Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Total Eclipse of the Heart

Devlin progressed down the street of Dromund Kaas still debating whether or not he should be going through with the meeting. He was curious though as he had never actually spoken to a Jedi before and wanted to judge them based on his own interactions rather than what he had learned growing up in The Sith Empire. He still had to be careful, so he did not come across as treasonous or provide any intel to the person he was supposed to meet. He also had no idea where he was going as he had never been to a tavern in his life. From his room he had access to various systems forms of entertainment and the last thing he needed were drinks that would dull his senses. He was not even sure what the laws were governing the substances. Reaching out with the force he searched for any indication of a Black Dagger Cantina and a few moment later he had located a terminal registered to it and it was all the way across town in the opposite direction. He cursed himself for not doing that sooner as he turned around and raced down the street attempting to hail one of the few cabs that flew past him.

About a half an hour later he arrived out of breath, no cab had wanted to stop to pick him up. He had considered commandeering one but that would have been an impractical and dangerous response. He poised himself try to remember to act like a Sith and not whatever the hell he usually came across as. He was in his typical armor which helped him pass off as a bit taller and more muscular. He peeked his head inside seeing the person at the counter. ‘Oh no. She’s cute,’ he thought as he suddenly became more nervous about meeting this person, but his eyes noticed something else that he found more intriguing. The heads-up display zoomed in on her attire as he walked in curiously suddenly caught up in trying to solve the puzzle as to how you had managed to have such authentic looking clothing that was so dated. To anyone else in the bar they would get the idea that he was perhaps staring as her ass but he was never good with social cues.

“Are those authentic?” he asked out loud still observing the clothes rather than moving his gaze upwards towards her face. He had become obsessed with something so curious to him it had practically calmed his nerves for the moment. The armor was black and blue with gold and purple accents and helmet that completely hid his face. Even more curious to another force sensitive they may detect some level of the dark side on him but it was practically miniscule to one might expect of a Sith or even another person at the tavern.

Katarine Ryiah
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“Yea they are. 100% rebellion era. But they seem a little boring compared to your attire.”

“That’s incredible. How did you keep them so pristine? The likely hood of them surviving in normal conditions all this time would be slim to none,” He said more caught up with the mystery even more now as he brought his hand up to where his chin was the patch that had the symbol of The Sith Empire in gold on his left pauldron clearly visible. He looked forward to speak with her face to face and instead had to lower his head a bit. It was a different feeling for him having someone to look down on, everyone else he was acquainted with in The Sith Empire was usually as tall or taller than him if they were also human. He lowered his head to lock his gaze with hers.

“I’d love to talk fashion with you but I’m supposed to be meeting someone. Unless you happen to be Devlin?”

The nervousness had returned as she mentioned his name. He brought his left hand up to the back of his head as if to scratch it even though the helmet covered his entire head and face. It was easy to tell with his body language that he was nervous about something. ‘Be confident like everyone would expect a Sith to be,’ he thought to himself suddenly more intimidated by the crowd on individuals in the bar staring over in his direction. It was the worst place to be for someone so socially inept as he was. He nodded his head.

“We should uh talk…out-,” he said pointing his thumb toward the entrance.

“..side. Outside. That’s the word,” he said the nervousness faintly noticeable through the modulation of his voice that the helmet provided. He stepped backward bumping into someone and nearly falling over himself.

“Sorry,” he said to the random individual just being glad he hadn’t gotten shanked for his negligence.

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Devlin submitted to her leading the way even though his knowledge of the city was likely higher than hers it certainly was not showing in this moment. He was still curious why she had asked to meet with him which would have involved her traveling across half the galaxy into enemy territory to an enemy capital city specifically to meet with him. He was flattered that somehow his name had gotten out there. Why would it have though? Was he deemed such a bad Sith that the enemy were trying to poach him? He had to find out and he supposed he would soon enough. More importantly he was curious if the clothes were truly authentic or if the Jedi had lied to him. Were Jedi allowed to lie? Weren’t they super strict about being goody goodies and dancing only in the light side?

He continued to follow her thinking about the scenarios in his mind but kept getting sidetracked by the clothes. He could perform a dating analysis but that would not help him if it was just a recreation. Then again if it came back as being hundreds of years old he would know she was telling the truth.

“Well at least we know they don’t water down the drinks.”

“Hmm well or he could have just drank to excess regardless of the dilution of the alcoholic content of the drinks. It probably explains why he shows signs of a poor liver and excessive weight gain,” He said analyzing the man that had wandered off after discharging the contents of the legal poison he had consumed. He looked back at her no longer in deep contemplation and once again became nervous seemingly out of nowhere. He was so bad at situations like these, pretty much any situation involving social contact and if it was an attractive member of the opposite sex then he was royally screwed when it came to not making a fool of himself.

“You certainly uh made a…long trip to see me. What have you heard about me?” he asked trying to form a couple sentences without making a fool of himself as he waited for her response. He had brought his newly constructed lightsaber with him just in case. It was smaller than most others and dangled on his left hip just in case she had plans to take him out.

Katarine Ryiah
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“Well mostly that you are very good with technology. I’m not here in any official capacity. I just need some tech support.”

A wave of unexpected emotion hit him and he did his best to maintain his composure. There were rumors spreading that he was good with technology. The larger galaxy was learning about him and not because of his weaknesses but because of his strengths. It felt like he was finally being awarded for his talents. He could see her face turn red a bit and one could easily mistake his awkward silence as judgement. As she took out the old data pad his attention was once again grabbed as he almost started to ignore what she said next. He reached out and grabbed the ancient device and inspected it. It was definitely authentic and by the looks of it had been kept in great condition minus the signs of water damage.

“Was this frozen or underwater?” he asked curiously dismissing her question about retrieving files. He had never restored anything this old before. He was now elated to have such a task to work on. Finally there was a challenge worthy of his skills but this little guy was dead and he would have to replace several parts to repair the current ones to get it up and running again. He sat down on the ground crisscrossing his legs as he popped open the durasteel covering and placed it methodically at his side.

Another thing also triggered his curiosities. A Jedi seeking out a Sith not in any official capacity on the capitol planet of her sworn enemy, showing up in possibly authentic uniform that was over 800 years old and a water damaged 800-year-old datapad from a similar era but no other signs of noticeable damage to it. There was a decent enough percentage of possibility that he had to ask the burning question on his mind.

“Were you frozen?” he asked curiously. There was a low percentage chance that it was a possibility in fact it was only about a 10% chance in his mind. The largest other explanation was that this was some kind of honeypot operation to get intel from him using the datapad.

“Or is this some kind of trick, test, or a honeypot?” He rambled off as well figuring he knew Jedi didn’t lie or at least that was what he had assumed from what he had read about them. At the very least he could end one mystery to work on another.

Katarine Ryiah
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“I see,” he said confirming one of his hypothesis as he examined the hardware of the data pad which had not been damages when frozen but rather during the process of re-heating where the condensation would have damaged it. He picked it back up and carefully put it in his bag after re-assembling the case.

“The only thing I know about a honeypot is not to ask for it on Zeltros.”

“It is a term in the information gathering business for when someone uses charm, their appearance, and utilizing specific information about a target in order to get closer to them to gather intel from someone they consider a friend. It often also includes sexual advances. The reason for the name is because you insects are often attracted to the sweet smell and taste of something like honey but once they touch it they get stuck and perish,” He said explaining the concept.

“Oh sorry but that’s not what this is…I assume. I mean if it was it is because I enjoy technology not because of the sexual thing. Not that you aren’t attractive!” He said nervously digging himself into hole after hole before he decided to try and change the subject.

“I can fix this. The data pad. Not us…we are not an us we are a…this. I uh need to do this in my room but I mean fix this not us this,” He said nervously and obviously not having ever talked to someone attractive or possibly he was just like this with everyone, a socially awkward mess.

Katarine Ryiah
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“Absolutely. I am not sure why anyone would want to leave this little guy behind. You could learn so much about the past. I would rather repair something like this than steal creds any day of the week,” He said standing up as he looked around. He did not have much of a place anyways it was embarrassing in the sense that he was so poor and had to live away from the academy. Realistically he knew he could just create or re-allocate money from sources like cred chips and never pay for a thing in his life but it felt wrong to him as he needed to be able to make himself known by his own merits.

He escorted her a good couple of miles down the city and through a rather shady looking area of the city where one would expect the homeless or crooks to be around. This was the one place where people did not look at him differently. He walked up to a sliding door that appeared to be the garage for some sort of speeder back in the day. He waved his hand giving a slight flick of the wrist and the electronic keypad on the door activated and opened up. It was exactly the size one would expect for a speeder garage and it was the entirety of his living space. In the corner of the small room was a mattress laying on a metal frame that looked hand built. The bed was immaculate and the sheets clean and the bed made with an almost OCD level of detail. On the other half of the room was an intricate set up of a computer terminal with multiple screens all of which seemed to activate in his presence. There was a shelf going from the floor to the ceiling with various repair tools and parts and a small table used for electrical work and welding or soldering. In various parts around the room there were small barely 6-inch sized metal sculptures of various flying creatures except they all appeared to move and respond to his presence one might expect a pet to respond.

He looked back at her a bit embarrassed as he rubbed the back of his helmet as a man approached them from the alley. He appeared to be poor as well limping over.

“Heya Devlin you wouldn’t happen to have to have time to check out my leg would you?” He asked holding an old hat in sincerity between his hands.

“Of course,” he said and took a moment to focus on the man’s cybernetic leg the sound of metal whirring could be heard.

“Your bearings are coming loose. Take some of this with you. It will help keep my temporary fix in place for the next week or so. When I have some time, I will make you a new one. If you’ll excuse me I have another client,” he said to the man as he bowed his head and the garage door started to close. He took the old datapad out of his bag and set it down on his desk as he took a seat and looked up at her.

“Sorry about that. This could take a few. I’d say make yourself comfortable but that’s a tall ask,” he said a bit embarrassed about his cramped living quarters.

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He started to go to work on the old data pad carefully removing all of the damaged components and chucking them into a nearby bin. Without looking other parts would come from the draws and float down to him using the force. One of the birds hopped down handing him a small screwdriver before hopping back up on top of his desk.

“Do you do tech work for a living then? Or does being a Sith come with a salary?”

“No. I don’t accept payment. I also am not being given a salary yet with The Sith Empire. I haven’t been assigned to a master or been provided a paying role. My superiors have no idea what to do with me because of the…way I am,” he said finding it a more difficult to work on the datapad with his helmet and gloves on. Normally he could use the force to fix such things but this datapad needed an entire restoration and had no means of power or communicating with him. He looked back over his shoulder at her his back turned to her. He wondered if the Jedi were also prone to making fun of others based on their appearance. He was more concerned with the challenge in front of him. He took off his gloves and reached up to take his helmet off and stopped feeling insecure about doing so as he hung his head a bit and picked up the screwdriver again with his bare hands.

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“What do you mean the way you are? Is there some new rule that the Sith won’t work with tech geeks?”

“No…they don’t work with the weak. Do I seem like a Sith at all to you based on what you know about the Sith? Might makes right, strength at any cost? It’s my lack of physical and emotional strength that has lead to me be being just as alone now as when I was orphaned,” He said with smooth almost emotionless accent as he continued to work on the datapad grabbing more parts from the shelves as he installed the new pieces. He found it hard to look in her direction the less she saw of him the better. Every moment that this arrangement continued was crippling the reputation that the Sith had today. If she ever informed anyone about him and spread talk about how weak he was he was destined to live a shorter life.

“Not many people would believe that you were in cryostasis for the past 800 or so years. For what its worth I think you look great for your age,” he teased trying to actively prevent himself from portraying any emotion so he didn’t start reacting like he had earlier. Perhaps that was the trick to becoming a better Sith just severing his emotions all together.

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“Everybody is weak at something. Physical and emotional strength is something you can learn. I’ve taught several students how to be strong, and everyday I learn a new way I need to be strong. Strength is a constant lesson. It’s not something one can expect to be born with.”

“There are some things in life that no matter how hard you work on something you will never be able to consider it a strength. It’s logical for people to be bad at things that is what makes us unique as individuals. I just happen to be bad at the basic fundamental things that the Sith focus on wanting as strengths in their empire. Regardless of the strengths I do have I do not currently fit into their mold. Even if I were to get a master at this point I wonder if I would even survive the training,” he said with a sigh as he plugged a cord into the datapad.

“It’s needs to build up a charge. It could take a few hours,” he said stopping himself from turning around to face her. He didn’t want her to see his face which seemed a bit too soft and boyish for someone his age. He was twenty but looked younger than he was and was definitely not the face you would expect from any Sith.

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“If you don’t belong here then why stay? There are other ways to learn the Force without putting your life at risk.”

“I’ve never known another way and I would feel bad abandoning the place that saved me and gave me a chance on life. While I don’t believe in every aspect of the Sith teachings I am also pretty sure I wouldn’t really make it anywhere else,” He explained as he listened to her talk about her struggles after coming out of cryofreeze.

“Im sorry. These are just the ramblings of an old lady. Sometimes us grannies run our mouths too much.”

“Well…scientifically speaking you stopped aging the moment you went in. You also did not have any experiences while under to be spiritually considered life lived. In every sense you are still as old as you went in you merely found the slowest way to time travel,” he said explaining to her as he heard her stand up and he moved in his chair to avoid facing her still.

“Well what should we do while we wait? I could buy you lunch?

“You can go get something to eat if you’d like. I only eat once in the morning,” He said looking at his helmet which had been the real reason he had such a hard time eating or drinking in public.

“We should also minimize how often you are seen in the public. I am a unique case for the Sith,”

Katarine Ryiah
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