Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Take a Man's Freedom

Dirk Ellerden

Dirk shrugged, raising his palms up, with an apologetic smile. "Most people I talk to are only in interrogations. It's rather one sided." He paused, crossing his arms and tapping his chin thoughtfully, before giving a cold smile. "The fun way. We all get drunk and walk away friends to go our own way." That would be the most fun way. He'd been on duty long enough it would be good to wind down and drink himself into a small coma until the next case came around.
"No actually. The doctor holds no real military rank. And in a case as such you have every right to avoid violence, and put aside the order, for now." He hoped Rolland understood what he was saying. "No listen @Dirk Ellerden. This is where I stand. I am apart of a contract. A contact of lesser two evils. I have no motto. No bs military crap. I was given this choice. Now I'm suprised at this," he glared at the doctor. ",cause I wasn't threatened if I didn't join. So to show my free minded self, I'm stopping this violence. Though I know I couldn't stop @[member="Rolland CZ M1 002"] if I even tried, and I wouldn't. He's my brother." He folded his arms over his chest. "Forget what she said. I'm asking. Help us. We need better training. Get to train us first before you take the Czar inhancments. Maybe you like uss, maybe you don't." He stopped
Rolland would of scoffed at Jerrick's words if he didn't respect him so much, "Jerrick, the man will not comply or go through the augmentation process. I can already tell that." stepping back rolland sighed and put his lightsaber back on his waist. He couldn't kidnap the innocent man, Rolland didn't know it but he would be doing the same to dirk as someone did to him. Forcing them into the program against their will and turning them into something their not.

"You just won the lottery." Rolland turned the the doctor and Jerrick and stepped towards them "Mom, we will have to find another. I will not take this man." Perhaps Rolland did learn something through Dirk, and through his brother as well. "Come mother, let's get you home and some fresh air." The hulking super human grabbed the elderly lady in a bridal carry, she was too weakened from the fumes to fight back or argue. "Mr.Dirk, if you ever change your mind the door is open" Rolland made his way to the exit and looked back @[member="JerrickShado"] "You coming?"
"Let me talk with him for a bit, a drink goes farther then threats." He looked at Dirk. "Do they not?: he asked the dtranger. "Take her home, she needs to just let us do the recruiting." He winked at the two. Then turned back at Dirk waiting for a response.

Dirk Ellerden

Dirk gave them a half salute and a respectful nod. They still had their a chance to grow into something better. More honorable. This was the first step no doubt. He leaned forward towards @[member="JerrickShado"]. "Sure, why not? Drinks are good." No doubt he'd be trying to convince him otherwise, but still. He'd gone through more than his fair share of such things."As for your training, you just took your first step on it. I'll see what I can do to help."

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