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Codex Denied Tosh Rylance

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Kai and Gerda



Intent: This NPC’s purpose is to serve as a constant threat to one of my characters. He must be killed off or neutralized at some point, though the exact method is undecided. His death would also result in significant material and influential gains for the killer, should another player choose to participate.

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Role: Tosh Rylance is a Black Sun crime lord, and my RP character Alyosha Drutin’s former employer. Tosh placed a bounty on Alyosha after the assassin made an attempt on his life. As a result, Alyosha has been forced into hiding.

Ideally, Alyosha would be able to convince another character (or characters) to help him take Tosh out. This would open the door for many different RP opportunities. For instance, if a rival crime lord was interested in sabotaging some part of Tosh’s enterprise, but didn’t want to take the risk associated with actually killing Tosh, Alyosha could provide insider knowledge of how Tosh’s criminal enterprise works, as well as the layout of his personal yacht.

Permissions: N/A

Links: N/A.


Age: 37

Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User

Species: Human

Appearance: Tosh is a tall, thin human male with tanned skin, cropped dark hair and hazel eyes. He has an elaborate tattoo crawling across his skin from his right shoulder over his chest and neck to his right eye. He wears a long black vest or overcoat with red trim, knee-high boots, and a black shirt. A gold chain fastens his shirt collar at the throat.


Name: Tosh Rylance

Loyalties: Himself (
Black Sun faction member)

Wealth: Tosh is a career criminal, and he has been in the business for almost twenty years. His wealth comes from illegal trade, including spice, stolen property, and slaves. But his passion project is the training of highly skilled assassins, which he then rents out to other crime lords and politicians hoping to eliminate their rivals. His assassins fetch a high price; only the very wealthy can afford them. While more modest in his wealth than some others, he is definitely in the upper-middle tier of Black Sun crime lords.

Notable Possessions: His most notable personal possession is his ship, the
Firewalker. He has quite a few baubles aboard that are worth something, including ancient artifacts from long-gone alien cultures, which he keeps on display in his private quarters.

Skills: While not a Force user, he is a skilled fighter specializing in blasters. He keeps a pistol on his person at all times, and is protected by hired bodyguards. One of these guards is a Wookiee with a life debt to him.

Personality: Though he has managed to climb near the top of the heap, Tosh is only slightly more refined in his mindset than a common thug. He doesn't indulge in drugs simply because he like to be in control at all times, but he has been dealing spice for years, taking advantage of those who do have a taste for narcotics
. He also takes no moral issue with slavery; he even sold the son of one of his old mistresses to a mining company. After all, some use must be found for the weak.

While he has an agreeable disposition and has managed to avoid getting into unnecessary conflicts with other crime lords, Tosh is a lone wolf, through and through. He has few friends, if any, and no significant allies. Money has bought him a comfortable life and the protection necessary to keep it, but he knows that should he ever run out of credits, the people around him would quickly turn against him. His pets, mindless beasts tamed from exotic worlds, and the droids which run his ship are more reliable than any individual ever could be.

Thus, he has become reclusive, rarely leaving his vessel. He conducts all business remotely, never in person. His trained assassins are still in high demand, but there is little other reason or opportunity to interact with him directly.


Weapon of Choice: A blaster pistol. But since he rarely leaves the
Firewalker (a heavily armed luxury yacht) the ship itself is better considered his primary weapon. It is outfitted with turbolasers, ion cannons, a tractor beam, the whole gamut. The ship is an impenetrable fortress managed by droids, whose programmed loyalties lie with their master.

Combat Function: He relies heavily on his bodyguards, but if necessary he will engage in battle with his blaster. A Jedi or Sith could easily take him down in a fight, of course, but non-Force users might have a bit more trouble.

He has no major allies, but then he doesn’t need them. He can stand on his own two feet, or at least on his credits.
-Defense: Regardless of how things go in the RP, he will always be the one on the defensive. He can simply wear his opponents down, digging in to withstand their attack.
-Hidden: The exact location of his ship is kept a secret from the public. Only his assassins know his whereabouts, and even then the coordinates change regularly.
Most of the people within his faction will have little to no interest in killing him, as he has done nothing to warrant their hatred or annoyance.

-No Major Allies:
Should anyone break down his defenses, he’s a sitting duck. There will be no backup, no friends coming in to save him.
-Slaver: Those with a hatred for slavery will find ample reason to put an end to his enterprise.
-Alyosha: The assassin is a major liability for Tosh as long as he remains at large.


Tosh Rylance began his career as a young man on Nar Shaddaa. He worked as a smuggler for the Hutts in the early days, before setting out on his own. He still tends to stay in and around the area of Nar Shaddaa, if only to avoid trouble with the authorities in less lawless regions.

His current problems began when he met his former mistress, Sinead, eight years ago. She was already addicted to spice and liked to live in luxury, so she fit neatly into his roster. Unfortunately, she came with three young children. Tosh is not fond of children, so he sought to get them out of the way. He found a use for the two older kids, Alyosha and Jolene, by training them to become assassins, but the youngest, Val, failed to pass the tests he used to screen potential candidates, so he sold the boy into slavery.

He considers Jolene the best of his assassins, and he reserves her for the highest bidders. Alyosha, on the other hand, clearly resented Tosh over what happened to his little brother. He grew to hate him even more when Tosh found a convenient way to discard Sinead by arranging for her arrest and imprisonment. Still, Tosh was at least mildly surprised when Alyosha tried to kill him in his own quarters… and nearly succeeded. The crime lord survived the wounds inflicted on him by the assassin, who fled the ship in one of his shuttles, the

In an effort to retrieve his stolen property, Tosh has set a bounty on Alyosha’s head. He is wanted alive—any assassin killed is an investment wasted. Should he get his hands on the wayward assassin, he intends to remake him into no more than a mindless killer, whether by a memory wipe, torture, or mind control implants.
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Alyosha Drutin Loking good! Always love me a boss fight :D

Just a few small things:
  • In Out of Character Information, the Permissions need to be written, as per the 4.0 template. You can always write that he Permissions are n/a, but they still need to appear as templates must be pasted in full without anything omitted.
  • Please hyperlink to the Black Sun faction page or the Black Sun canon Wookiepedia page.
Once these two edits are done, please tag me so that I can approve this submission :)
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