to speak in mine. Combat is my language, the duel is my poetry, my love and my art. And this time it is one I can rejoice in, instead of being pulled forcibly back into the most grievous of wounds this body and mind has suffered.

Even with the rocks falling, this is a good day. It's a day I will remember fondly the rest of my days. Thank you, Vorhi Alestrani. Thank you for bringing marshmallows."

The Echani bride of a long dead Crimson Guardsman and mother of three children spent the time to finish her snack and wipe her hands on the grass, keeping her eyes on her opponent for that tell or shiver which bespoke of an attack. She brushed her hand and a meteor flung away from them both. Would Vorhi do such a thing as attack her now? Probably not. "Are you ready?"

Ahani sprung to her feet once he would affirm his readiness and unsheathed Anandi. "Avaste ye! Always wanted to say that, haven't you? Think fast!" Ahani sprung into the air, slicing at Vorhi's stomach with a slick back-and-forth pair of slices.
(OOC: Sorry for the delays. Rebuilding the PC took me a few days, then I had faction stuff.)

Vorhi smiled back while lazily munching on a cinnamon-leaf s'more. "I went mad for a while myself, after Druckenwell. A whole world dying around you--hard stuff to handle. The psychic shock of it was...hellish." He smirked. "If you'd have approached me then, I would've just started bawling like a child and punching teeth out. But today, we both get to remember that we both have roads to walk and recoveries to make."

He smirked at her comments. "Well, then let's hope your sword sings, darling. For me, the difference between a fight and a usually that I am reasonable enough to ask before dancing," he said with a laugh. He bowed to his opponent. "Thanks for the respite. Now, let's give them a show," he said, swaying gently, putting more weight on his forward left foot. He held up his hands in the traditional veermok stance, bock his body with the left arm, right extended to gauge his enemy's reach.

Vorhi leapt upward and slightly to the left, tapping one boot, then the other, on his opponent's sword, flipping and landing in a handstand. He would've made a snappy comeback, but there wasn't much time right now. This was an opponent he had to engage with some level of seriousness, else he'd be caught looking like a chump. He swung a few quick kick towards her opponent, holding himself upside down like some sort of madman. What was the name of this silly old stance? Oh, that's right, Lizard-monkey scales a wall. He hadn't used this is half a year. Nice.

[member="Ahani Najwa"]

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