Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Torian Pierce


Societal Information
Name: Torian Pierce.
Preferred Name: Torian.
Alias(es): ‘Carnage’ (War-name.) FN-1118 (Serial Designation.)
Title(s): Sir.
Martial Status: Single.
Allegiance: The One Sith (Former.) The First Order (Current.)
Rank: Sergeant.
Languages: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Binary, Bocce, Cheunh.
Occupation: Career Soldier - Stormtrooper.
Known Residence: Depends on Deployment.

Physical Description
Species: Human.
Race: Bakuran.
Birthworld: Bakura.
Gender: Male.
Age: Thirty-Two GSY.
Height: Six Feet, Two Inches.
Weight: One Hundred and Eighty Pounds.
Complexion: Sun-kissed Caucasian.
Eye Colour: Pale Seafoam Green.
Hair Colour: Burnished Copper.
Distinguishing Marks:
  • Patchwork Scarring (Located across the entirety of his body.)
  • Synthskin Graft(s).
  • Serial Number and Unit Tattoo(s).
Appearance Details: To describe the man who bore the name of Torian, was to describe a marble statue, desecrated by a thousand blades and drowned by rolling wet curtains of rain. He was a scion of Human Perfection, forged upon the anvil of experience and tempered by the fires of War.

His tanned flesh, baked into a burnished umber by the light of a hundred alien suns, clung taut to his thickly corded and muscular frame. The man was adorned with a patchwork pattern of scars, sutured flesh, and pained spasms, painting his body in a portrait of varying stigmata - each detailing a mere portion of his mysterious past. Curiously, his face went untouched by the horrors he had endured, leaving him with a seemingly sculpted and handsome face. He bore a paired set of lusterless sapphire eyes, which glared out into the darkest depths of an uncaring galaxy with the twinned emotions of hatred and rage. Such was his fury, those that had seen him bereft of his Helm, believed that his anger had scorched his once youthful russet brown into locks of molten copper.

From the ebony-hewn body glove that hugged his every curve, to the Alabaster vestments of his trade, everything he wore was of standard military issue. Even when he was off-duty, his attire was spartan in appearance- nothing more than the dark grey of his combat fatigues or the obsidian threads of his dress blacks. He bore no personal fetishes or totems, and only took trophies from those that had proven themselves worthy of remembrance. His flesh was bereft of markings made laser etched ink, as Torian believed that such distinguishing marks were the trappings of hubris - and invited the sins of pride and arrogance to court.

Portrayed By: Toby Stephens.
Voice Sample: Abaddon the Despoiler.
Theme Song: Xtortion Audio - Untouchable.

Personality: With the warrior’s heart beating within his breast and tempered by the subtle hypnotic indoctrination programs over the years, Torian believes himself to be an honorable warrior who prescribes to an ancient martial tradition. Failure in the line of duty was not tolerable. Surrender was never to be accepted, or given if outmatched. And finally, Mercy was a swift death to those that had fought with bravery. Despite the gruff exterior and his seemingly stoic demeanor, Torian showcases an almost paternal affection for those under his command - often chastising them for the smallest thing and flying into wild fits of rage should any of his Soldier’s fall prey to the devious machinations of the enemy. He wasn’t one for the warmth often attributed to a fatherly figure, preferring the more... standoffish approach that denied his subordinates the easy familiarity with their commander - as others had seemingly displayed.

The man knew that War was hell and that not everyone would survive to see the rising of tomorrow’s sun, so Torian made a point about keeping a comfortable distance with his soldiers. Knowing only of their strengths, their weaknesses, and their deeds - rather than their beloved history and the world they hailed from.

As his rage is the Soldier’s greatest flaw, in many ways it has become his most celebrated strength - when overcome by the martial mind and lashed within his breast by the indoctrinated tenets of discipline. He has mentioned on several occasions that his sight becomes bathed in crimson, where he’s nothing more than an observer within his flesh. When he is in this state, what he has learned to call his Crimson Path, Torian becomes a creature of instinct - concerned with nothing more than his survival and will do whatever it takes to ensure that he breathes another day. However, despite the unquenchable rage pouring through his veins, the Stormtrooper is a taciturn warrior with a straightforward approach to battle. Mixed with his martial beliefs, He believes that the seemingly excessive means employed in combat by the First Order was necessary for their Ultimate Success.

The Bakuran knew that he would not live to see the dreams of Imperial Truth to fruition, but accepted his part in ensuring its realization.

  • Combat Veteran: The Stormtrooper was raised from birth to serve the light of Imperial Truth, and had stepped foot on a myriad world's soon to be conquered with the intent to kill his enemies. Over time, and across the span of his lifetime, Torian had become proficient enough to kill whatever enemy he may face - by applying both experience and his innate killer instinct to the problem in question. He’s able to almost instantly familiarize himself with any weapon that the Stormtrooper is equipped with, be it pilfered from the battlefield or standard issue. Such was the gift that was bestowed upon him at birth that his uncanny ability to discern the details from the smallest thing applied to both the weapons that were used on the battlefield and the foes the Stormtrooper fought. He would study their tactics and appropriately adapt to them, responding with a merciless iron fist, crushing any and all resistance to dust beneath his alabaster tread.
  • Gene-Enhanced: During his tenure with the One Sith, and at the hands of Heretic Shapers, vile Sith Alchemists, and rogue Imperial geneticists, Torian was subjected to a plethora of horrors in the pursuit of creating the perfect soldier. Strength and Power meant nothing in a galaxy riddled with Jedi Knights and Sith Lords. They knew this. Thus, while they had warped his body into their ideal candidate, those mad scientists had saw fit to focus on his Endurance - making him almost Trans-human in his capabilities to endure more stress and pain than those of common stock. He can go for days without sleep, and last several hours within an active combat zone and never feel the slightest bit of fatigue. That being said, as his very genes were re-written, many of his basic instincts were overridden in favour of strengthening others. For Torian, his primal instincts to reproduce were almost diminished to the point of non-existence, as was his ability to be overcome by the tingling sensation of fear. He acknowledged it but knew that it was the mind-killer and thus compartmentalized it for another time.
  • Puritan Xenophobe: Of all the races that populate the Galaxy, only those who had once called ancient Coruscant home had fully taken to the Stars. They were the rightful masters of this universe but believed themselves to be inferior to other species - mostly due to their individual attributes. However, as the First Emperor of the Galaxy had shown the way, so too would many that clambered after his legacy light similar torches. Thus, in the same vein as those that came before, the Bakuran-born Stormtrooper had grown to think of himself as vastly superior to his alien-kin. They were nothing but the dregs beneath his boots, and only served to drain the power cells of their enemies blasters. It was in the grip of such pretensions that Torian had fostered an unfathomable hatred for anything that diverged from the secular limits of Human perfection. They were a blight upon the Galaxy and needed to be purged by the fires of Humanity’s ambitious dreams.

  • Vengeance Beyond Belief: Utterly loyal to the Concept of the Imperial Truth, and believing that Sentient Life - no matter if they were inbred, Inhuman mongrels or specimens of Human perfection - always required Leadership. Religion was the downfall of logical existence and proved to be nothing more than a cantrip to bring about the End of Empires. Thus, whenever a friend breaks away from this secular belief and falls into heresy, Torian becomes enraged beyond the point of despair, confusion, and hatred. He cannot fathom someone so close to him falling out of the Light of Truth and praying before heathen icons for the blessings of those that never answered. It is in his fanaticism that lies his greatest weakness. The man will go out of his way, often threatened with the dereliction of duty, to visit his vengeance upon those that betrayed Him and his ideals - Often mirroring the events of the heinous deed itself.
  • Unyielding Fury: He was stolen from his family, strapped to a table and subjected to genetic horrors that would make even the hardiest of men squeal in agony, pressed into service as soon as he completed his indoctrination. From there, he was thrust into the most unforgiving battlefronts and forced to fight alongside inhuman creatures that hailed from another galaxy. He watched as his empire, the very thing he had spent years fighting for and believing in, crumble under the weight of betrayal and petty games in the pursuit of power. Everything he had come to love was torn from him by those that believed themselves to be righteous, therefore leaving him empty - devoid of emotion - save that of Rage. In the midst of his Fury, Torian finds himself in the midst of serenity. It’s there that he’s able to feel normal, and in many cases - does whatever he can to chase after that calm in the heart of the storm.
  • Child Soldier: War was all that Torian had ever known or could remember with any clarity. Having been stolen from his parents before his seventh Winter, the boy learned how to field strip and clean his weapon - which had taken priority over the commonplace education children of his age received. Over time, as he was thrust - time and time again onto the field of battle, his understanding of the Galaxy became twisted and skewed. As the fury of combat is all he can truly understand, at least from secondhand accounts, the Trooper has issues comfortably dealing with social and seemingly peaceful interactions. Believing that such displayed kindness is a trap, the man would keep his head on a swivel - and be quick to aggression if required. In his quieter moments of seclusion, Torian finds himself busying his hands with cleaning his weapons of war - or learning about those whom he's been assigned to fight. For the Stormtrooper, there was nothing else, nor would there ever be.
Personal Equipment, Trophies, and Accessories;

Equipment Listing:

First Legion "Fortan's Fist,"
Eighth Assault Company "Sons of Sieger,"
Second Squad "Squad Pierce."

Equipment Listing: (See above for relevant links.)

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