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Private Tomb Raiders

Noah Corek Noah Corek | En Route to Esseles | Objective : Find hidden temple, steal amulet from tomb

Dells pushed herself out of the narrow bunk and stretched. For all the money Corek had, the redhead would have thought his guest cabins would have had a bit more luxury to them. As in, a better mattress. If she complained Corek would most likely spout off some nonsense about keeping his militia battle ready or some other excuse that didn't make much sense in reality. After getting dressed, she stepped out into the quiet corridor. She picked off towards the galley, wanting to grab a cup of caf before they had to risk life and limb on Esseles.

Typically she would take partner in life-and-crime Xin Boa Xin Boa with her. First, it was better to risk Corek's life than Xins(hey, she's biased). Secondly, with Brak somewhat out of commission it was wise one of them stay behind with the Barabel. The infochant they were trying to glean information from wasn't exactly on the up and up. If she couldn't deliver this amulet Delila wasn't going to put past assassination on the infochant. Two were better than one in those types of situations.

Grumbling, she placed a caf pod into the maker, the hum filling the galley. Corek was sure to annoy her soon.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah awoke at almost the exact same time as Delila Castillon Delila Castillon . Maybe it was the fact they were both former military, maybe they were synced from years of fighting together or maybe it was because the lights were set to automatically turn on after a pre-determined amount of time. Whatever it was he rose from a bed almost identical to Dells', except his pillows were a mite more comfortable, hey it was the small things right?

Groaning as he lifted himself from the bed, the groan somewhat from age and somewhat from sheer annoyance at having to wake. He quickly went through a small exercise routine. A hundred sit-ups and pushups followed by fifty pull-ups, mostly to keep himself in shape. After his routine it was a quick shower in the sani-steam before pulling on a old set of Pyre fatigues and stepping into the hallway.

Almost as soon as he stepped into the hall his nose caught the scent of caf being brewed and he made his way to the galley. He sighed as he saw Dells and decided to be a smartass. "Damn, for a sec I thought I was still at home..."
"Pyre fatigues? Are you looking to scare any spirits we encounter into fits of nostalgia?"

Delila bit back a snort of laughter into her caf. Pyre was long ago - did she even have any uniforms left? Most likely some pants somewhere. Her uniform to date was more smuggler and potential criminal than upstanding soldier. It was funny to reflect on the change, five years ago she didn't think it was possible and yet, here she was.

"Still at home? You live on a ship and have redheads who make caf? Must be nice. I'm lucky for the off chance Xin wakes up before me and puts a cup on. Living the dream there Corek."

Noah Corek Noah Corek

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah just rolled his eyes as he filled his own cup full of caf before taking a sip, hissing a bit at the heat. "What can I say? Rolling with you again has me feeling nostalgic, besides whenever we get to this place I'll trade these out for my beskar'gam."

Noah's own mind was gripping with change, as he got older, though that was relative considering his half Morellian heritage, he found these types of excursions becoming less and less frequent and his instead consisted of holo meetings with potential clients for Hekler'Kok and the Legion, tinkering away in his workshop and other more mundane things. It was with this in mind he had jumped at the chance Dells had offered him.

He snorted as her mentioning of his home life.
"No, the smell of caf is what I was talking about. Me and my wives have an agreement. Whoever is up first makes caf, next up makes breakfast and third up? Well they get toddler wrangling duty. Needless to say Yasha is always up first, not that me or Alex complain because she's great at making caf but cooking or toddlers? Not her strong suit. She makes this amazing spiced caf...sorry Dells. Got off on a tangent there."

Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
|| Noah Corek Noah Corek ||

Delila rolled her eyes at the beskar armor that was about to be tossed out. Everyone had beskar armor but herself but there was a reason for that, she wasn't pretending to be part of some ancient religion. Or was it some type of cultural thing? Dells had never really bothered to find out, nor after all these years did she really care to. Wasn't a high priority.

"Wouldn't the first person up take care of the toddler. Also, you have a toddler? I thought you just had the older ones that tried to fleece me out of credits."

Corek's personal life was always a bit dizzying for her. Seemed like a lot of work involved to make everyone happy. It was hard enough just keeping herself happy, let alone trying to look after so many. Probably why he always jumped at the opportunity to come and bash some skulls in with her.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Delila Castillon Delila Castillon
Noah wasn't blind and caught the roll of the eyes that Dells gave when he mentioned his beskar'gam, many outsiders in the galaxy didn't understand Mandalorians, hell he was sure that not even Mandalorians could agree on what they were, but as long as the outsiders weren't hostile he could care less and besides he had known Dells for a good couple decades now and trusted her without question.

"You'd think that but no, if there isn't food available as soon as they wake toddlers get cranky. Also yes I actually have two toddlers, twins again. Cahira and Alexander." He chuckled when she mentioned how Morgan and Junior had all but extorted her when she first visited the estate. "Would you believe that those two are almost out of their teens now? Ah they grow so fast."

He leaned against the galleys table and looked at Dells seriously, his smile gone before he quirked a brow. "Enough about my mind telling me what you've dragged me half away across the galaxy, to the ass end of nowhere and away from aforementioned family?"
|| Noah Corek Noah Corek ||

It was her turn to quirk her brow at the mention of Corek's large brood. Perhaps it was old age but she valued peace and quiet around - Adric was enough of a disruption and he was a teenage boy. Even Skreech scurried away and left them alone at large, when he wasn't begging for food or 'helping' them repair the various bits of the ship.

Twins and teenagers? No wonder why she saw a few gray hairs.

"Oh, nice to spend time with you too." Sarcasm. " I figured you'd want to do a little tomb raiding and help grab some artifacts for resale. One of them is a job I've been promised to deliver in return of a favor. However, I figure the rest...well...if there are more than one, should be.... would be excellent for resale or trade. Don't you love antique weapons and the like? Seems something up your alley."

"Plus, Xin was busy and I figured you could use a break from playing Mr.Mom."

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Delila Castillon Delila Castillon

His large amount of children was usually something that surprised his old friends he hadn't seen in awhile, he didn't see anything wrong with it but his friends seemed to think he was crazy. It wasn't like he had planned to have so many kids it was just one of those things that just happened. He of course thought the number of children, both biological and non-biological was completely normal.

He rolled his eyes at the sarcasm leveled at him by Dells, par for the course when it came to her. "I'll admit that playing Mr. Mom doesn't really suit me but I surprisingly enjoy it."

When she mentioned the possibility of antique weapons he admitted his interest was piqued. "Tomb raiding, seems a bit low for you Dells. Must be one hell of a favor you're trying to earn. As for my cut...whatever I can find is more than enough."

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