Rexus Drath
Well-Known Member
Hey there kiddos it's Dredge, well Dredge's writer. And you are probably wondering what's this guy saying too much violence when he RPs one of the most sick and wickedly handsome characters on the site that deserves a medal. Well you are right, it's no secret I like writing violence in certain amounts. But lately it's just been a bit too much for me even if it is fictional. I want to write something that's more than evil doing harm and death.
I don't think we realize how beautiful and big our galaxy is. The majority of my professional writings are very cartoon based and innocent, and after RPing violence non stop it becomes too much. So this character is devoted to peace and love and non violence. She'll probably end up dead I know. But is there any faction people can recommend that can align with her views? She's a Diathim with a lot of quirks, but she's all about healing emotional trauma through the talking cure. So if you want a session you can also drop a request

I don't think we realize how beautiful and big our galaxy is. The majority of my professional writings are very cartoon based and innocent, and after RPing violence non stop it becomes too much. So this character is devoted to peace and love and non violence. She'll probably end up dead I know. But is there any faction people can recommend that can align with her views? She's a Diathim with a lot of quirks, but she's all about healing emotional trauma through the talking cure. So if you want a session you can also drop a request