Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ToTG:Malik Rodarch VS Tsavong Kraal

The Semi-Finals. The round before the last of the tournament. It was here that the final four warriors that had survived fight after fight would face off against one another, it was here within the changing lands of Morje that the last of the contestants of the Tournament of the Gods would face one another.​
On the terrestrial beaches of Morje, the white sands and the massive dunes. There, there was the place that the combatants would find themselves. A curiously devoid beach filled with nothing and no one, calm ocean air, pure white sand, and seemingly endless expansive dunes beyond them. The combatants would land here, thrown onto the sands without a care, tossed out into the field of white next to an ocean of pure blue.​
The Semi-finals began here, in the calmest of places.​
[member="Malik Rodarch"] VS [member="Tsavong Kraal"]​

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