Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ToC:Triam Akovin VS Vulpesen

Vulpesen grinned at his success, seeing his attack had worked. He was just about to leap aaway when something rather unfortunate happened. Something was smoking... way was he shaking. Something wasn't right. Something was missing. Three milliseconds passed. Oh, there it was. PAIN! Vulpesen let out a growling yelp as the hooks dug into his back, shocking him so o much, he thought a sith had come up behind him. He was tempted to collapse, he certainly howled in pain (a shaking sounds that made him sound like a wookie from the current). No, he had to stand. He had to m- Never mind, he was down. But, he could at least choose how he fell. Using what willpower he had left, Vulpesen threw his weight forward and grabbed at the nearest body he could, [member="Triam Akovin"]. Here's the problem with large amounts of armor. Armor is generally made of metal, and if Vulpesen was correct, Triam had placed her self inside of a nice metal box that was on a nice course of being hugged by a fairly electrified jedi.

His tactic did have several sacrifices. First of all, he was incapable of movement, locking up now that the current was in full control of him. Basically, he was stuck to Triam and if his plan didn't work, then things were gonna be quite nasty. A dozen witty comments raced through his head. So many things he could say that would make this situation so less serious. Another terrible thing about taser shocks. You lost the ability to say what you actually wanted.

Triam completely missed her blaster shot, but that was the least of her concerns right now. Currently, Vulpesen did something very smart while in the clutches of something very bad. He was being electrocute, which was the plan, and he was being really really drugged up. But she was also getting electrocuted. At this very moment she would have let out a sigh of relief, in the satisfaction she was intelligent enough to invest in her Underlay that protected her from electrical attack. The same couldn't be said about the majority of her other electronics, such as her boots. Which again, she was thankful for her foresight to be capable of releasing her feet. But before that she had something to do.

She relented her tazering because well, her tazer just tazered itself. That also meant the injection stopped, but at this point if it was latched into his back, the payload of hallucinogens would have already deployed. Until further notice to Triam, this fight was finished. Once the electrical coursing was finished, she finally released those sighs she would have when Vulpesen grabbed her.

"It's over Jedi, unless you want to play suicide, it's over. Those hooks held enough drugs to temporarily disable you from the force, or at the very least, make you go unconscious in the next couple of minutes. You fried all my electronics though. Good job." She said. She wanted to pop a flare, but holding a pistol in one hand and her opponent in the other, she really couldn't. She might have missed the first shot, but in this scenario, she really doubted she would miss a second time.

"So are you going to surrender, or do you have a death wish?" She asked, pointing the pistol in the general direction of her opponents previous grunting as he clung to her body.
Well, that last ditch effort worked... kinda. He was done being shocked but there were still drugs running rampant through his system. Things seemed a bit odd due to the drugs and just like Triam, he was surrounded in darkness cut off from the force. Still, Vulpesen was a strange person, and despite the pistol pointed at his head, he failed to be completely down. No, he did not kneel, he did not bow. Instead, he did something he enjoyed most. He laughed. His voice filled the caverns as he fought the unconsciousness. Halting only to breath, Vulpesen continued his hysterics for several more moments before finally speaking. "A nap does sound nice, but I'm afraid I must decline on that account. As for the surrender, we'll see about that." Keeping his wits about him was imperative, and thus the jedi kept talking, even as he took the hooks out of his back. Maybe he was an idiot. Maybe it was the drugs. He just wasn't one to surrender. No, he's fight until he saw no other option. Currently, his options were wait a few minutes to get his senses back, or surrender. He was capable of the latter. He just preferred not to. "So, I'm drugged and a bit singed. You're broken somewhere, fired, and you seem to have the face of a, equani. Ok, maybe your hooks did that last one, but I think we're both in some rather rough shape."

[member="Triam Akovin"]

"Rough? Perhaps. I still have two pistols left, armor, and flairs. That's more than you can say," Speaking of flares, since he removed the wires from his back, she popped on out and tossed it to the ground. She activated the mechanical release mechanism in her knees, to detach herself from her Neuranium boots. Her armored feet slipped out of the clumsy boots, and she stood with the pistol aimed squarely at the Jedi. She didn't have any electronic optics, or her boots, and her phantom fingers were fried, but she still had superiority over the saberless and delusional Jedi. She wouldn't kill him though, that wasn't her style. This was just the time when she waited for him to do something stupid that would get him killed, or until he finally dropped from loopy exhaustion.

"Though I think my ankles and ribs certainly didn't appreciate you reminding them of their previous injuries." She shrugged.
Vulpesen chuckled and shakinly stood up, using his saber as a cane. He had a feeling it would work again, but now was not the time. "I've got every weapon I started with, even with the the force may help me again." Already, he was calculating and searching for a way to win this. I could kick dust at her, i could try a quick strike with my saber. I can go int with my daggers, would she notice if I did this? What if I did that? What if I- A lock of hair fell in front of his eyes.That single white streak stayed in his vision.

A flash.

A young street rat mouths off to a gamorean, then apologizes with a mischievous smile.

Another Flash.

That same kid takes a bottle from the bartender and smashes it on the head of his gamorean "friend'" "Here's your ale."


A fight breaks out, the kid finds himself against several aliens, all sporting blades, and clubs.

A flash and he feels the end coming.

The kid finds himself on the street outside the bar, struggling to run away after being his by a strangely colored bottle. His head is bloody and he finds himself dizzied. He knows a concussion when he feels one, and he knows the ruffians intend to kill him.

The last flash.

Vulpesen moves his hand away, finally seeing his hair regrow after that night. It's white, discolored by the hit and the drink. He could get it reversed, but he refuses. A reminder. Even I can be beaten.

Vulpesen finds himself back in the cave, looking up at Triam and his smile fades. He looks past the hair and to his opponent. No, I've run out of options. "But now, I'm afraid you've won. I concede." He so wanted to move on. To find the sith who had tortured him, to show them how much he truly wanted to win. But, he was done, he would go home and he would report. This tournament had given him what he needed to know and he had survived without killing anyone. For that, he was proud, and should Triam let him, he would leave alive.

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